Official data shows that dozens of new and pregnant mothers fight for their life against Covid in the NHS’ intensive care units.
According to doctors, almost all cases of women on ventilators who have not been immunized are those in which they are not being vaccinated. If the woman had been jabbed their condition would have prevented them from becoming life-threatening.
In the eight past months, more than 500 pregnant women and mothers who just gave birth to babies have been admitted to ICU.
With only 25 percent of pregnant women receiving the vaccine, experts are advising against further vaccinations.
The report by the Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre reveals that 118 out of the 558 women in ICU were either pregnant or just recently became pregnant during the 24-hour period.
Tragically, 15 died and 24 others are currently in ICU fighting the disease. According to data, Covid is only 32 years old in ICU for pregnant women.

Official data shows that dozens of mothers and pregnant women are fighting to survive in the NHS’s intensive care units against Covid. According to doctors, nearly all of the cases in which women are kept alive by ventilators have not been given vaccinations. This could have prevented their potentially life-threatening situation. (File image)
Experts suggest that this population may be at greater risk of contracting the virus from having children.
Omicron is not yet known if it poses any greater risks to pregnant women or mothers than other strains. However, doctors worry about low vaccine uptake rates in this group.
Patrick O’Brien (a University College Hospital London NHS Trust Gynaecologist) said that almost all women are unvaccinated when they have Covid-infected pregnant women.
“We are not yet certain what will happen to Omicron, but we know from experience that other variants can cause more serious disease in pregnancies.”
He said, “We will not really know until the next two-to three weeks what this latest variant is going do.”

“But, it’s just an awful situation to see someone in intensive care, pregnant, and being ventilated. Because you know that they could have avoided it if they had the vaccine. This is nearly always preventable.
Because of the extra strain placed on the body by pregnancy, he said that new mothers could be more at risk for Covid up to six weeks following birth.
According to doctors, mothers-to be are refusing the vaccination out of concern for the safety of their child and the safety it poses.
However, the Royal College has found that stillbirths in pregnant women with Covid are two-fold more likely than if they have not been vaccinated.
One-in-five people with severe Covid may need a preterm delivery.
Separate data from earlier in the year showed that nearly half of all ICU Covid patients were unvaccinated.
Marian Knight is a professor of maternal and infant population health at Oxford’s National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit. She said that while it was concerning to see Covid’s outcomes in pregnancy getting worse, the data that show vaccination provides strong protection against serious illness should give women some comfort.
“Vaccination is the best protection for you and your baby. We now know that vaccines can protect your baby from disease by crossing the placenta.