Richard Madeley was unable to earn four stars out of ten for camp. He had to battle critters and rotten fruits, as well as fish guts, in Wednesday’s Castle Kitchen Nightmares trial.  

The ITV favourite, 65, who was the first celebrity to be voted by the public to take part in a solo trial, faced the pressure of having to provide food for all of the 2021 cast after the two camps merged. 

Meanwhile, Adam Woodyatt (soap star) and Simon Gregson (soap actor) were named as new campmates for Castle Scare Fair Trial. 

Yuck! Richard Madeley only managed to score four out of ten stars for camp after battling critters, rotten fruit, fish guts and offal in the gruesome Castle Kitchen Nightmares trial on I'm A Celebrity on Wednesday night

Yuck! Richard Madeley scored four of the ten camp stars after fighting off fish, bugs, and offal during Wednesday’s Castle Kitchen Nightmares trial.

Richard told hosts Ant McPartlin and Declan Donnelly, he would ‘do my best’ after the pair revealed he would have to unearth the stars which were hidden down walls, pots and a rubbish shoot.  

Ant explained the trial by saying, “This trial is castle kitchen nightmares. You have 10 minutes to locate 10 stars within the trial.” You will receive a meal tonight for each star you locate. They can be found anywhere.

“When you locate a star, put it in your starbag. Only stars found in the bag at end of trial count.   

Dec said, “Now that this is a trial, it will be filled with castle critters throughout. You can stop the trial by shouting “I’m a Celebrity Get Me out Of Here”, and we will get you out.

Richard jumped headfirst into the chute when the sound of the klaxon was heard. He landed in a sewer and tried to locate the stars amid the vegetables and fruit. 

Tough: The ITV favourite, 65, who was the first celebrity to be voted by the public to take part in a solo trial, faced the pressure of having to provide food for all of the 2021 cast after the two camps merged

It was tough: 65-year-old ITV favorite, who was first to vote by the public for a solo trial, had to deal with the stress of providing food for the entire cast of 2021 after both camps merged.

Challenge: Explaining the trial, Ant said: 'This is castle kitchen nightmares, you have 10 minutes to find 10 stars hidden within the trial. Each star you find is a meal for the camp tonight. They could be hidden anywhere'

Ant explained that the trial was a nightmare in a castle. He said, “This is Castle Kitchen Madness, and you only have 10 minutes.” Every star that you locate is a dinner for camp tonight. You could hide them anywhere.

On your marks, get set, go: As the klaxon sounded, Richard went head first into a chute and landed in revolting sewer area, and struggled to find the stars amongst the rotten fruit and vegetables

Get ready, Richard! As soon as the sound of the klaxon was heard, Richard jumped into a chute, landing in a sewer. He struggled to locate the stars amid the vegetables and fruit.

Richard appeared extremely alarmed as he initially stated: ‘This is freezing’, before the reality set in and the sexagenarian said: ‘This is really, really hard’. 

He said that there were about seven tons of fruit and that he couldn’t find the star.  

The presenter was unable to untie the star-stitched string and, frustrated, said, “Holy Moly! Oh the team will be so disappointed!”

Disgusting: As fish guts and offal fell on him, the presenter struggled to unknot the string that had the stars on and exasperated said: 'Holy Moly', before the klaxon sounded again, marking the end of the task

Disgusting. As fish guts, offal, and other debris fell upon him, the presenter tried desperately to unravel the string with the stars and finally exclaimed: “Holy Moly” before the klaxon began again. That marked the conclusion of the task.

He said, “Who tied these knots?” It’s wet. Ant and Dec had a good laugh about this one. 

Richard said, “Such disappointment!” He added: “We’ll have food tonight.” I really wanted to be better.  

Richard, a disheartened camper, returned home to tell them about the difficult trial. The campmates were gracious enough to accept that he only got four stars. This led to a meagre dinner of squirrel. 

In the Telegraph, he expressed his disappointment by saying: It’s hard to imagine what I could do more.

Revolting: As the klaxon sounded, Richard went head first into a chute and landed in revolting sewer area, and struggled to find the stars amongst the rotten fruit and vegetables

Richard reacted: Richard jumped headfirst into the chute at the sound of the klaxon and fell in revolting sewer areas. He struggled to locate the stars amid the vegetables and fruit rotting.

Elsewhere in the episode, Arlene Phillips, 78, said her ‘mood changed in the night’ after the former Strictly judge threatened to quit the show after just three days in the camp.

The ITV Series kicked off on Sunday. Arlene and Naughty Boy shared their plans to leave Gwrych Castle, having had a difficult start that saw them spending two days at The Clink.  

Arlene, speaking in the Telegraph said that she felt different in the morning. The boys have been fantastic, I couldn’t have asked for anything better.’

Change of heart: Elsewhere in the episode, Arlene Phillips, 78, said her 'mood changed in the night' after the former Strictly judge threatened to quit the show after just three days in the camp

The episode features Arlene Phillips, who, at 78 years old, stated that her mood has changed since the threat by former Strictly judge Arlene Phillips to end the show in three days.

In the balance: The ITV series kicked off its brand new series on Sunday, but Arlene and Naughty Boy already shared their intentions to leave the derelict Gwrych Castle following a tough start which saw them spend two days in The Clink

The Balance: The ITV series launched its new series Sunday. However, Arlene and Naughty boy already announced their intention to leave Gwrych Castle after a difficult start that saw them spending two days at The Clink.

Naughty Boy, who believed that Sunny the robin wanted Sunny to stay, entertained viewers. Arlene spoke out about Sunny’s indecision to remain and said that Sunny should tell him what to do. 

