The 1968 list contains rules that describe how maternity wards used to work. It includes information about how mothers could interact with their babies and when they should.
Instructions for mothers contains 5 ‘general rules’ and 3 ‘nursing guidelines. There are also 2 additional rules for moms who breastfeed.
These rules were issued by a North Carolina hospital and required strict compliance with ‘nursing time’.
Today’s mothers were shocked to learn that a 1968 maternity ward had provided a list of direct instructions.
The rules state that visitors are not allowed in the rooms or on the floors during nursing times, except father.
Only nursing time allowed the mother to have her baby was during the day. This happened twice in morning and once in evening.
“During the first 24 hours, allow your baby to breastfeed for only five minutes.”
Also, it explained that the babies will be displayed in the nurse’s window from 2.30 to 3.30 in afternoon until 7:45 pm at night.
The rules state that you must not request to meet your baby any other time.
Each mother was provided with a detailed list of instructions upon delivery. It also requested that patients do not smoke in the same room as their baby or allow visitors to sit on their bed.
Instructions were given on when and where mothers could take their baby to see them, for how long and what time they could nurse.
An instruction sheet corner revealed that the mother had given birth to Gill at 12.01 on Oct 30, 1968.
However, the instructions that included a list containing banned food for mothers seemed to be shocking modern moms.
After reading the document, one mother said that she was glad to see it wasn’t like this anymore.
These rules were originally posted in an American hospital’s online group Mum Central, 53 years ago.
“Wow. So, what happens between 10pm to 9am when your baby is hungry?” One mum stated, “I am glad that it’s not like this now.”
Some asked their mothers if they would let babies cry for hours, or break any rules.
“Yes, that was the time when crying babies were classified as naughty. The baby went in the crying room with their mother, but it was so structured and the nurse at inspection times had to be careful of them.
Others claimed the rules were responsible for the mental illness and detached issues of the people who were born in this age group.