A devastated mother who was forced to listen over the phone as her 32-year-old daughter was brutally murdered by her cage fighter ex-lover says she hopes he ‘rots in jail’.
Andrew Wadsworth (37), stabbed Melissa Belshaw to death in her Billinge home in Wigan, just two months after being released from prison under licence.
After two days of deliberation in Manchester Crown Court, December 2020, a jury found Wadsworth guilty of murder. Wadsworth also was found guilty of trying to kill Gerard Bristow (heroic neighbour) in the street.
Ms Belshaw’s mother, Jean Mulvaney, 59, said Wadsworth needs to ‘go to the deepest, darkest parts of hell’ and admitted the killer’s name has since been banned in her house.

The devastated mother of murdered Melissa Belshaw (above) says she hopes her cage fighter ex-lover Andrew Wadsworth ‘rots in jail’

After being released on licence, the 37 year-old stabbed his beautician to death in her Billinge, Wigan residence.
Ms Mulvaney, a woman who called Wadsworth ‘the devil herself’, was forced by the attacker to helplessly listen over the phone.
She told the Liverpool Echo: ‘I hope he rots in jail and he needs to go to the deepest, darkest parts of hell.
I didn’t understand hate until it happened. I used to not know what hate was, but now I know.
‘I hope he never sees the light of day again… he took away everything from us.’

The trial heard that Wadsworth abused cocaine and alcohol and attacked another neighbor. Wadsworth was then armed with the exact same knife, and went to street and repeatedly stabbed the neighbour.

Ms Mulvaney was forced to passively listen to Wadsworth’s attack, describing him as ‘the Devil itself’.
The trial heard Wadsworth repeatedly stabbing a neighbour, who was alerted to his distress by the sound of the knives, after the drug- and alcohol-fueled attack.
Manchester Crown Court heard that he delivered another roundhouse punch to the head and neck of a constable who was on the ground.
Following a five-year sentence for two counts of robbery with imitation firearms, Wadsworth received a 10-year term of imprisonment in 2011. In 2011, Wadsworth also received an extended license of two years for aggrieved burglary.

Now, Ms Mulvaney is determined to do everything she can to keep her daughter’s ‘beautiful soul’ alive
Now, Ms Mulvaney is urging anyone who feels unsafe in their relationship to take action and ‘get help’.
She stated, “They must get out. They need to seek assistance as soon as they can.”
The mother also said she would keep her daughter’s beautiful soul alive, even though it was difficult for her to bear the last 18 months.