Paramedics were asked by the youngest victim to the Manchester Arena terrorist attack if she was going to die. After she had the “night of her dreams” at Ariana Grande’s concert, the public inquiry was held.

Saffie Rose, age eight, sustained massive bleeding from shrapnel-related injuries to her legs, which were caused by an explosion at the City Room foyer. 

Andrew Roussos her father said that their daughter was on “cloud nine” before they took her to Leyland in Lancashire.

She was the youngest of 22 people killed in an horrific terror attack carried out by Salman Abedi after an Ariana Grande concert in May 2017. 

Saffie-Rose Roussos (pictured)

Saffie-Rose Roussos (pictured)

Saffie-Rose Roussos (pictured), eight, from Leyland, Lancashire, suffered massive blood loss from shrapnel wounds to her legs caused by the explosion in the City Room foyer of the venue

The Manchester Arena bombing carried out by Salman Abedi in May 2017 (pictured)

Salman Abedi carried out the Manchester Arena Bombing in May 2017. (pictured).

She had traveled to the concert along her sister Ashlee Bromwich and mother Lisa Bromwich. They were both injured by the explosion. Abedi then detonated the bomb in the foyer.

According to the inquiry, she had seen her idol sing and dance before.     

Paul Reid, a member the public, first tended to her and reassured the girl as she inquired about her mother. 

He stayed with her for over 30 minutes, until she was finally taken to the nearby Victoria railway station in an ambulance.

Bethany Crook was an off-duty nurse who joined them when Saffie Rose started to lose consciousness. They then took Saffie Rose out of the City Room using a few British Transport Police officers.

Ms. Crook said she was “surprised” to not find an ambulance or extra medical personnel waiting for them when they arrived at the Trinity Way exit. 

Saffie Rose's mother Lisa, brother Xander and sister Ashlee Bromwich attend the eight-year-old's colourful funeral following the horrific attack. A devastating report has shared Saffie's final moments, as a public inquiry into the attack prepares to hear more about the emergency service response

Following the horrendous attack on Saffie Rose, her mother Lisa, brother Xander Bromwich and sister Ashlee Bromwich attended the colourful funeral. As a public inquiry prepares for more information about the incident, a devastating report was shared with Saffie’s last moments. 

As police desperately call for assistance, only one doctor visited the terror site within 43 minutes

PC Matthew Hill who was in the City Room foyer at 11.02pm, where the explosion had taken place half an hour earlier, and was heard on his radio saying to a colleague: ‘We need paramedics, like f***** yesterday.’

One PC Mark Kay, his co-worker PC Michael Ball said to him at 11.08pm: “There is no one we can move.

PC Ball responded: “Not really, they’re all very badly hurt. Paramedics are needed if we want to move people.

Kam Hare from the Greater Manchester Police Tactical Aid Unit entered City Room at 10.50pm. She recalled that she screamed over the radio to get paramedics into City Room.

A few police officers had discussed the possibility of Saffie Rose being ridden in a vehicle with other officers and taking her to the hospital. But Ms Crook stated that the child would need ‘proper care’ and stability.

After being flagged by an officer who shouted and waved on the sidewalk, an ambulance was finally able to make its way towards the rendezvous point.

Inquiries revealed that North West Ambulance Service (NWAS), paramedic Gillian Yates, recalled Saffie Rose asking in the back seat of an ambulance: “Am I going to be killed?”

She replied, “That’s all Saffie Rose said.” She wasn’t engaging in conversation.

“I tried to assure her that it was a normal question, as people often ask it of people with serious illnesses. I found it very concerning that she asked it.

Gemma Littler from NWAS, an emergency medical technician, stated that she was certain they would lose Gemma as soon as she saw her colleague.

She replied, “I assured her that she was safe and that we would be taking her to hospital so we could take care of her.” I tried to do my best for her. When she asked me when I was going to be there for her, I assured her that I would.

“I replied in the most comforting way I can for her.”

Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital received the ambulance at 11.23pm, 52 minutes after bombing. However Saffie Rose was declared dead at 11.40pm.

To the question, Ms Bromwich said that Grande was her younger sibling and she had seen her enjoy the show.

She stated that she was thrilled. She had a great time and was totally in her element.

Andrew Saffie Rose, Saffie’s dad, stated that his daughter was so happy to be performing with her idol.

He claimed that he was “on cloud nine.”

With a variety of experts disagreeing about her ability to have survived the injuries, the inquiry examines the circumstances leading up to Saffie Rose’s sudden death.

It was discovered that one paramedic arrived on the Manchester Arena scene for the terror attack. This revelation came as 43 minutes have passed since the blast.

In January, it was discovered that two victims including Saffie Rose, were’may’ to have survived, had they been treated sooner.

Police officers, civilians and others arrived at the City Room foyer bombing site with first aid kits in order to help the victims.

Saffie Rose Roussos, her mother Lisa and sister Ashlee Bromwich were leaving Ariana Grande’s concert at Manchester Arena May 2017, when Salman Abedi set off a bomb inside the foyer.

Despite at least 8 ambulances being present in the vicinity, Patrick Ennis, a paramedic, was not able to enter. He left after only five minutes. 

These details were provided to the Manchester Arena inquiry team in January. 

Paul Greaney, QC was at that time counsel for the inquiry. He stated: “It’s notable that forty minutes after the explosion, despite numerous NWAS personnel, Patrick Ennis, the sole NWAS paramedic, had been to the City Room.

Evidently, it is necessary to examine the evidence and determine why this happened.

“Suvivability in Saffie’s case is an issue based on the material I have presented since my opening statements.”  

“It was 11.14pm when the NWAS hazardous zone response team (HART), which was established in 2009, arrived at the station. They were equipped with specialist skills and equipment in order to reach and treat patients in hazardous and dangerous conditions after a terrorist attack.

“The inquiry will need to look into why the team that has obvious expertise was not there 43 minutes after an explosion.

Saffie’s family had always believed the youngster had died instantly in the blast, but a new report commissioned by them has revealed she may have survived for up to an hour, before dying as a result of blood loss from her leg injuries.