Liz Truss, Foreign Secretary warns that ‘woken’ attacks against Britain’s culture and history are a gift for the country’s enemies

  • Liz Truss is scheduled to deliver a significant speech today at Chatham House, London.
  • The Foreign Secretary is expected to demand an end to the culture wars.
  • Following the fall of Berlin Walls, She’ll claim that the “free” world lost sight of the ball.
  • This comes amid increasing tensions between Russia and Ukraine over the military buildup at Ukraine’s border 

Liz Truss today will call for an end of culture wars, ‘woke’ attacks against the UK’s past and warn that internal divisions only serve Britain’s adversaries. 

Chatham House will be host to the major speech of Foreign Secretary. She will encourage people to wake up. 

According to The Sun, she will assert that disputes about Britain’s culture and history work in the favor of countries like China or Russia.

Liz Truss will today call for an end to culture wars and 'woke' attacks on the UK's history as she warns internal rows only help Britain's enemies

Liz Truss is calling for an end the culture wars in Britain and “woke” attacks on Britain’s history. She warns that internal conflicts only benefit Britain’s enemies.

The Foreign Secretary will say disputes over Britain's history and culture work to the advantage of hostile states like China and Russia. Russian President Vladimir Putin is pictured yesterday in Sochi, Russia

Foreign Secretary Will say that disputes over Britain’s history and culture are to the benefit of other hostile countries such as Russia and China. Yesterday’s photograph of Vladimir Putin, Russian President, was taken in Sochi (Russia).

Ms Truss urges us to be proud of our identities and stand for what we believe in. 

She will also issue a warning that ‘the free world took its eyes off the ball’ following the collapse of the Soviet Union amid mounting tensions with Moscow over the build up of military forces on its border with Ukraine. 

Ms Truss will use the address to say that ‘we need to believe in Britain and project the best of Britain to the world’. 

She’ll urge the nation forward to make America a patriotic place that is ‘proud to be great’. 

After Ms Truss warned Russia not to invade Ukraine, the speech was delivered.

NATO allies fear that Russian forces could build up at their border, which could lead to an incursion. 

The Foreign Secretary warns that the “age of introspection must stop now” and says: “In recent years, the free world has lost its focus on the ball. 

“Many believed that the fall of communism was the end history and that liberty and democracy would soon spread across the globe. 

Ms Truss said that after the 1989 fall of Berlin Wall, “people turned inwards” and now it’s time to awaken.  
