An openly gay businessman plans to become surrogate father when he turns 66.
His 40-year old partner and the company boss are looking for a female to have their baby.
It is possible that he could become the oldest surrogate father in Britain if he succeeds in his quest.
The Mail interview on Sunday with the sexagenarian revealed that the man was defending himself against criticism of his attempt to father his first child at retirement age.
He said, “People might call me selfish but I have an older partner who will take care of the child.” It’s what you can do for the child. Now I am financially stable and can share wisdom. You can still walk up stairs 2 at a.
This businessman is one of a growing number older parents who are turning to surrogacy in order to have their children. It has been a controversial trend that raises questions about the wisdom of having children later in life.

According to stock image, the 40-year-old company boss is looking for a female partner in order to have a child (stock photo).
It has been suggested that Julia Peyton-Jones was a surrogate during her 2016 pregnancy. It has been speculated that Naomi Campbell (51), a supermodel, might have had a surrogate when she announced her baby’s birth earlier in the year.
Rod Stewart is exactly the same age that Rod Stewart was in 2011, when he had eighth child, and Ronnie Wood in 2016, when he had twins.
According to the man who requested anonymity for privacy purposes, he said that his partner suggested surrogacy last year during lockdown and they decided it was better than adoption.
He said, “I am doing it for him, because I love him.” “I inquired when he had first suggested that to me if it was true.
“I have many nieces and nephews so it doesn’t matter to me but I wanted it to be for him. My husband is forty. My husband is 40.

Rod Stewart, the father-to-be (pictured), was exactly eight years old when he gave birth to his eighth child in 2011.
Given his advanced age and his likely retirement in the late 70s, the man acknowledged that it was a concern. “I am concerned about embarrassment and questions from children at school asking, Is that your grandad?” Children can be cruel, and it shouldn’t affect the child.
After having their surrogate baby, a heterosexual couple aged 63-65 was previously believed to be Britain’s oldest parent. Social services reported that they had removed the child three years prior to this report. This was due to concerns regarding the well-being of the child and the couple’s age.
There is no official data for first-time fatherhood in the UK, but the average age of all fathers to babies born in 2019 was 33.6 years – a figure that has increased for ten consecutive years.
Louisa Ghevaert a lawyer with surrogacy expertise said there’s no age limit for courts to grant an order making surrogate mothers the legal parents.
“There is no requirement in the court to consider age. She said that there are welfare considerations, but not a requirement to meet a specific age limit.
“In the absence or significant other legal matter, I wouldn’t be surprised if age of intended father at 66 would prevent the grant of a parental order.”

Rumours have also circulated that Naomi Campbell (51) a supermodel, who had announced her pregnancy earlier in the year, could have used a surrogate.