Lawrence Masinge (a well-respected fitness coach) was murdered on Zoom in front of more than 200 viewers
His family believes he was targeted by a hit and that he was killed while training in South Africa. Police are now on the hunt for him.
Lawrence MasigneOn Wednesday, he was shot to death at his Pretoria home. He hosted an online class and 200 people witnessed the crime over Zoom.
Although police have not revealed the motive behind his death, family members say that he spoke about others following him and was therefore possible to have been targeted for a hit.
Witnesses, who are seeking counselling now, claimed that Masinge was shot in the back by the killer after a brief burst with gunfire.
Masinge’s daughter, who did not wish to be named, told the Daily Sun that her father had previously spoken to her about ‘jealous’ people who had been ‘following him since last year’ – but never revealed who they were.
Sun identified the trainer’s brother as Solomon. He also said that his family was looking into whether there were ‘any enemies. Irene, however, said that Masinge had been robbed of his phone by the killer.
One Zoom client, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told The South African that the attacker fired ‘multiple shots’ at Masinge before returning to fire more.
“We watched a man shoot multiple times, then he ran back to hit him three more times in the head. “It’s almost like he wanted his death to be certain,” she stated.
Some described the murder as cold and evil, but others said that the attacker didn’t feel any sympathy.

Masinge clients were horrified to see their beloved trainer being killed on live camera while they tried desperately to reach emergency services.
Mpho Magwaza of Zoom, another client, said that the attacker “seemed content and lingered afterwards the shooting” as if he was ‘waiting for Masinge’ to die.
The incident occurred around 7:15 on Wednesday, according to police.
Anyone with information about the murder is asked to contact them.
Zazi Nsibanyoni – Mugmbi was one of Masinge’s clients and was participating in the training session at the time the shots were fired.
“An unidentified man entered the building and opened fire on him. The incident occurred while people were exercising and didn’t know what was happening. She told TimesLIVE that the man returned and shot him twice more and then ran.
“Everyone was literally watching a lifeless body desperately trying to seek help. The cycle continued for another hour. [what felt]Like 30 minutes.
“He was busy and had many customers. He was always growing.” His shooter was dressed well.
“I train with Lawrence every day. Traumatized. I was traumatized by the experience of watching the murders live on Zoom. There is no way the others could have done it.
Masinge is described by her as energetic and contagious. Masinge was taking the fitness world to new heights. It was not necessary to join a gym. He is the only one like him.

Horror-stricken viewers watch as murder unfolds in front of their eyes during class
“He changed the way I think about fitness. His humanity was amazing. He wanted everyone to be better.
Some clients also took to the social media platform to call for justice in regard to their murdered coach.
One tweet said that Lawrence Masinge had been shot last night while attending a Zoom meeting. The suspects continued to rob it, but the number plate could be seen on camera. This matter is being raised by Twitter.
Online users are also using the hashtag ‘justiceforlawrencemasinge’ to make sure the local authorities thoroughly investigate the trainer’s death.
“Phuthi85” commented that he witnessed the worst scene. Lawrence Masinge, our amazing trainer was training us and then he brutally killed him during a Zoom cardio session. I pray that his loved ones are comforted.
Masinge, who was nicknamed “The Beast”, was part of a community program to promote exercise and sports among youth that was funded by the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture.
Local authorities appeal to all who have any information.