Police prepared to rescue Cleo Smith, the missing girl from her rundown public housing facility. They had no idea what they were in for.
Since she was abducted from a remote camping site on October 16, and then rescued on Tuesday night, weeks of investigation failed.
Only hours were needed for detectives to make a difficult decision about whether to go in blind or to leave Cleo (4 years old) there another night while collecting more information.
They couldn’t even confirm that Cleo was indeed in Carnarvon in northwest Western Australia.

Cleo Smith, a four-year-old girl, has an iced lolly in the hospital after she was rescued from a Carnarvon home in Western Australia.
Around midnight, they pulled Terry Kelly (36), over who lived at the Brockman home on Tonkin Street and arrested him under suspicion of kidnapping Cleo.
However, police didn’t know what lay beyond the door. Kelly’s dog guards the door.
Chris Dawson, Western Australia Police Commissioner, received a late-night briefing from officers on ground about the situation.
He stated that they did not know what they would encounter.
Wednesday morning at 12.46am, police broke into the locked house. Four officers with crowbars & a batteringram stormed in.
They were able to find the house empty save for Cleo who was playing in a bedroom with toys and appeared to be unharmed.

Cleo Smith, four years old, is being rescued by the Western Australian Police Force in Carnarvon (West Australia)

Speaking during a conference in Canarvon (West Australia), Senior Sergeant Cameron Blaine. He was one among four officers who broke in to the house where Cleo Smith, a four-year old kidnapper, was being held.
Commissioner Dawson stated that the tip, which contained’really crucial information about a vehicle’, was crucial to the decision to strike.
He said that he could confirm that information about a car was very important to him, as he stated to Perth radio station 6PR on Wednesday.
“Yes, we had a lot of people we were very interested in, but it was late [Tuesday]In the early hours of the morning [Wednesday]This morning, we had a breakthrough.
“We have a strong lead and we are confident.” [the taskforce officers]I was briefed on the matter and he said that “we’re going have to get into that house”.
They had to be absolutely certain that it was Cleo when they finally got in and found the little girl.
One of the four officers who broke in to the house was Detective Senior Sergeant Cameron Blaine.

Chris Dawson, Western Australia Police Commissioner, speaks during a Canarvon press conference. He made a pivotal call before Cleo Smith, the missing child, was rescued
“What’s your name?” I asked her. I asked her again “what’s my name?” and she didn’t respond. She didn’t answer, so I asked her again, “What’s your name?” Mr Blaine, who is a father himself, said that she didn’t answer.
“So I asked her again and she looked at my face and said, “My name’s Cleo.”
Cleo was captured on bodycam clinging to an officer while Mr Blaine asked if she was okay. He then told her that she would be taken to see’mummy’ and ‘daddy’.
Ellie Smith shared a photo of Cleo after reuniting at the local hospital. She added the words: “Our family is whole again” and a red heart to the caption.