Boris Johnson’s sister Rachel has revealed today that the Prime Minister flirted in secret with Ghislaine Maxwell who placed her ‘high-heeled boot’ on his thigh and fixed her ‘naughty eyes’ on him while she was holding court at Oxford University.

Robert Maxwell’s daughter is currently being held in New York. She studied at Balliol College during the 1980s, when Boris and Ms Johnson were both students. 

Ms Johnson, 56, revealed the link between her older brother, 57, and Ms Maxwell in a piece where she claimed it was ‘hard not to pity’ the alleged sex trafficker incarcerated in New York after being accused of helping Jeffrey Epstein procure young girls to abuse. 

Describing a scene in the college’s junior common room (JCR), Ms Johnson said: ‘As a fresher, I wandered into Balliol JCR one day in search of its subsidised breakfast granola-and-Nescafé offering and found a shiny glamazon with naughty eyes holding court astride a table, a high-heeled boot resting on my brother Boris’s thigh.’

At 57 years old, the Prime Minister was one year older than Miss Maxwell, 59. She is currently being held in New York while she awaits trial for sex-trafficking charges.

His journalist sister, writing in The Spectator magazine, said: ‘It’s hard not to feel a batsqueak of pity for Ghislaine Maxwell – 500 days and counting in solitary confinement. I intersected briefly with her at Oxford.’

She said the socialite ‘gave me a pitying glance but I did manage to snag an invite to her party’ held at Robert Maxwell’s mansion in Oxford, Headington Hill Hall.

She added: ‘I have a memory of her father, Bob, coming out in a towelling robe and telling us all to go home. I’m sure fairweather friends would not reveal they went to a Ghislaine Maxwell party: as Barbara Amiel’s brilliant memoir Friends and Enemies proves, you only know who your real chums are when you’re in the gutter.’

It came as Maxwell edged closer to trial in the United States and spoke to The Mail on Sunday for the first time about her ‘living hell’ behind bars – claiming that she has been assaulted and abused by prison guards, purposely deprived of sleep and given rotting food to eat.

Ghislaine Maxwell once placed her ‘high-heeled boot’ on Boris Johnson’s thigh while holding court at Oxford University (both pictured in the city in the 1980s), his sister recounted yesterday

Ghislaine Maxwell once placed her ‘high-heeled boot’ on Boris Johnson’s thigh while holding court at Oxford University (both pictured in the city in the 1980s), his sister recounted yesterday

Ghislaine Maxwell once placed her ‘high-heeled boot’ on Boris Johnson’s thigh while holding court at Oxford University (both pictured in the city in the 1980s), his sister recounted yesterday

Maxwell is about to go on trial in the US where she denies eight counts that could see her jailed for 80 years if she is found guilty.

Maxwell, who is currently on trial in the US for eight of her charges could be sentenced to prison terms of 80 years if found guilty.

Writing in The Spectator magazine, Rachel Johnson said: ‘It’s hard not to feel a batsqueak of pity for Ghislaine Maxwell - 500 days and counting in solitary confinement. I intersected briefly with her at Oxford.’

Maxwell's legal team has repeatedly made claims about her alleged mistreatment behind bars. She is shown in prison earlier this year with 'a black eye'

Writing in The Spectator magazine, Rachel Johnson said: ‘It’s hard not to feel a batsqueak of pity for Ghislaine Maxwell – 500 days and counting in solitary confinement. I intersected briefly with her at Oxford.’ Maxwell’s legal team has repeatedly made claims about her alleged mistreatment behind bars. Her earlier inmate was seen with “a black eye” while she was being held prisoner. 

Maxwell, who had her $28million (£21M) bail application denied for the fourth time last week, also claimed negative media coverage while she has been in custody and the deliberate withholding of evidence have made it ‘impossible’ for her to receive a fair trial.

Maxwell spoke from her prison cell, 10’x12”, in New York’s Metropolitan Detention Center. Maxwell has been there for 16 months. She said that she had been abused and assaulted almost every day of the last year.

‘I have never eaten a nutritious dinner in my entire life. I haven’t slept without lights on – fluorescent lights that have damaged my eyes – or been allowed to sleep without constant interruptions.

‘I am weak, I am frail. I don’t have the stamina. I am tired. Even my shoes don’t fit me properly. They give me bad food. One of the apples contained maggots. “I have been forbidden to exercise.”  

This week prospective jurors were quizzed about their knowledge of the British socialite, billionaire paedophile Jeffrey Epstein and even Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago during jury selection for her upcoming sex trafficking trial. 

Maxwell (59) appeared before Judge Alison Nathan in New York. She questioned many potential jurors who would decide Maxwell’s fate this month.   

Maxwell was the British socialite who is accused of sexually abusing girls and women by Jeffrey Epstein.

Three days of questioning began by a New York judge. The pool was made up of 231, which will eventually be reduced down to 12 people who will face the case for sex-trafficking.

Maxwell, wearing a black suit and hugging her attorneys as she entered the courtroom, sketched briefly with a courtroom artist.

Judge Alison J. Nathan’s questions in Manhattan federal court were aimed at seeing if potential jurors can stay impartial in the case.

Maxwell, aged 59, pleaded not guilty in the absence of evidence that she groomed minors to force sex. 

Ghislaine Maxwell embraces her lawyer Bobbi Sternheim during jury selection on Tuesday

Ghislaine Maxwell is embraced by Bobbi Sternheim, her lawyer during Tuesday’s jury selection

Maxwell, 59, who is accused of procuring underage girls for pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, is set to stand trial on sex trafficking charges on November 29. She has pleaded not guilty to all charges

 Maxwell, 59, who is accused of procuring underage girls for pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, is set to stand trial on sex trafficking charges on November 29. Maxwell has pleaded guilty to the charges.

