Jeremy Clarkson receives ‘urgent’ planning permission for a cattle shed on his Diddly Squat Farm, just in time to allow his herd to give birth in the New Year

  • The permission was granted by the farm to construct the shed for 10 pregnant cows
  • The shed will soon be built for the heifers that will calve in early-2022.
  • Diddly Squat Farm will be able accommodate multiple generations in Oxfordshire
  • Amazon in July 2021 ordered Clarkson’s Farm to host a second season. 

Jeremy Clarkson was granted ‘urgent planning permission’ to build a cattle shed, just in time to allow his herd to calve in New Year.

Clarkson, aged 61, has been approved to build a cow shed at Diddly Squat Farm near Chadlington in Oxfordshire.

Clarkson’s Farm, an award-winning documentary on the farm, is presented by Calrkson on Amazon Prime TV. 

Documents indicate that the shed will be used to house Beef Shorthorn cattle during winter and calving.

Clarkson's farm is the feature of a new programme that he is making as part of his lucrative deal with Amazon Prime TV

Clarkson’s farm is part of a new program he is creating as part of his lucrative deal for Amazon Prime TV

They indicate that the request was made with urgency because the farm’s cattle were due to calve in January/February.

According to documents, 12 heifers are currently on the farm, 10 of which will calve in January 2022.

Docs state that this is the base of the farm herd, which will grow with each calving cycle.

The Diddly Squat farm in Chadlington, Oxfordshire will be the focus of the second season of Clarkson's Farm, streaming on Prime TV in the near future.

The Diddly Squat farm in Chadlington, Oxfordshire will be the focus of the second season of Clarkson’s Farm, streaming on Prime TV in the near future.

“The new calves (arriving January 2019) will be reared on our farm with the heifers kept to breed.

The building is a traditional design, with an open floor for easy cleaning and a light and airy area for livestock.

The Yorkshire boarding at the sides provides shelter, ventilation, and light. The open front allows natural light in the space and allows for free access for animals or machinery.

The site can be reached via a made track that links to Chipping Norton Road and the A361.

A spokesperson for West Oxfordshire District Council confirmed that the request was allowed.

The Grand Tour presenter will be able to build his shed quickly in order to have his heifers calve in early 2022.

Grand Tour presenter will have his shed built quickly so that his heifers can calve in early-2022.

Clarkson runs the real-life farm growing a rotation of barley, rapeseed and wheat in the documentary

Clarkson runs a real-life farm where he grows a rotation of wheat, rapeseed and barley. 

He stated that certain types of development are allowed to proceed by national legislation, without the need for a planning application.

“One condition for certain types of permitted development is that you must submit an application to the Local Planning Authority to obtain its Prior Approval or to determine if it will be required.

“This allows the Local Planning Authority the opportunity to examine the proposals and determine their likely impact on certain factors. It is not necessary to obtain planning permission to build the cattle shed, as long as the plans are followed.

Amazon in July 2021 ordered a second season for Clarkson’s Farm. 
