Huma Abedin claimed in her forthcoming memoir, that she was sexually assaulted and raped by an unnamed US senator.
The longtime Hillary Clinton aide and estranged wife of former congressman and convicted sex offender Anthony Weiner wrote in her new book ‘Both/And: A Life in Many Worlds,’ out next week, that she was able to put the incident out of her mind for years.
The memory of Christine Blasey Ford’s alleged assault by Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in 2018 was only revived when she was testifying.
She didn’t name the senator or his party.
Abedin wrote of a Washington dinner shortly after Donald Trump’s marriage in 2005 to Melania. Weiner and Abedin were married in July 2010.
According to a copy of The Guardian’s book, Abedin claimed that she attended the dinner with Clinton, the then-senator for New York, but not with Clinton.

Huma Abedin was photographed with Hillary Clinton in May 2005. This was around the time that she was sex assaulted by a senator.

Abedin is seen with Clinton in 2008, when she was still a senator from New York.

Abedin was pictured with Clinton in April 2016. She has now written a book. She opens up about being sexually assaulted while working as a senator in the book.
‘I ended walking out with one senator, and soon we stopped by his building. He invited us in for coffee. I was told to lie down on the couch by him once I got inside.
She said that the senator took off his blazer and rolled his sleeves before making coffee.

Abedin was born in Michigan to Pakistani and Indian parents. She grew up in Saudi Arabia. Her book is entitled Both/And: Life in Many Worlds
“Then, in a flash, everything changed. He sat down to my right and wrapped his left hand around my shoulder. He then kissed my cheeks, pushing his tongue into mine, and pressing me back onto the sofa.
“I was so shocked, I pushed he away. All I wanted was the last 10 seconds to be erased.
She stated that the senator seemed shocked, but she later apologized and admitted that he had’misread’ their relationship.
Abedin stated that she then planned how to leave, ‘without this ending poorly’ when the senator asked her if it was something she wanted to do.
‘Then I said something only the twentysomething version of me would have come up with – ‘I am so sorry’ – and walked out, trying to appear as nonchalant as possible.’
Abedin, now 45-years-old, stated that she kept her distance ‘for some days’ from Senator Abedin but eventually ran into him at Capitol Hill.
He asked her then if she was still friends. She nodded. She wrote that Clinton was then invited to join them.

Huma Abedin attended the 2021 Met Gala in September 13
Clinton’s aide stated that the memory about the couch incident was suppressed after she read about Ford being accused of ‘conveniently remembering’ the incident.
Ford claimed Kavanaugh assaulted Ford at a high school party. Kavanaugh said it never happened and was confirmed to the bench.
Abedin’s ex-husband has been involved in numerous sex scandals. One of these involved Abedin sexting a 15-year old girl. These messages were revealed exclusively by in 2016, leading him to his arrest.
Weiner, 56 years old, spent 18 months in federal jail for the offense. Abedin was released the same year.
Weiner and Abedin got married in 2010 at a star-studded ceremony at Long Island’s Mansion. President Bill Clinton officiated the ceremony, during which Hillary Clinton said that the bride was the closest thing she had to a second girl.

Weiner and Abedin were pictured in November 2015 at a New York City fashion gala

Weiner and Abedin were seen in September 2017 in Manhattan Civil Court, to hear their divorce case.

After doing the school run in October 2019, Abedin & Weiner are seen together.
The couple’s powerful political union was strained the year after.
Weiner was forced to resign from his seat in New York’s 9th congressional district in 2011 after accidentally tweeting a crotch-shot in his underwear, which he shared with the public, via his official page.
Abedin writes in the book that she was ‘filled with rage’ and ‘stunned to the core’ when Weiner confessed to her in 2011 that he accidentally posted a crotch picture in his grey boxers on Twitter, after convincing her for a week that it was ‘the work of a hacker.’
She was pregnant with their son at that time and was frequently traveling with Clinton, then Secretary Of State.
Weiner accidentally posted the photo on his Instagram feed, instead of sending it to a woman he was flirting with on Twitter.

In 2013, Abedin and Anthony Weiner, two years after the crotch scandal that cost him his bid for Mayor.

This is Weiner’s mistakenly posted tweet. He intended to send it as a private message to a woman. The unedit version showed the outline his penis.
Abedin was initially told by him that it was ‘the work a hacker’, which she believed. Then, after a week, he told her what had actually happened.
”’What’s wrong?” I asked,’ she wrote.
‘And then it was over. “It’s true,” he said. “I sent the picture…
“I was simultaneously filled in rage and stunned to my core.” It felt like a bolt lightning struck me and ran straight through my body,’ she wrote.
I felt simultaneously overwhelmed with anger and stunned to the core. It was like a bolt lightning struck me and ran straight through the middle of my body.
Weiner was a Democratic congressman for New York at the time. Within weeks of the scandal, he resigned. He then ran unsuccessfully twice for New York City mayor in 2005 and 2013. reported in 2016 that he had been sending explicit text messages to a girl aged 15 that contained lewd images.
He was sentenced to 18 months in prison, before being released in 2019.
Abedin stated in 2016 that he was planning to divorce her, but they have yet to end their separation.
Abedin’s memoir reveals how she traveled with Clinton and stayed at Buckingham Palace in those weeks before the crotch pictures scandal.
She had just discovered she was pregnant and wrote a letter to Weiner from the room where she was staying at the palace, saying: ‘Dear Anthony – Is it possible for any two people to be happier or more blessed? Some days I can’t believe it.
“We must be thankful to God for all He has done for us. I love you. Huma Weiner, May 24, 2011.’ revealed that Weiner had been in an online relationship with a 15 year-old girl for several months. He sent her lewd pictures and messages.
Abedin claimed that she was most upset when she found out that The New York Times was going to report on her pregnancy after the scandal broke.
She said that she went into Clinton’s office and sobbed.
‘“I wanted to tell you myself,” was all I could get out before I burst into tears.
“She walked me to the window seat and sat beside me, rubbing my back, trying not to worry, telling me that everything was going to be alright. Claire Coleman, her assistant, closed the door to the outer offices because I was sobbing.
‘After I don’t know how long, when I caught my breath, HRC asked, “Do you still want to go on this trip?”
“I think it’s important for me to do my work,” I said, blowing my nose.
“I think it would be good for you to go, too,” she said,’ Abedin wrote.

Weiner was Abedin’s constant companion. The couple is seen last year in New York City. She had announced in 2016 that she was going to divorce him.

Huma is still close to Clinton. They were seen together in Hamptons earlier this year.
She went along with Clinton on the trip and was stunned to hear from a White House staffer, that President Barack Obama wanted her to talk.
“A phone call with President of the United States to discuss personal humiliation? It was more than my stomach could bear. “Please just tell him I am so sorry for embarrassing the administration.”’ Abedin wrote.
She claimed she didn’t recognize the man who sent her the crotch tweet.
“I didn’t know that Anthony.” I knew so many things about Anthony, but not this.
After arriving in ‘the Emirates’, she returned to her hotel room to find her brother and mother waiting. She said that ‘Hillary had made arrangements for them to be there.
After a while, HRC and Cheryl joined us, and the conversation turned to the baby, my maternal health and future plans. One where Anthony’s place was uncertain,’ she wrote.
Both/And: A Life in Many Worlds is due out November 2, 2021.
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