Lord Prescott’s last Jaguar is sold to reduce his carbon footprint before he visits COP26

  • To reduce his carbon footprint, Lord John Prescott sold his Jaguar cars.
  • A former vice prime minister cut back on the consumption of fish and chip
  • After having sold his motors, Prescott declared he’s ‘no jigs’ 

Lord John Prescott of ‘Two Jags” has sold his last favorite car to reduce his carbon footprint.

The former deputy prime Minister, who is now aged 83, has zero cars in his household after spending so many years with the Jaguar brand.

Prescott boasted once about his Jag Bar One, but has now reduced the number of chips and fish he eats.

After selling his last motors in preparation for a trip to the COP26 climate summit, he said he was now ‘no jags” Prescott.

In a column for the Times Red Box he wrote: ‘I’ve made my own small contribution to cutting carbon emissions. I’ve sold my Jaguar. I now own zero Jags.

Following a period of ill health – he was admitted to Hull Royal Infirmary on June 21, 2019, after suffering a stroke – Lord Prescott will mark his return to public life with a trip to the climate summit. 

Lord John Prescott (pictured in 2018), 83, now keeps a zero car household despite spending decades attached to the Jaguar brand

Lord John Prescott (pictured 2018), who is 83 years old, has now a zero-car family despite being devoted to Jaguar for decades.

Boris Johnson was warned by him that any promises made during talks by leaders around the world aren’t enough to reduce carbon emissions.

Lord Prescott was the former environment secretary. He led EU negotiations in 1997 when all developed nations reached binding climate goals.

For global warming to be below 1.5C, the emissions need to drop 7.6 per cent each year by 2031 according to He.

The former Parliamentarian has made a conscious effort to reduce his carbon footprint and now eats potatoes only that are available within one hour from Hull’s Papa’s, which uses energy-efficient friars.

In 2019, Lord Prescott’s relatives posted a statement on his Twitter account reading: ‘John was taken to hospital last Friday after suffering a stroke.

He said emissions have to fall 7.6 percent every year during 2031 to keep the global temperature rise below 1.5C. Pictured, Lord Prescott gets out of a Jaguar in Hull

To keep global temperatures from rising to 1.5C, he said that emissions must fall by 7.6 percent each year until 2031. Pictured is Lord Prescott, who gets out from a Jaguar in Hull

‘We would like to praise the swift actions of the ambulance staff and the doctors and nurses at Hull Royal Infirmary’s A&E and stroke unit.’  

Prescott, who was Hull East’s Labour MP for forty years, joined the House of Lords on 10th January 2010.

From 1997 to 2007, Blair appointed him as the second deputy Prime Minister. He resigned within 30 minutes of Blair’s notice.  

The Prestatyn-born politician was a former trade union activist and took over the role after Labour’s 1997 general elections landslide.

For much of the time, he was an intermediary in Mr Blair’s often volatile relationship with chancellor Gordon Brown.

Lord Prescott is pictured arriving at Downing Street in 2006. He said he is now 'no jags' Prescott after selling the last of his motors ahead of a visit to the COP26 climate summit

In 2006, Lord Prescott arrives at Downing Street. After selling his last motor car in preparation for a trip to the COP26 climate conference, Prescott said he was now ‘no jags.

Blair was his loyal supporter, and he continued to be a fan of Blair’s office. However, he began to criticize New Labour’s legacy. He also denounced Britain’s involvement in the Iraq War.

Despite being subject to fierce criticisms from New Labour figures like Jeremy Corbyn, he strongly defended Corbyn.

Prescott is known not only for his love of luxury vehicles, but also for his temperament.

After throwing an egg at Craig Evans, a North Wales protester, he punched him in Rhyl.

Although he was not facing any charges by police, both of them were interviewed by officers.          
