Legendary pro-wrestler Jimmy Rave shared that he had both his legs amputated following a recurring MRSA case. He retired just months before the infection caused doctors to amputate his arm. 

Jimmy Rave, 38, tweeted a jarring photo showing the professional wrestler laying in his hospital bed with both legs and his left arm removed because he was again diagnosed with Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus – a bacterial infection resistant to antibiotics. 

“I have a story” [with]This and would cancel shows frequently due to this condition,” he wrote on Twitter Sunday. 

“I’ve been this long not disclosing my leg because of this embarrassment.” 

Jimmy Rave, 38, revealed on Twitter on Sunday that he had both his legs amputated after contracting  Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) - a staph infection resistant to antibiotics and typically found in hospitals - in both legs

Jimmy Rave, 38, revealed on Twitter on Sunday that he had both his legs amputated after contracting  Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) – a staph infection resistant to antibiotics and typically found in hospitals – in both legs 

The former pro wrestler is best known for his work in the Ring Of Honor, a live program featuring the 'best-in-ring action' and new styles that 'developed by fresh, young stars that incorporates wrestling, mixed martial arts and high-flying'

The former pro wrestler is best known for his work in the Ring Of Honor, a live program featuring the ‘best-in-ring action’ and new styles that ‘developed by fresh, young stars that incorporates wrestling, mixed martial arts and high-flying’

MRSA is a life-threatening staph infection that resists treatment.

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a type of bacteria that is resistant to several widely-used antibiotics, which makes it particularly hard to treat. 

It is important to catch the infection early in order to prevent it from spreading and infecting others.

About 30 percent of people carry the Staphylococcusaureus bacteria in their nose, armpits or buttocks.

These toxins can infect the bloodstream and cause severe illness.

MRSA is most often associated with hospitals. 

Not only is the infection highly resistant to drugs, but current screening methods are inaccurate. This allows for the spread of the infection as the patient moves between hospitals.

Even if the infection is treated successfully, it can increase healthcare costs and double the length of a patient’s stay in hospital.

MRSA was recently ranked high on the WHO’s priority list for Research and Development of New Drugs.   

Rave posted on his Instagram last December that he was ending pro-wrestling due to the amputation of his left arm. 

“I have been very fortunate for the past 21 years in professional wrestle and getting to live my dream.” He wrote that his dream is over and that he now has a new reality on Instagram on December 10, 2020. 

“This post Tuesday [December 8]My world was rocked when doctors discovered a serious infection in my left arm. I tried to ignore it but it was too late. They had to amputate the left arm above my elbow. 

According to health officials, about 30 percent of people have staph infection.

MRSA infection is more common in athletes and those who have undergone inpatient treatment or who have had medical devices or surgery in their bodies.

If left untreated the infection can spread to the bloodstream, causing poisonous toxins and death in up to one-fifth patients.

Romain Vezirian, a pro wrestler, wrote: “I hate that this happened. It was the highlight of my career to go from being a huge admirer of yours and share the ring with him. We are all rooting for your success. 

Rave was also encouraged by Jeremy Vain (pro wrestler). I know you’re aware of my desire to help others. It’s not that you didn’t do it before. It’s just that you are doing it differently. I love you man. #Changelives.’

Rave claimed that he withheld information about his legs because of an ’embarrassment’, and that there were a lot of ‘untrue’ things being said that the pro was suffering from something else. 

He posted the photo of him in hospital a few days prior to posting the picture. The wrestler had already posted a hospital bill totaling more than $100,000. Room and board alone cost $52,500. He asked his fans for their help. 

Rave posted an astonishing $103,000 medical bill on Twitter last week asking his fans for help

Rave posted an amazing $103,000 medical bill via Twitter last week, asking his followers for their help 

Rave was stunned by the shocking $103,314,77 billing for therapy, laboratory work, room and board, as well as the $8.50 per-day to ‘use the 20 channels TV’ 

Other pro wrestlers rallied behind the star, with many asking their followers to ‘help as much as possible’ 

‘I’m really sorry about this. You never failed any of our and you are an example to us all. Toby Farley, a fellow pro wrestler, wrote that there are many things I have taken from your work and knowledge that I’ve shared with others. 

On Twitter, he wrote, “I don’t know where the rumors originated this was due to some other reason but I hadn’t been so long to shows,” ‘Pro Wrestling was all I ever loved. It is a sad thought to think that the tribe I would die for would tell untrue stories about me. 

Rave had his arm amputated in 2020 and a GoFundMe page was created to help him. There have been many new donations since his announcement. 

The page has raised $16,115 so far, which is $20,000 less than its goal. 

Rave is best known for his work in the Ring Of Honor, a live show that features the ‘best-in ring action’ and new styles that were developed by young stars. This program incorporates mixed martial arts and high flying. 

The former pro-wrestler announced on his Instagram that he retired from the sport due to the amputation of his left arm in December 2020. He lost his arm to the same disease

The Instagram account of the former pro-wrestler revealed that he was retiring from the sport following the amputation in December 2020. The same disease caused him to lose his arm.

Many other pro-wrestlers showed him love and support on Twitter and said he was an inspiration and that they were 'rooting' for him

On Twitter, he was supported by many other pro-wrestlers who showed love and support. They said he was an inspiration to them and were rooting for him