FBI agents are currently searching a New Jersey landfill to search for Jimmy Hoffa. The tale of Hoffa’s 1975 disappearance in New Jersey was featured in Martin Scorsese’s Oscar winning film The Irishman.

Hoffa was born Indiana.

He told Josephine, his wife, that he’d be back at home by 4 PM to prepare steaks, and he headed off for a meeting at Machus Red Fox 20 miles from Bloomfield, where he was going to make dinner.

Josephine called him several hours later angry at having been stood up. The next day, he was not seen again. His Pontiac Grand Ville green was discovered in the restaurant’s parking lot.

Police have searched for Hoffa’s burial ground since 1982, almost fifty years ago. 

The FBI discovered that a New Jersey site was excavated by them in October. It is located 650 miles from the last place he was seen. 

Jimmy Hoffa is pictured in 1966. The powerful teamster boss disappeared in 1975 and the whereabouts of his remains have been a mystery

Jimmy Hoffa in 1966. It is unknown where the remains of Jimmy Hoffa, his powerful boss and teamster manager disappeared in 1975.

Al Pacino (center) plays Hoffa in the 2019 Martin Scorsese film The Irishman. Robert De Niro (left) is Frank Sheeran; Ray Romano (right) is mobster Bill Bufalino

Al Pacino plays Hoffa (center) in 2019 Martin Scorsese movie The Irishman. Robert De Niro (left), is Frank Sheeran, Ray Romano(right), is Bill Bufalino, a mobster

The dump site in Jersey City, New Jersey, is seen in February 2021. For years it was known as PJP Landfill - or Brother Moscato's dump

This is the Jersey City dump, New Jersey. It was seen February 20, 211. The dump site in Jersey City, New Jersey was previously known as PJP Landfill – Brother Moscato’s dump.

Special Agent Mara R. Schneider spoke on Thursday, saying that FBI staff from Newark, Detroit and other field offices conducted the survey. This data is being currently analyzed.

The New York Times reports that the digging took place at Jersey City’s old landfill on October 25, 26. 

Right now, material from the excavation is being examined in an effort to solve one of the greatest mysteries of the past half-century. 

Al Pacino played Hoffa as Al Pacino’s character in Scorsese’s film. Hoffa was a powerful union leader who’s ties with the mob worried Bobby Kennedy (the president’s brother, and attorney general).

Hoffa was at that time, James Neff stated in Vendetta (2015), the “permanent President of the largest, worst, and most powerful labor unions in American History.” 

Union boss was found guilty of conspiracy, bribery and jury tampering. He was sentenced to prison between 1967 and 1971.

He tried to return his union power and his mafia connections, particularly his connection to Anthony Provenzano (a Genovese capo), upon his release.

Jack Nicholson stars as Jimmy Hoffa in the 1992 film Hoffa

Jack Nicholson portrays Jimmy Hoffa’s role in Hoffa (1992).

Supporters of Hoffa are seen in Detroit in the 1960s, when he was charged with jury tampering

Detroit, Michigan 1960s: Hoffa supporters are captured in Detroit. He was arrested with jury tampering.

Bobby Kennedy is seen during the questioning of Hoffa during the Senate Rackets inquiry

Bobby Kennedy seen in the Senate Rackets investigation questioning Hoffa

Hoffa makes a pointed gesture while rubbing his face during testimony before the Senate Rackets inquiry, overseen by Bobby Kennedy - his arch rival

Hoffa makes an oblique gesture as he rubs his forehead during his testimony before Senate Rackets inquiry. This was overseen by Bobby Kennedy, his arch-rival.

Hoffa is seen beaming as he leaves the court having been acquitted by the Senate Rackets Committee

Hoffa beams as he walks out of the court after being acquitted in the Senate Rackets Committee

Provenzano headed a union of teamsters in Union City (New Jersey).  

Hoffa tried to get back to his former ways but was rejected by the mafia boss and their relations soured. 

Provenzano had been supposed to meet Hoffa in the restaurant on July 25, 1975 to discuss their differences.

Hoffa’s disappearance is widely believed to have been on Provenzano’s orders.

Many sites have been searched over the years.

Other diners at the Machus Red Fox – which in 1997 was renamed Andiamo – said that they saw Hoffa get into a car with other men, and drive off. 

Last month’s search came about after the deathbed confession of a man that he witnessed Hoffa be buried at New Jersey.  

Frank Cappola, a teenager, worked in the former PJP Landfill along with his dad, Paul Cappola Sr. and was present for the events of the summer 1975.

The site of the dump is seen in February 2021. It was a site for toxic waste, but is being turned into Skyway Park

In February 2021, the site of this dump can be seen. This dump used to be a repository for toxic waste. However, it is currently being converted into Skyway Park

The long-abandoned dump was once so toxic that fires were burning above and under ground

Long-abandoned dump used to be so toxic, that there were fires above and below the ground.

The site was searched by the FBI on vague information in 1975, but they found nothing

FBI conducted a search of the site in 1975 for some vague information, but found no evidence.