Jeffrey Epstein and former President Trump had known each other for years until they reportedly fell out over a property dispute

Jeffrey Epstein, ex-President Trump were friends for many years before they apparently fell out over a dispute about a property.

Judge Nathan asked questions and each prospective juror was left to their own devices in the jury box.

Maxwell's hair, which had grown out from her signature pixie cut, looked recently washed and noticeably more lustrous than her last appearance last week. She is pictured in 2013

Maxwell had her hair cut in a pixie style, but it looked much more shiny and clean than last week. In 2013, she is shown here

They were given a list of witnesses, companies and locations to be mentioned in the case and asked if they had ‘specific familiarity’ with any.

They were also asked if they had any biases against law enforcement, the criminal justice system and, in a question insisted upon by the defence, whether they had prejudice against people who lived ‘luxurious lifestyles’.

Many had been rejected after having filled out the questionnaire.

One time, they were asked whether they knew Donald Trump’s Palm Beach property Mar-a-Lago. This was the “Winter White House” when Trump was president.

It is possible that Maxwell was referring to the question in his trial. Maxwell is accused of recruiting and selling underage girls to Epstein.

Epstein was a long-time friend of Trump’s, and they were reportedly at odds over a property dispute.

You can also see them in the 1992 Mar-a-Lago video, as a cheerleader group dances in front of Epstein’s laughter.

Maxwell is seen in the background at one point of the video.  

A black mask matched Maxwell’s robe was worn by Judge Nathan, who reminded potential jurors that Maxwell should be presumed innocent until there is a verdict in her case, which will officially open at the end the month. 

After that, both the defense and prosecution will be able strike 10 jurors to reduce the number of jurors to 12 as well as the six alternates who will hear the case. 

Opening statements won’t begin until November 29th, when the selection process will be complete. It is anticipated that the trial will last until mid-January.

On Monday Maxwell appeared to have had a jailhouse makeover ahead of her sex trafficking trial later this month. 

This British socialite was much more glamorous than usual in court Monday. Her straggly locks were styled into a shoulder length bob, with her graying roots dyed black. 

Maxwell’s hair looked noticeably lustrous after being washed last week.

Her prison-issued blue top was also gone. She now wears street clothes, a black turtleneck with gray pants.   

As she attended a pretrial hearing, she looked healthier and relaxed than in many months. The judge discussed how she would proceed tomorrow with jury selection at New York’s federal court.

The British socialite has appeared noticeably haggard at her court appearances since she was jailed last summer

Ghislaine Maxwell is escorted into the courtroom by U.S. marshalls on November 10

Since her imprisonment last summer, the British socialite appears noticeably grouchy at court appearances. Photo taken in July 2020. 

Ghislaine Maxwell was sporting a much more glamorous look at a pre-trial hearing in New York on Monday, ditching her prison jumpsuit for a black turtleneck and gray pants

Ghislaine Maxwell wore a more glamourous look to a New York pre-trial hearing on Monday. She ditched her prison jumpsuit in favor of a black turtleneck with gray pants 

Maxwell was able to see her new confidence at the end, when she met Jeff Pagliuca face-to-face.

In a world exclusive published in The Mail on Sunday, Ghislaine Maxwell has spoken of the hell of her life in Brooklyn's Metropolitan Detention Center, saying that conditions are so bad a rat would sit beside an open sewer in her cell as she went to the toilet (Pictured: Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein at an event in New York in 1995)

Ghislaine maxwell, in a Sunday world exclusive, has written about the misery she endured at Brooklyn’s Metropolitan Detention Center. As she used the bathroom, her conditions were so terrible that a rats would have to sit next to her open sewer.

In an intimate moment between them, Pagliuca smoothed Maxwell’s loose hair on her face. 

Maxwell is currently being held at Brooklyn’s Metropolitan Detention Centre. Her makeover may have been done entirely by Maxwell.

For $9.50, the Bureau of Prisons offers hair dye to prisoners in its commissary. Available in several colors including black. 

Maxwell spoke about her experience cutting her hair in prison during her interview in the jailhouse over the weekend.

According to her, she said that her guards noticed when she cut my hair using nail clippers. It was quite straight.

“I had only a 3inx5in mirror.” The ladies gave me paper scissors as a reward and suggested that I open a salon.   

Maxwell, who is 59 years old, has denied eight of the charges against her that could lead to Maxwell being imprisoned for as long as 80 years. 

The Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC) in Brooklyn where Ghislaine Maxwell, the alleged accomplice of the late financier Jeffrey Epstein, is awaiting trial

Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC), Brooklyn, where Ghislaine Maxill, an alleged accomplice to the late financier Jeffrey Epstein is currently awaiting trial

Maxwell faces the rest of her life behind bars if convicted of abusing and procuring young girls for billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein – charges that she vehemently denies. 

The lawyer for Epstein will argue that she is being penalized by proxy because someone has to pay.

Maxwell shared this with friends: “I fear that it will prove impossible to obtain a fair trial. There is a great fear in my heart that the negative stories from the media will affect my jury pool, and that it will impact the outcome of my trial. Despite the fact that the evidence will prove that the jury didn’t know all the truths.

“I’m looking forward to my chance to stand in front of the judge to show that I was not involved in Epstein’s crimes.”