A shameless Insulate Britain eco-zealot imprisoned for helping to bring chaos to Britain’s roads has set up a crowdfunder to help pay his £700 per month rent while he spends Christmas in prison.
Oliver Rock, rebel carpenter, was imprisoned for four-months for taking part in an October 8th demonstration on the M25 by nine campaigners.
Isabel Rock, his 41-year-old sister claims that he does not have savings. Instead, he set up an account on Crowdfunder to help pay for rent while behind bars.
Miss Rock said that the money will be given to him when he is released from jail, which may happen in just two months.
Rock has been criticized by furious drivers for asking for financial assistance on social media. “Should have considered the consequences.” One other said, “Don’t worry about how he manages hope, he’s miserable. He deserves it.”
Another added, “Hopefully he glues his self to the cell floor.”

Oliver Rock was jailed for 4 months after he breached an order to stop the M25.

Rock (pictured at right) was taken into custody last Wednesday by the High Court of central London

Isabel Rock, the mother of the 41 year-old Carpenter, insists that the Climate Zealot does not have any savings. So, he has started a Crowdfunder to help pay for his rent while in prison

The High Court sentenced nine Insulate Britain eco zealots for violating an order against them protesting
A second angry motorist shouted “He’s probably sitting down on the floor, blocking people from getting into the canteen.”
Miss Rock stated that the Insulate Britain protester does not have any savings and therefore needs to use it in order to pay his landlord.
She wants to raise £7,800 but has so far only got just over £3,000 in donations for her brother, of Twyford, Berkshire.
Miss Rock complained that her brother tried to protect the “most vulnerable” in society, while also trying to slow down the country’s progress.
According to her, Olly must be paid rent in prison while he is there. Olly will need help for the next few months.
“My generous, kind-hearted and morally upright brother Oliver was sentenced to four month imprisonment. He will serve a minimum of two months for his role in Insulate Britain.
“Olly was acting to defend the vulnerable members of society and to make the world safer for future generations. He is now being punished.
The government prefers to put peaceful protesters in prison, rather than to protect homes from the consequences of climate change. Olly works as a freelance carpenter.
“A bicycle accident caused him to lose his sight in the right eye at the start of the year.
“His earnings were also massively affected because he was primarily making theatre sets.
“He doesn’t have any savings, so we need to pay Olly’s rent during his time in prison. We also need it for the next few months as it may take him a while to get to work again.
She added: ‘I have calculated £700 p/m rent for six months, plus some for workshop and expenses when he gets out. If they are in need, any additional money raised will help them.
“Britain is among the wealthiest countries in the globe, but 8,500 people are likely to die of cold-related illnesses in their homes this winter. A total of three million people live in fuel poverty. This affects approximately 5million children.

Rock’s plea for financial aid on social media has angered motorists.
“Many of them have to choose between heating or eating every day.
“I am so proud to be a brother who stands up for those most in need and tries to bring about change. Any kind of donation would be greatly appreciated.
“Thanks, Peace and Love.”
Rock was detained last Wednesday by the High Court in central London.
The court was invited to sit silently for a minute and think about the consequences of the climate crisis. He added that he is proud of his actions, but not for personal gain.
“I am responsible for what I have done and will take accountability. This was to help people who are unable to heat their houses adequately.
Ahead of his sentencing, Rock told LBC: ‘I feel terrified – I’m c***ping myself this morning, and I feel like crying. All these emotions are coming from me. This situation seems absurd.
“What we are asking the Government is a practical, no-brainer decision that they should make, but instead they choose to lock us up and fine us as well as seize our assets.
“I am expecting that we could be sentenced perhaps today, possibly tomorrow.” According to our sources, it is very likely that we will be sentenced with custodial sentences.