PJP Landfill is seen in 1990 - the site where Frank Cappola said his father Paul was handed Hoffa's body to bury

PJP Landfill seen in 1990 – the spot where Frank Cappola stated that Paul, his father, was given Hoffa’s corpse to bury

Jersey City is currently in the process of turning the dump into a park

Jersey City is currently working to transform the dump into an urban park

Phil Moscato, a part owner of the 87-acre landfill, was often referred to by his nickname “Brother Moscato’s dump”. 

Cappola was 62 when he gave an affidavit before a public notary about the event. 

Cappola recalls, “While I was speaking to my father, a limousine black drove into our lot with the mud,” Cappola said.

He claimed that his father became a landfill partner and then said, “They’re here.”

Frank Cappola stated that his father got agitated when he saw the other passengers in the car and gestured towards a dump area.

“Now all the world will see!” Paul Cappola shouted during the arrivals.

Frank Cappola stated that he didn’t know his father until 2008 when he gave an explanation. 

Frank Cappola stated that Mr Moscato pointed out the area in the landfill because it was under constant police surveillance.

PJP was contacted by a group of unidentified individuals who brought Hoffa’s body to them. 

PJP retrieved a 55 gallon steel drum and Hoffa was still in an awkward position after removing him from his container. They placed him headfirst in the drum.

Paul Cappola said to his son that the body was in the barrel alone. Concerned about the possibility of someone seeing them pointing, Cappola buried it in another location.

Frank Cappola wrote that’my father who distrusted everyone decided to dig another hole using a company excavator, and to put Hoffa there,’

According to the father, his son, the new hole was located on an area of desolate state property, about eight- and fifteen feet deep. 

First, he buried the Hoffa barrel. Then came as many as 15-30 chemical drums. Finally, he buried bricks and dirt.

Paul Cappola stated that he had ‘placed something just below the surface of the gravesite, which I am prepared to divulge to law enforcement.

Hoffa is seen in 1974 working out, in a scene from an ABC documentary

Hoffa seen working out in 1974 in scene taken from an ABC documentary

Hoffa's disappearance has fascinated America for decades

America has been fascinated by Hoffa’s disappearance for many decades

Hoffa is seen at the home he shared with his wife Josephine and their two children

Hoffa can be seen in the house he shared his home with Josephine, their children and spouse

Frank Cappola and Paul Cappola are supported by testimony from several mob leaders.  

Ralph Picardo was a former teamster and served time for the murder. He became an informant for the FBI and said that Provenzano’s associates had made arrangements for Hoffa to be executed and that his body was transported on a truck to New Jersey.

The FBI stated that Picardo had only speculated that Hoffa might be found dead in Moscato, New Jersey. A 1979 report.

Picardo claimed that he has no information about exact locations. 

Provenzano died in prison in California in 1988.

In 1975, the FBI conducted a search at the Moscato dump, and the agents found no evidence. 

In Philadelphia, a second informant said that two mobsters had brought up the topic of disappearance during a conversation. 

One person said that if the federal government started digging in New Jersey’s proposed dump, it would be pay dirt.

One replied, “Yes, sure they will.”

Initial searches were focused on Detroit, but searches also included his residence and immediate vicinity of the restaurant.

In 1989 a self-described free-lance hitman told Playboy magazine that Hoffa was shot and dismembered in a Mafia house in Michigan, and buried near the end zone in Giants Stadium in New Jersey.

Donald “Tony” Frankos (federally protected witness) in John Gotti’s trial described graphically the way he claimed Hoffa was killed.

Anthony Provenzano, a capo in the Genovese crime family, is believed to have ordered Hoffa's killing

Anthony Provenzano is believed to be a Capo from the Genovese crime families and ordered Hoffa’s murder

Stephen Graham, with a cigar in hand, is seen playing Provenzano in The Irishman

Stephen Graham is shown holding a cigar and playing Provenzano on The Irishman

Frankos stated that in 1986 he claimed to have told the FBI about Hoffa’s death by Jimmy Coonan, an Irish mob boss. He was located in Mount Clemens near Detroit.

Frankos explained that the body was first placed in a meat freezer, and then was transported by an oil drum from Michigan to East Rutherford where Giants Stadium was being built. 

Frankos, who was widely discredited for his theory of the ground was not reliable and was therefore demolished.

Frank Sheeran, a character played by Robert De Niro on The Irishman, made a confession in his final moments that Hoffa had been killed in Detroit.

Sheeran, who was an original Teamster official from Delaware, passed away in 2003, at the age-83 mark.

According to him, Hoffa had been murdered in a home at 17841 Beaverland in north Detroit. After searching the area, officers declared the house safe.

Jeffrey Werner, the Chief of Police at Bloomfield Township, stated that there was blood in the area, and added that the blood was from a man. 

“But Jimmy Hoffa wasn’t included in that sample. 

“We are exactly the same place we were one day ago.” 

The FBI received a tip in 2012 that Provenzano’s ex-bookmaker had dug graves beneath concrete at St Clair Shores. This is a suburb of Detroit. Hoffa was not the one who found the body.

An year later, officers discovered a field located 20 miles north from the restaurant in which Hoffa had his final meeting.

Tony Zerilli was the mafia’s feared captain and claimed that Hoffa was under a concrete slab inside a barn.

Zerilli claims that Hoffa vanished back in 1975 while he was being held in prison. However, he says that after Hoffa’s release, a source told him where Hoffa had been.

However, the search did not yield any results.