Upon hearing The Clink were set to join Main Camp, he said: ‘I’m going to the main camp to see how I feel when I get there.’  

He added: ‘I’m feeling buoyant, I’m feeling good, I’m so blessed to have these guys.’ 

Over the moon: The Clink campmates entered the main camp, all the main camp celebrities jumped up and down with joy as they were so happy to see them. Frankie had tears of happiness

Over the moon: When the Clink group of campmates arrived at main camp, everyone jumped with joy and screamed “Over the moon!” as their faces lit up. Frankie was overcome with happiness and had to cry.

Frankie Bridge cried tears of joy when Frankie Bridge merged the two camps.  

In the Telegraph, Richard said: ‘I thought there might be a bit of friction at the outset because we’ve been down there all the time and they’ve been up here at our expense. It was such a relief that we found the warm and welcoming welcome they extended to us, and that all the potential rivalry was gone.

Arlene shared the following: “I was extremely nervous going into the main camp, and what was inside were a group so welcoming it was quite overwhelming. 

Naughty Boy said that the past few days had been difficult, but God is good. He wants us to be a family.

Frankie was told by David Ginola how unhappy they felt in The Clink, and what Naughty Boy thought of moving. 

Unimpressed: Fans took to Twitter branding the DJ and Arlene 'attention seekers' for wanting to walk out of the show, after being offered lucrative salaries to star in the series

Unimpressed: After being offered lucrative salary to appear on the series, fans took to Twitter to label Arlene and DJ as ‘attention seekers’.

Twitter users branded Arlene and DJ as “attention seekers” for their desire to leave the show after they were offered high-paying salaries.

One wrote: ‘Naughty Boy needs to get a grip’, while another viewer added: ‘I don’t understand why Arlene and Naughty Boy are annoyed with main camp. They haven’t done anything wrong, just playing the game.’

A third viewer added: “Naughty Boy and Arlene suddenly change their mind about leaving ….. A.k.a Attention Wanted” 

Louise Minchin, Danny Miller and Danny Miller participated in the Castle Coin Challenge. They were country farmers who had to look like them and find clues inside eggs in order to locate the missing link. 

Emmerdale’s actor proved slightly apathetic about the country, leaving I’m A Celeb viewers confused when he did not know what a coop is. 

The 30-year-old actor’s confusion began when he arrived at a farm outside the Welsh castle’s grounds to take part in the show’s latest chaotic Castle Coin challenge alongside Louise questioned: ‘What’s a coop?’ 

Danny wasn’t sure what a coop was until Louise, his BBC Breakfast colleague explained to him the concept by showing Danny a nearby running and telling him: “That’s a cage.” 

Farmers: Louise Minchin and Danny Miller took part in the Castle Coin Challenge, dressed as country farms and had to find clues in eggs to find the missing link

Farmers: Louise Minchin & Danny Miller were disguised as country farmers to take part in Castle Coin Challenge.

Twitter users quickly rushed to Twitter to voice their shock at Danny’s omissions. 

So Danny does not know what a chickencoop looks like. How many years has he lived on @emmerdale’s farm ? He questioned him. 

One more: “Never heard about a hedge fund, or a coup. wtf [sic]’ 

A third blasted: ‘Thick as chicken sh*t’. 

Confusion: Danny's countryside knowledge proved to be slightly lacking on Wednesday night as he left I'm A Celeb viewers baffled when he didn't know what a coop was

Confusion: Danny didn’t have a lot of knowledge about the country, leaving I’m A Celeb viewers puzzled that he didn’t even know what a coop is.

Where are they? The pair rummaged through the multicoloured chicken coops in a bid to find the stars that would allow them to buy a treat for their camp in Ye Olde Shoppe

You don’t know where they are. In an effort to locate the stars to purchase a treat for Ye Olde Shoppe, the pair searched through multicoloured chicken coops. 

Tricky: There were plenty of places for the stars to hide as the entire farm was completely covered with hay

Tricky: There were plenty of places for the stars to hide as the entire farm was completely covered with hay 

'How long has he been on Emmerdale!?': Fans were quick to rush to Twitter to express their confusion at the holes in Danny's vocabulary

“How long have they been Emmerdale?’: The confusion in Danny’s vocabulary was quickly expressed by fans who rushed to Twitter.

After successfully completing the challenge, the pair arrived at Kiosk Cledwyn’s Ye Olde Shoppe and they had a choice of mini scotch eggs or fried egg sweets, they chose the scotch eggs.

Frankie called camp when Kiosk Callwyn called. She was very excited to become the first series campmate to do so.

Cledwyn asked Brits what percentage faced the shower as they were washing their dishes. The answer was A 44% or B 62%.

Richard led the conversation amongst his campmates. They all settled on 62%, but KioskCledwyn shut down their shutters and Danny and Louise went home empty-handed. 

I’m A Celebrity airs Thursday evening at 9pm on ITV 

Question time: After successfully completing the challenge, the pair arrived at Kiosk Cledwyn’s Ye Olde Shoppe and they had a choice of mini scotch eggs or fried egg sweets, they chose the scotch eggs

Question time: After successfully completing the challenge, the pair arrived at Kiosk Cledwyn’s Ye Olde Shoppe and they had a choice of mini scotch eggs or fried egg sweets, they chose the scotch eggs

Fail: Richard led the discussion amongst campmates and they all decided on 62% but Kiosk Cledwyn slammed his shutter down and Danny and Louise walked back to camp empty handed

Fail: Richard led the conversation amongst his campmates. They all agreed on 62%, but Kiosk Cledwyn shut down their shutters and Danny and Louise returned to camp empty-handed.