After footage of a foxhunter appearing to punch and kick a horse in distress was released by the RSPCA, she fled into hiding. She had received death threats from her neighbours and is now feared for her safety.
Sarah Moulds is a 37-year old primary school teacher who was shocked by the video that showed the event over the weekend. She said she’s ‘terrified” of having to return to her family’s home in upmarket Leicestershire after it became public.
The married mother-of-two, who was involved with her local Pony Club, has closed down her social media and is staying at a secret location away from her semi-detached £350,000 property after receiving abuse and threats.
The Pony Club claims she is the largest equestrian youth organization in the world, with over 30,000 members from the UK. They have now fired her as team manager and condemned her for her behavior as unacceptable.
On Saturday afternoon’s sickening video, Mrs Moulds strikes the pony repeatedly in its chest and then kicks it again as she leads her horse back to its box.
One neighbor and fellow rider at Mrs Moulds’s village home in east Leicestershire said that she had received death threats and vile abuses and needed to leave. It is horrible and out of control.
She fears for her own life. The mother of young children is concerned about her own safety and that of her family. After the viral video became extremely popular, she was well-respected and highly respected within equestrian circles. She received a lot of angry comments on her social media and had to shut it down.

One woman who was seen punching and kicking a horse by foxhunter Sarah Moulds has been identified.
A neighbor added that she didn’t know the context of what had happened, but Sarah’s current situation is terrible. She is terrified to go home alone in the event that someone attacks her and her children.
The front door to her house was pinned with an RSPCA card, along with a handwritten message. She lives there with Daniel. This card reads: “Please call us immediately. Quote incident number 00748573.’
The animal cruelty charity is now investigating Mrs Moulds after more than 2 million people viewed the video. It was described by the RSPCA as “really disturbing”.
MailOnline spoke with a Pony Club representative today, who said: “We are fully aware that the Pony Club video has been circulated showing unacceptable treatment of a pony. We condemn this behavior.
The Pony Club regards the welfare of ponies and horses as of paramount importance. Therefore, the Pony Club has removed the woman in question from her position of team organizer for a Branch.
“The Pony Club” is a youth organization. She is therefore not part of The Pony Club.
Mrs Moulds rides alongside Rutland’s Cottesmore Hunt, one of Britain’s oldest horses. She is also the team leader for the Pony Club’s Cottesmore branch.
Her school, Leicestershire granted her a temporary leave to work.

A rider from Leicestershire is seen repeatedly hitting a horse with his boot after Cottesmore Hunt’s hunting event.

Mrs Moulds, a primary school teacher in Leicestershire is said to be terrified of going back to her village home.
MailOnline was informed by a spokesperson for the educational trust, which includes the school where Mrs Moulds is employed: “We were aware of an incident that occurred over the weekend with a staff member.”
“As there might be an investigation, it’s not appropriate to comment now.
According to the headteacher, Mrs Moulds wasn’t working as usual today. “We have received numerous media inquiries, but I can’t speak on the subject.
Barbie Coulson, Cottesmore Pony Club’s district commissioner said that today she couldn’t comment. It’s in the PCUK (Pony Club UK), right now.
Hertfordshire Hunt Sabeurs shared the video of her attacking a horse. It was condemned by Chris Packham, an activist and UK national hunting body.
This footage features a white horse that trots along the trailer of a horse carriage before being stopped and stopped by an enthusiastic young rider.
The woman, dressed in navy blue pants and cream breeches, grabs the reins from the animal and kicks it in the stomach.
According to the group, the incident occurred during Cottesmore Hunt meetings and showed ‘violence coursing through their veins.
Hunt stated that it didn’t condone any of the videos.
A neighbor of the horsewoman stated that she hadn’t seen her in a while. People are talking about it. This is quite shocking. She’s a neighbor and she doesn’t mind.

