Revealed: Jail sex offenders signup to dating sites while being held inside a secure hospital facility for mentally-ill prisoners. One profile picture was taken INSIDE that grounds

Unbeknownst to many, the shocking investigation found that sexual offenders signed up for dating websites while they were being held in a secure mental hospital.

Undercover journalist from ITV’s Exposure program discovered that a paedophile patient could sign up for a sexually explicit dating site. It appeared that he used a photograph taken at the hospital as his profile photo.

A double rapist met his victim online and accessed dating sites while walking in the grounds of Kneesworth House Hospital, Cambridgeshire.

Although the rapist admitted to visiting the websites via a phone, he was allowed to keep his device.

A double rapist, who met one of his victims online, accessed dating sites during walks in the grounds of Kneesworth House Hospital in Cambridgeshire. A stock image is used above [File photo]

A double rapist who met his victim online, accessed dating sites while on walks in the grounds at Kneesworth House Hospital in Cambridgeshire. Above is a stock image [File photo]

The Care Quality Commission (CQC), which regulates secure hospitals, has launched an investigation into Kneesworth, part of the Priory Group which was bought for £1 billion by a Dutch private equity firm earlier this year.

The Priory charges taxpayers £185,000 a year to look after each of the mentally ill criminals housed at the former Edwardian stately home, which was rated ‘good’ by the CQC last year. 

Carlo Lavarini, an undercover journalist, started work at Kneesworth as a mental support worker for the mentally ill earlier this year. He had just two weeks of training and had no prior experience.

The program reveals incompetence among staff and female staff being manipulated by sex offenders as well as other patients. One staff member was caught on camera saying that they don’t encourage people wash their clothes. What the f*** are we offering these guys? It’s actually a joke.

Astonishingly, a child sex offender at the hospital gave £149 to a member of staff to buy a smart TV from a local supermarket which he was later suspected of using to search the web. Although the police found that it was used to search for “concerning images about children”, no charges were filed because there was no evidence that images were accessed.

The ward manager revealed to the reporter that the same patient had ordered and destroyed 14 more mobile phones within nine months. He also said, “There’s something dodgy about what he’s doing with his phones.”

Another child sex offender used a secure computer of the ward to download software that could allow his PlayStation in his bedroom access to the internet.

A staff member stated to the reporter that he did a search of his room and saw all of his plans for a chatroom. They are not doing anything, why?

A security coordinator at the hospital stated that staff didn’t have any inkling of how dangerous this man is.

Representative from Priory stated that ‘Kneesworth Hospital has been rated ‘Good” (by the CQC) and takes the safety and well-being of patients and staff very seriously. 

“We have conducted a thorough investigation and are working closely alongside the police, Ministry of Justice and NHS who are fully informed about these matters. 

“Though the wards don’t have access to wi fi, we’ve appointed independent specialists to review our IT security procedures and policies. Priory is known for its high-quality care. Nearly 90% of its facilities have been rated as ‘Good’ or higher by UK regulators. 

Secure Hospital Uncovered, ITV, tomorrow, 10.45pm
