Following a nine-year struggle for justice, four officers from the police were sentenced to prison for torturing an American aristocrat in Kenya.
Alexander Monson (28 years old)’s parents listened angrily as the judge explained to them how their son was subjected unprovoked and barbaric treatment.
There was not enough evidence to convict officers of murder. Therefore, the maximum prison term for manslaughter is ten.
Hilary, Hilary’s tearful mother, acknowledged that her son was “disappointed” by these sentences.
Mrs Monson (67) said it was a poor exchange for Alexander’s pain and for all the years that she had been waiting for a verdict.
However, Lord Nicholas Monson, standing beside her at the court steps declared that he was ‘happy with the outcome’.

After a nine year struggle for justice, four police officers were jailed last night for torturing a young British monarch to death in Kenyan cells.
Alexander’s father Alexander (66 years old) flew over 4,500 miles from London to attend the hearing.
He said, “I’d rather die than be in prison for several years,” he continued. They won’t get along with their cellmates. That’s what’s clear.
Eric Ogola, a judge at Kenya’s high court said Alexander was a young British baron with the world in his pockets when he was detained for smoking marijuana in a Mombasa restaurant.
He was found unconscious by a friend of his family at the police station.
Later, he died from a “blunt force trauma” that resulted in brain bleeding.
The police insisted that he be taken to hospital to treat him for drug overdose. But the judge made clear that it was a lie to conceal the incident.

Alexander Monson (28 years old)’s parents listened angrily as the judge detailed how their son was subject to an unprovoked and brutal onslaught.

Hilary Monson, his tearful mother, admitted she was disappointed by the sentences. The 67-year-old Mrs Monson said it was a poor exchange for her pain at losing Alexander, and for all the years that she had spent waiting to hear a verdict.

Standing alongside her, Lord Nicholas Monson said he was happy with the result.
Judge ruled that the toxicology report purporting to show Alexander had taken diazepam, cocaine, and other drugs was falsified.
Justice Ogola added that it was “beyond any shadow of doubt” that the fatal injury to Justice Ogola’s head had been caused by an officer from Diani, near Mombasa.
According to him, Alexander was tortured by police officers, Chief Inspector Charles Munyuri and Corporal Naftali Cherge as well as Constables Ismael Barraka and John Pamba.
However, he claimed that court could not determine the exact murderer because of the “blue Code of Silence” which protects Kenyan officers from abuse of their position.
They were sentenced to manslaughter sentences ranging from 15 to nine years. Partly suspended. However, the director of national public prosecutions declared that he would appeal against these sentences and pursue the strongest murder charges.
Alexander was divorced from his parents and made heartbreaking victim statements before the Mombasa court.
“I’m sorry. It’s quite emotional, Mrs Monson,” she began before explaining how what started as a justice campaign to her son has turned into an effort to help all Kenyan mothers whose children have been killed unjustly by the police.
The judge was asked by her to give a sentence which sent a clear message to all that it could not continue in the same old way. This was the sentence. [the police]For the good of our sons, we must reform. “An example should be set.”
Monson claimed that Mrs Monson did not want to doubt the wisdom of the judge when she brought a manslaughter sentence.
She stared directly at four of the officers across the court and said: “I am sorry, but today I am disappointed.”
Lord Monson stripped of his Covid mask and glowed at the officers as he filmed them on his phone.
Three-year-old trial was over. Without the Monsons’ tireless campaign for justice, it might not have been possible. The final verdict was delivered in a cramped, unlit courtroom that was only cooled by fans. (The new air conditioning system was defective).
Lord Monson, Mrs Monson, were forced to sit on uncomfortable benches with their friends, along with the British consul, vice-consul, while they waited for the judge’s decision.

Alexander was tortured and killed by officers including Chief Inspector Charles Munyuri (pictured with Corporal Naftalichege and Constables Ismael Barkaka and John Pamba).

