Insulate Britain activists are now preparing for a motorway blockade, complete with trust exercises and group hugging.
Footage filmed by UnHerd shows the protestors meeting at an Airbnb ‘safehouse’ off Edgware Road one day before causing rush-hour chaos in the capital.
As they gather in a circle, the activists place their arms around each others’ shoulders and say, “I have total trust in you, but I have complete confidence in myself.”
At one point the group burst into laughter as Cambridge-based organiser Louise Lancaster, who quit her job as a teacher to campaign, says: ‘The heating seems to be impossible to turn off.
“It is very, very sad that we have to open the windows.”
The clip’s release follows the eco-zealots bringing parts of central London to a standstill on Monday, with several of them gluing their hands, feet or faces to roads.

The activists form a circle and wrap their arms around one another, saying: “I have complete faith in you, and my trust in myself.”

UnHerd captured footage of protestors at an Airbnb safehouse’ off Edgware Road just one day before they caused chaos in the capital.

One point, the group burst into laughs when Louise Lancaster (9above), organizer of the event, who quit her job as teacher to campaign, said: ‘The heating seems impossible turn off’
Biff from Canterbury introduces himself to the group and says that he is prepared to lose his liberty, lose the home I love, not to see his family, and have everything taken away the government.
Judy, an 82 year-old South Wales woman, said that she was arrested four times in a little over a year.
“But I also recall what the world looked like when I was a kid, how the countryside was, what it was to travel, and all the wildlife that is being destroyed because of what we’re doing.
It’s not necessary. It doesn’t have be this way.
David, who is now retired, also said: “Anybody who understands and does not start to act on this problem now, not write letters their legislators or MP, get out there and make themselves known to the Government, tell them that this is unacceptable, and then join forces with others around the globe, they will be complicit in this state.
“They’ll just be watching the end of humanity.” And they knew it was coming.
The video also shows the activists disrupting traffic on the first day of the following day by sitting in front vehicles on Southwark Bridge holding a banner.
At one point, an activist says: ‘The police have been very good. They won’t appreciate me for saying they were helpful, but they have been, and they’ve done a great job.
They are eventually taken into police custody and taken away in vans.
Earlier this week, Insulate Britain activists switched up their protest tactics by walking towards oncoming traffic on the M25 in a separate protest.

Biff (above), who introduced himself to the group, said: “I’m prepared lose my liberty, lose the home I love, not to see my family and have everything taken by the government.”

Judy, an 82 year-old South Wales woman, says: “I can remember what the world was like when my family was young and what it was like in the countryside.”

David, who is now retired, said that those who don’t understand the issue and don’t start to act will merely be watching the end of humanity.
According to the group, the decision to stop blocking roads with vehicles was made after receiving feedback from drivers that their actions were frustrating.
Demonstrations were held in Essex as well as Hertfordshire. Around 20 arrests were made on Friday.
Around 8.30am, protesters briefly entered the carriageway at junction 28 and 29 of motorway. They intended to walk down the white lines that mark traffic lanes.
Essex Police stated that officers arrived on the scene “swiftly” and 10 activists were taken from the road. Both carriageways were reopened within 30 minutes.
Later, demonstrators began to walk along the white lines of Junction 21 and 22.
The group’s 17th Day of Action saw the new tactics used. The last one saw angry motorists throw ink at protesters.
A spokesperson for the group said safety was the ‘paramount’ of protests and that they would not have continued if cars weren’t slowing down enough.

The video also shows activists disrupting traffic on the first day of the following day by sitting in front vehicles on Southwark Bridge while holding a banner.

The group at Southwark Bridge. The clip was released following the eco-zealots who brought central London to a halt Monday
He stated that he intended to enter the carriageway and then walk towards oncoming traffic along the white lines.
“If cars don’t slow their speed down and continue to accelerate at full speed, then we will be on our hard shoulder wearing our hi-vises with the banners.
“We would hope it slows down anyway. We have received feedback from people that they are annoyed that they waited in traffic lines.
“This is like a rolling traffic jam, so we’ll move and once they reach the front, they’ll be able to move on.
“We are not going to stop traffic, but it could slow down to 5 miles per hour.”
Insulate Britain admitted that it knew of a High Court injunction intended to stop its disruptive activities.
Injunctions may be broken and those who do so could face a maximum of two years imprisonment or a fine of unlimited amount.
Since September 13, activists have blocked roads for 17 days, causing misery to drivers stuck in long lines of traffic.
Lee Devall, Chief Inspector of Essex Police, stated that incidents like this will frustrate road users who are trying to get to their destination. Walking into fast moving traffic can be extremely dangerous.
“I’d like road users to be thanked for their patience, understanding, and kindness today.
“You’ve helped us to quickly clear the area to keep people safe, minimize disruption, and keep Essex moving. These incidents will be dealt with vigorously.
You can view the entire 20-minute film on YouTube Here.