Mrs Moulds in Leicestershire was greeted by an RSPCA Business Card with a hand-written note.
“She is involved in many children’s activities at school as well as at Pony Club, and that sends out an awful message. She has not told me her side of the story so I cannot comment.
According to sources close to Cottesmore Hunt, Mrs Moulds was anxious that the horse had “gone off with her girl” and had not responded to orders.
Anti-hunt activists criticized the use of children in a statement posted on Huntingleaks’ website.
The children should never be allowed to go hunting. They will be subject to extreme animal cruelty and there are always risks of injury while out hunting.
Although they may be considered ‘accidents,’ it could easily be avoided by prohibiting children from hunting. In addition, we ask for opinions from the people working in the equine industry.
“Children shouldn’t be subjected to animal abuse. But it is even more traumatizing for them when the abuser holds a position that they trust. In this instance, a pony club leader and teacher attacked animals when they lost their tempers (something many fox hunters are susceptible too).
The Pony Club has not yet responded to inquiries about their attitudes towards hunts by children.
However, all of them condemned Mrs Moulds’s actions. She is a teacher in Year 3, a director of primary schools and a trustee for the school’s charity boards.

RSPCA described Saturday’s incident as “upsetting” and appealed to witnesses for their assistance
The Hunting Office attacked the footage, claiming that the man in the video is not a member of its hunting organizations. They also stated that they expect the highest standards of animal welfare and have condemned the incident.
Cottesmore Hunt also stated it was against the videos’ actions ‘under any circumstances.
According to ITV the group claimed it would remind its supporters that they will not tolerate such behaviours.
Anti-hunting groups claimed that video showed that hunter’s had ‘violence coursing through their veins.
Chris Packham from Countryside called for the RSPCA’s urgent investigation and prosecution of this appalling animal cruelty, in order to uphold our standards of animal welfare protection.
Megan McCubbin (BBC Springwatch) said the footage was disturbing. “Yet another ugly face of activist people call sport.”
Anne Brummer is the CEO at Save Me Trust which promotes animal welfare. She said that it was ‘absolutely disgusting and she should be charged. Nobody around her appears socked. What is the problem with these people?
Following outrage on the internet about the incident, the RSPCA also said it was launching an investigation.

One prominent hunter was sentenced last month for giving his advice to fellow countrymen on illegal fox hunting. Mark Hankinson (pictured October 15) was convicted of encouraging and assisting others in committing an offense
It acknowledged that it was aware of the incident and stated: “This footage is disturbing. Any complaints about animal welfare will be investigated and we will investigate if needed.
“We encourage anyone who has any first-hand information to call 0300 123 4999.
Meanwhile, a neighbour said Mrs Moulds’s house, which she moved into in February last year, is being turned into her ‘dream home’.
She lives in the 1960’s semi, which she bought for £245,000 with her plumber husband Daniel and their two young children. The house has seen significant improvements and it is currently under construction.
According to the neighbor, ‘They are always making improvements and have added an extension. Dan did a lot on the project.
“It’s a little like a build site. More stuff is going on. The front yard has huge bags full of builders materials. When it’s done, though, it will become their dream home. They must have added £100,000 value to it.’
Redbrick house located in desirable village. This area is known for its horse-friendly nature and many people who own horses.
This house is only a mile from Mrs Moulds primary school. It’s also close to her parents home.
The incident comes just as hunting has suffered a blow to its reputation in the UK after a leading hunter was found guilty of offering advice to his countrymen on how to conceal illegal fox hunting.
Mark Hankinson, the 60-year-old director of the Masters of Foxhounds Association, was found guilty at Westminster Magistrates’ Court of encouraging or assisting others to commit an offence and ordered to pay £3,500.
After anti-hunting activists obtained footage of two webinars in August 2013 for MFHA, they passed it on to the media.
According to the Hunting Office, Mr Hankinson instructed members of the Hunting Office that they should use legal trail hunting, where horseback riders or hounds follow a pre-determined scent. It was a “smokescreen” for criminal activity.
Trail hunting is a replica of traditional hunts, but foxes are not chased, hurt, or killed. However, foxes can be accidentally smelt by hounds and should be removed to prevent this from becoming a crime.
He acknowledged in clips that the Act’s trail hunting was used as a cover to chase and kill foxes.
Horseback riding with dogs and dogs is allowed under the law. They can follow scent trails, not chase live animals. If hounds pick up the scent from a fox, and follow it along the trail, there will be no legal consequences.
One webinar was given by him.
“So clearly trail hunting (which is our main card) is crucial, but it must also be visible, credible, and all those involved should be solid when they are questioned.
He also said that some people might ask, “What is the point of setting trails?” It’s pretty self-explanatory, I believe. You won’t get insurance coverage if there isn’t a trail. It’s also a far more serious crime to perjure in court than it is under the Hunting Act.
** Do you know Sarah Moulds or know anything more about what happened? Email: **