John Pamba, and Ismael Barbaka can be seen sitting at the Kenyan court dock on Monday
The case has a huge symbolic meaning in a country where police brutality and violence is “systemic”, to quote one defense barrister. TV cameras as well as dozens of journalists were present in court to witness the ruling of the judge in red.
It took nearly three hours to outline the evidence for 32 witnesses who were mainly identified by numbers.
The court heard psychology graduate Alexander had been staying at the home of his mother – who moved to her family’s estate on the Indian Ocean after she and Lord Monson divorced.
His final night began as an innocent evening, when he was able to meet up with local friends and enjoy drinks, dancing, and pool.
They later moved on to a second bar, where – in the early hours of the morning – a bouncer allegedly claimed to have seen Alexander outside smoking ‘bhang’ (the Kenyan name for cannabis). Chege, a nearby patrolman, attended the scene along with a fellow.

Alexander was divorced from his parents and made heartbreaking victim statements before the Mombasa court. Above: Mrs Monson

During Monday’s ruling, a lawyer for one of the defendants spoke.
Alexander was handcuffed with a friend, and they claimed that an envelope contained roll-up paper, cannabis, and pills had been taken.
According to the corporal, Alexander was not resisting arrest and that his detention was unprovoked.
Alexander arrived at the station around 2am, according to other witnesses. These included friends and prison inmates who talked with him via a hatch at their police station. Many also agreed that Alexander did not appear to be intoxicated.
However, the judge said, between 2.30am and 5am – during which time he was removed from his cell to discuss bail, or for ‘other reasons’ – his health badly deteriorated.
Chege had phoned Munyuri, his superior and said he had detained a foreigner. Munyuri went to the station.
One witness claimed to have witnessed Alexander and the corporal together in what was called the “tourist room”, which is meant for interrogating prisoners from other countries.

Because of a ‘wall of silence’, it was not clear who was responsible for the attack on Alexander
He appeared unconscious when he was brought back to his cells by two constables.
Cell-mates alerted Alexander to his situation, and three attempts were made before Alexander was finally released from the cell.
Tony Kennaway, his family friend, arrived at 9:15 to save him.
He arrived at Palm Beach hospital in handcuffs wearing just purple shorts after two more hours.
Pamba had taken his bank card, and his phone and put them in a strongbox.
Mrs Monson was staying in Nairobi for the night before. She arrived in Mombasa in time to hold her son’s hand – still in cuffs – but efforts to revive him failed. At 5:15 am, the doctor declared him dead.
The judge outlined – then dismissed – several possible reasons for his death put forward by defence lawyers.

Three-year-old trial was over. Without the relentless efforts of Monsons for justice, it might have never been completed. The end came in a dark, stifling courtroom.
They suggested that Alexander may have sustained head injuries at the bar just before his arrest.
It is possible that he could have suffered a fall from a drug-induced accident. Chege’s lawyer speculated that Chege may have been injured in a drug-induced fall on his way to the hospital.
Jason Payne James, an eminent British physician and forensic forensic expert, submitted a report to the trial. He reviewed the evidence from the police, medical log book, witness statements, and other evidence. Alexander was only injured by violent assault.
Judge ruled that the only rational explanation was that torture took place between 3am-5am outside of the cell, and the victim tried to defend him.
Justice Ogola said that the “accused persons” were known persons to this court but due to the wall of silence”, he was not able to identify who the responsible party.
After the verdict, lawyers for the officers pleaded for clemency, pointing out that they had to support wives and families – who were looking on from the public gallery. However, the judge stated that sentences must be given to prove Kenya is serious about its intention to end police brutality.
Chege was granted 15 years suspended (five years for Munyuri), six years suspended (six years for Munyuri), nine years suspended (five by Baraka) and twelve years suspended (six by Pamba).
They are expected to serve their time in one of the world’s most notorious prisons, Kamiti in Nairobi, where 4,000 inmates – double the intended capacity – languish in insanitary 10ft by 10ft cells, and are put to work for a fraction of a penny a day.
Recently released prisoners described the prison as an unimaginable place where inmates are “auctioned off” as slaves.
Prior to rising, Lord and Hilary Monson were praised by the judge and thanked for their tireless campaign.
He said, “You’ve come a long ways and I’m glad you’ve found justice for Alexander.”
Yesterday night the parents of an affable young Englishman with ‘the whole world in his pockets’ had different ideas.