A Florida mom gave birth to all three daughters on the exact same day, even though they are not the same age.
Kristen Lammert from Oveida was the first to welcome Sophia, on August 25, 2016. Giuliana was then born to Kristen Lammert of Oveida on August 25 2016.
Kristen, 32, and Nick, her husband, were shocked when their youngest daughter Mia arrived August 25, 2021. The couple insists that there was no plan to have all three children arrive on the same day.
A Florida family now has three daughters born the same date as their sons.
Kristen was pregnant when she had her second daughter, Giuliana. The 32-year old mother knew that Sophia would turn three on August 25th, as she did with her first daughter Sophia.
After Sophia’s 2018 birthday party, Kristin visited her doctor. She discovered that Sophia’s blood pressure was high. The medical staff instigated her second pregnancy.
Her two daughters, Mia and Anna, celebrated their 20th birthdays while her mother gave birth to Mia.
‘We were just in disbelief,’ Kristin told TODAY Parents.
Kristen Lammert (pictured second from the right) and Nick Lammert (3 pictured left) have three young daughters. They are Sophia, 6, Giuliana and Mia, both 3 and 3 years old. They share the same birthday. None of them is twins.
Kristin said Sophia, Sophia’s eldest child (pictured right), doesn’t mind sharing a birthday meal with her two sisters.
“The closer we got August 25 and more that we laughed about it at the house, the more I wanted it for it to happen.”
She said Sophia, her oldest child, confided to others this year she would be getting another sister for her sixth anniversary.
“She wanted that to happen, and I thought, “Well it could.”
Sophia (right) is joined by Giuliana (left). When Sophia is old enough, Mia will be consulted. Kristin (left), ensures that each girl receives the same number and amount of gifts. She said, “I make them separate cakes so they have candles to blow out.” I try to separate it, but make it a joint celebration at the same. This way, they feel like special birthday girls.
Sophia (right), and Giuliana, (left) are exactly three-years apart in age
Kristin was 32 years old when she was pregnant with Giuliana (pictured), and suspected that Sophia, her first daughter, would be having her third birthday in the hospital delivery room on August 25, 2018. After Sophia’s 2018 birthday party, Kristin visited her doctor to learn that her blood pressure was high. The medical staff instigated her second pregnancy.
Each girl is exactly 3 years apart. Sophia is 6 years old, Giuliana is 3, and Mia is 2 months. Statistically, the odds of having three children with the same birthdate are incalculably slim, according to Dr. Christine Greves, an OB-GYN at Orland Health Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies, who is not Kristin’s doctor.
It is extremely rare. … We’ve spoken to some statisticians and they say it’s really hard to calculate,’ Greves told TODAY.
The Guinness Book of World Records holder for the most children born to one family on the same day is the Cummins family of Virginia, who had five. Carol, Charles, Claudia, Cecilia, and Charles were all born on February 20th, but in different years.
The family was entered into the 1977 Guinness World Records as “the only documented record of a family having five children with the same birth date”. In 1977, the odds of this happening were 17.7 billion to 1.
Greves also stated to the magazine that only 5 percent of babies are actually born on their due dates. Kristin was born two weeks after Sophia’s due date. Giuliana’s mother, Kristin, was also intubated.
Each girl is exactly 3 years apart. Sophia (left), is 6 years old, Giuliana (right), is 3 years old, and baby Mia (right) will be 2 months tomorrow. Statistics show that the chances of having three children with the exact same birth date are extremely slim.
‘I had joked that she could come four days early and the family was like, “Well, yeah but that’s probably not going to happen on its own.”‘
Kristin, Kristin’s eldest daughter, stated that Kristin is happy to share a birthday celebration with her two sisters. “Sophia is very emotional about many things in a positive way – she appreciated its uniqueness and excitement.
She thinks it’s very special. She loves that she is sharing her birthday with her sisters, as she has now had three parties that were joint birthdays.
Sophia and Giuliana agree on the theme of the party. When Sophia is old enough, Mia can also be consulted. Kristin ensures that each girl receives the same number and amount of gifts.
She explained that she made them separate cakes so they could each blow out candles. “I try to separate it, but make it a joint celebration at the same time. This way, they feel like special birthday girls.
Kristin realized that her third child’s birthday would be the same day as her siblings, in early August.
Kristin contracted COVID-19 about 10 weeks into her last pregnancy. This is a condition in which pregnant mothers who contract the coronavirus are more susceptible to complications and have a greater chance of having to give birth prematurely.
Kristin woke up with swollen ankles, headaches, and other signs that her pregnancy was imminent, the weekend prior to the faithful day.
“My doctor recommended that I go to the hospital at least two weeks before my due date. That’s when I looked at the calendar and I remember turning to my husband and saying, “Oh my gosh, Nick, two weeks before the due date is Aug. 25,”‘ she said.
‘He’s like, “No way.’” That was the moment I was like, “She’s totally going to be born on the 25th.”‘
Kristin was right. After Kristin complained about her symptoms after her daughters’ party, her doctor discovered that Kristin had preeclampsia. Doctors wanted to induce her birth.
“My doctor suggested that I start the pregnancy up to two weeks earlier than usual. That’s when I looked at the calendar and I remember turning to my husband and saying, “Oh my gosh, Nick, two weeks before the due date is Aug. 25,”‘ Kristin said
Mia, pictured, was conceived on August 25, after her sisters’ party.
Kristin has noticed some skeptical commenters wondering if Kristin planned her inductions, or orchestrated her birthdays.
She explained that it took some planning – Nick, 33, and she wanted their children to be three years apart. Because August fell between major holidays, the couple tried for an august baby.
But they hoped Mia would have been born after September 1, so she wouldn’t be the youngest of her classmates when she went to school.
CNN reported that labor was inducible for all her pregnancies. But she insists to CNN that it wasn’t for the sake synchronizing her daughters’ birthdays.
“The date doesn’t just automatically align. She said that my doctors weren’t going to induce me just because the date sounded cool.
Kristin stated that sometimes, she can’t believe what the odds are.
‘It’s very unique. Honestly, I don’t understand it myself,’ she said. “Sometimes I stare at their birth certificates. I’m like, “They actually all have the same birthday.”‘