A world-renowned philosopher and writer calls for worldwide regulation of artificial Intelligence so that human data is not ‘hacked’ by powerful corporations and governments.
Anderson Cooper was presented with a talk by Yuval Harari, best-selling author and historian, who said that humans could see beyond what is available on TV and streaming. This would allow them to create more algorithms to govern their choices.
He compared data gathering to the Iron Curtain during Cold War. He pointed out that both Silicon Valley as well as China seem to be in a race against each other to improve these technologies.
Investors have bought apps like WhatsApp and Instagram for billions of dollars, not because they generate revenue, but because they allow their owners to control their data.
Banks and lenders on the global financial market use data to manipulate global financial instruments.
Harari asked: “Does your data go directly to California or to Shenzhen, Shanghai, and Beijing?”
Yuval Harari, a world-renowned writer and philosopher, warns about the disastrous effects of artificial intelligence and data gathering being deregulated on society
Harari spoke with Anderson Cooper, CBS, for 60 Minutes
Harari believes that the countries and corporations with the largest data sets will dominate the world in the near future.
Harari stated that the next step due to the pandemic will be making it easier and more likely for our medical data to be taken away from us
Harari highlights the feature which airs Sunday night and suggests that artificial intelligence could allow our information to be accessed by ‘a few powerful people’.
Harari stated that the next step, caused by the pandemic will make it easier and more likely for our medical data to be taken from us. He also raised the alarm about “biometric data”, such as facial pictures, fingerprint data, or DNA.
He stated, “It is data about what’s going on inside my body.” “What we’ve seen so far is that corporations or governments collect data about where we go and who we meet as well as what movies we watch. The next phase of surveillance is under our skin.
Harari stated that the countries and corporations that have the most data will dominate the future world.
Cooper hears his solution: Countries must work together to prevent this from happening by regulating artificial intelligence, data collection, and regulation across all nations.
Harari’s main theme has been warning people about the dangers artificial intelligence algorithms can cause as they gain more control over human life.
“Netflix tells you what to watch, and Amazon tells you what to buy. Cooper said that such algorithms could be used to predict what you should do in college, where to work, and who to marry.
He believes that countries must work together to regulate data collection.
Harari claimed that the spread of the pandemic has made it easier for us to lose our data.
Sapiens, Harari’s first book was a New York Times bestseller
His rules would prevent data collection and concentration from allowing leaders the ability to create dictatorships.
He stated that “if you get my information, the data should be used to help and not manipulate me.” Another key rule is that surveillance should be increased for individuals as well as corporations and governments. The third principle is to not allow all data to be concentrated in a single place. That’s the recipe to dictatorship.
Harari claimed that the cooperation required to stop this happening could be a positive for the rise in AI.
“It’s not just dystopian. It’s also utopian. He said that this type of data could also allow us to create the most advanced health care system in history. The question is, what else is being done using that data? Who supervises it? Who supervises it?
Cooper was also told by Harari that humans are at high risk of being ‘hacked if artificial intelligence is not better controlled.
Hacking a human being is to learn more about that person than they do themselves. Harari adds, “And based on that to increasingly manipulate you.”