New York mom who forgives her husband for killing her twins, one year old, has stated that she didn’t initially care that her husband was on suicide watch as she was so angry.
Juan Rodriguez forgot to leave his little boy and girl, Luna, at daycare before he went to work in July 2019 at an eight-hour shift in a Bronx veterans hospital.
Juan discovered them dead after they had been trapped for the day in a hot car.
Their mother, Marissa Quattrone Rodriguez, said it was a ‘hopeful’ and ‘happy’ day the morning the twins passed away as she was going to take them to the beach for the first time that weekend. Her life now is split into two. ‘before and after the twinkies passed’.
Although she has maintained her marriage and said she didn’t feel guilty for what happened, she also admitted that their relationship was ‘changed forever.’ She says her 6-year-old son is her hero and the reason she’s survived for the past two years.

Marissa Rodriguez from New York stayed with Juan Rodriguez after Juan left their twins to die in a hot car.

Juan Rodriguez accidentally left his twins behind at daycare, before heading to work in the Bronx for eight hours at a veterans hospital.
“I understood Juan and mine grieve differently. Photos of happy times are what I enjoy. She says he doesn’t.
“But, we both agree that we should focus on our twins’ lives, birthdays, fun memories and not on their loss or death.
Juan was released from prison by pleading guilty on two counts reckless endangerment. The judge called the incident a “tragic and unfortunate incident”.
Marissa acknowledges, “I wasn’t always supportive of Juan,” I was angry with a lot people. Juan was freed from prison and they named me his “watchman” in order to ensure that he didn’t kill himself.
‘I must admit, at that time I did not care what he did. I felt pushed in all directions, and just wanted to go.
“I brought my four-year old and we travelled a bit so that I didn’t have to go home with all the bad memories,” she said.

Juan had just spent the day with disabled veterans in a hospital and Marissa was at work. Juan called Marissa to inform her that she wanted to take the children to daycare.

Marissa said that her anger diminished over time and she gained more understanding. The couple were pictured together on their wedding day
Marissa said that her anger diminished over time and that her understanding grew.
“I’m sure Juan would never have intentionally hurt our children.” He should be kept out of jail. That was my goal.
She adds, “I talk to my children all the time.”
“I’ve got songs and signs that are like them. Although it could be all in my head and not real, I find comfort in the thought that they are sending me their love.
Juan, who was spending the day counseling disabled veterans in a hospital, called her from work to remind her she needed to go to daycare.

Juan was released from prison on two counts reckless endangerment. The judge called the incident a “tragic, unfortunate event”. These are the twins

Marissa said that Juan tried to provide a normal existence for her and their children in the 2 1/2 years following the tragedy. Pictured: The entire family
The request was common. They communicated regularly about who would pick up the children.
Marissa recalls, “I said no problem and continued with my work,”
“I was on work-related calls, and he called back just seconds later. So I missed his call. He left me a message and then he called again. It was clearly an emergency.
“My love, oh, my God, my love…” was what I answered. The babies were killed by me. The same thing was repeated over and over. It was the same every time. That’s just not true.

Marissa believes that anything can be achieved – including the US implementation of the Hot Car Act. This is Marissa with her family just before the passing of her son.

According to the distraught mum, she “honestly does not know” where she would end up if she didn’t have her six-year old son. Family pictured
Juan only realized that the day before he had taken his children to the childcare center that it was after he looked at his Honda sedan’s rearview mirror.
Marissa left her office, and she drove to Juan’s workplace.
The street was blocked with caution tape, and she couldn’t get near her family car because the officers on the scene didn’t permit it.
Marissa recalls, “The instant I heard the news I was shocked to my core that Juan had told me it was true,”
“I could see the pain and panic in his voice. But I couldn’t help but believe it.”
Juan was being held and Marissa saw an ambulance leave the scene.
“I asked them if they [the babies]They were inside there,” she said. “They weren’t, which was something I suspected, but couldn’t believe.”
“I wanted to believe that there was hope. This is something I didn’t know about before.
“Never known so many children who died this way. Forgotten Baby Syndrome was a term I had never heard about before this. This could have happened to me.
She said, “All of my hopes and desires for them, their family, for my child to grow up alongside siblings his age, for their bright futures ….’.
“I was unable to resist the urge to remain here for a time.”
Devastated mum admits she’s not sure where she’d be without her six-year old son.
“I don’t try to press him, but I have repeatedly told him that he’s my hero,” she confessed.
Marissa said that Juan tried to provide a normal existence for her children in the 2 1/2 years since the tragedy.
According to her, “But nothing will bring back the true hope and joy we once enjoyed,”
“There is no time that joy can be experienced without pain, and it does not hurt that others aren’t here.”
Marissa thinks back to the time when the tragedy happened and she can see that the first months were filled with ‘fog.
Her first instinct was to ‘crawl underneath a rock and vanish’.
There was also the pain of organizing a funeral, hiring a lawyer and telling her four-year old son that she would never be able to see them again.
Marissa states, “I needed to see a doctor in order to verify that the photos I took of my children were true to their names.”
They looked terrible on the pictures. These images will stay in my mind forever. This is something I’d love for everyone to see.
At every corner, there were haunting reminders.

Juan Rodriguez hugged his wife Marissa Rodriguez when he left Bronx Criminal Court, after posting a $100K Bond in the case of the death his children.
Marissa remembers, “A few days after their passing we received a bag with items that had been in the car.”
“The first thing I ever saw was one of each pair of shoes. Since that time, I’ve kept the shoes with me, and they go everywhere I go.
Marissa states that friends have told her they had conversations with Marissa.
“I’ve also made some new friends.” I was told by one person that they didn’t know how or what to talk to me. This hurts.
“And, there have also been people in my life I consider close friends since they were there when it was the hardest.
Marissa, on advice from their lawyer, appeared on Dr Phil – something that she still finds conflicting.

Marissa, pictured while pregnant with the twins, says ‘We are, unfortunately, family now. It’s the family that every parent wishes to be a part of.
“They all were more interested in rating and tugging on viewers’ heartstrings than in getting the message across that something must be done, and it can be done very easily to stop this,” she said.
Marissa insists that it is possible to implement a Hot Car Act within the US.
This act requires that all new cars be equipped with technology capable of detecting if there is anyone inside the car after it has been turned off. To prevent injuries or death from heatstroke, an alert to the driver would be sent.
Marissa hopes that it’s technology Marissa can use around the world, even in Australia. Each year more than 5 000 children are rescued from cars left abandoned.
Marissa states, “We both hope the Hot Cars Act will be passed. We also hope the safety measures that require detection of life in automobiles are used outside the US.
She says, “I’m available to talk with any parent that has been through a similar tragedy,”
“We, unfortunately, are now family.” It is the family that every parent wishes to be a part of.