Grand Shapps today blamed “distribution difficulties” for the absence of lateral flows tests. A government website indicated that delivery slots had been exhausted and pharmacies were informed they could not have additional swabs despite the fact that entire cities ran out.
Grant Shapps, in an awkward interview with Sky News claimed that there are sufficient lateral flow test to get around. This despite the fact that there was no home delivery option for the Government’s website.
Instead, he stated that the main issue was getting these tests to patients. Shapps claimed that the health chiefs had been working with Amazon, Royal Mail, and other delivery businesses to ensure tests were delivered to patients’ homes.
As he squirmed as he responded to a Sky reporter Kay Burley’s question on the subject, he stated: “Just on lateral flows tests. Which actually, uniquely, in that as far I can see there haven’t been any other countries providing these for free to their citizens. Major economies haven’t generally been doing it. And we have in the country. It can be hard at different times in the day to obtain those, especially since the new measures like the booster program, asking people.

Grant Shapps said in uncomfortable interview that enough lateral flow tests exist to make it all work. However, the Government website stated there weren’t any tests for home delivery.

Instead, he stated that the issue was in getting the testing out to patients. Shapps stated that health officials were working closely with Royal Mail and Amazon to deliver the tests to pharmacies and homes.
‘I actually noticed yesterday actually that at some times of the day they could be obtained, and they are returning in.
“There are plenty of supplies in this country. What we have problems with is distribution.
“And I know that my colleagues in the health sector are working closely with Amazon and Royal Mail to make sure distribution gets out and continues to reach pharmacies.”
Boris Johnson’s test system crashed yesterday. There were no NHS PCR tests in England and lateral flow tests are still unavailable online.
Plan B, the government’s plan to prevent mandatory quarantine, relies on regular rapid testing. However critics worry that this could cause more restrictions or even a pre-Christmas lockdown.
New chaos erupted on December 24, when the coronavirus test result was confirmed in Britons.
Today’s Government website revealed that PCR testing is now possible in England.

According to the NHS’ website, there were no PCR tests in England yesterday. Although tests were returned today, they are in limited supply.
Experts say the lack of testing is not a good sign. Boris Johnson, a British psychologist, predicts that there will be a “huge spike” in cases within days. This would put even greater pressure on the UK’s testing system.
Sources from the UK Health Security Agency told BBC that the shortage was due to ‘exceptionally high demand.
Yesterday, Downing Street insisted that there was significant testing capability despite the suggestion of difficulty finding PCR test results.
The spokesperson said that appointments for PCR tests can be made, however high demand may lead to temporarily reduced availability in specific areas. Each afternoon more appointments become available for booking.
“Testing plays an integral part in keeping people safe from the virus. We’re grateful to all who are getting tested, to help protect their families and communities. Everybody with symptoms should come forward for a PCR testing.

According to the official spokesperson for Prime Minister, “In terms of availability of PCR, I do not have the most recent but I expect further booking opportunities will be available online later on and there are also in-person options.”
Millions of Britons were told to perform daily lateral flow testing to stop Omicron spreading. However, they are still unable to get online today. Amazon has been brought in to rescue Royal Mail as it prepares for Christmas.
Greenwich Council’s Labour leader Danny Thorpe, whose borough has one of the highest Omicron rates in the country, tweeted: ‘Residents had issues getting a #LateralFlowTest & today it looks like no #PCR tests available? What the hell is happening to @sajidjavid? These issues need to be addressed immediately.
NHS employees working in care homes, hospitals and mental health facilities have been told they can’t get the tests. This has prevented them from doing their job.

According to the official spokesperson for Prime Minister, “In terms of availability of PCR, I do not have the most recent but I expect further booking opportunities will be available online later on and there are also in-person options.”
This happened as millions of Britons were instructed to do daily lateral flows tests in order to slow Omicron’s spread. They still have trouble getting them online, with Amazon being brought in to help Royal Mail during the Christmas period.
Greenwich Council’s Labour leader Danny Thorpe, whose borough has one of the highest Omicron rates in the country, tweeted: ‘Residents had issues getting a #LateralFlowTest & today it looks like no #PCR tests available? What the hell is happening to @sajidjavid? These issues need to be addressed immediately.
NHS employees working in care homes, hospitals and mental health facilities have been told they can’t get the tests. This has prevented them from doing their job.