‘Holy grail’ giant owl that hasn’t been seen in 150 YEARS is finally spotted in a rainforest in Ghana — raising hopes for the survival of the vulnerable species

  • The 1870s were the last time that the Shelley’s Eagle-owl was seen.
  • It is distinguished for its large size, yellow beak, barred patterning, and black eyes.
  • Only one other certain photo of the owl exists — taken of one in captivity in 1975
  • Biologists Joseph Tobias and Robert Williams snapped one in the Atewa forest
  • According to the pair, the sightings of the elusive Owl on October 16 made their jaws drop.

A giant owl that hasn’t been seen in the wild in 150 years has finally been spotted in a rainforest in Ghana — raising hopes for the survival of the vulnerable species.

The Shelley’s eagle-owl was sighted in the Atewa forest on October 16 by Imperial College London biologist Joseph Tobias and freelance ecologist Robert Williams.

Last definitively seen in Ghana in the 1870s — the same year it was first described — the nocturnal owl has become something of a ‘Holy Grail’ for birdwatchers in Africa.

While there have been many alleged sightings in the past few decades in Central and West Africa and as far afield as Angola and Liberia, all have been unconfirmed.

The Shelley’s Eagle-owl, which is more often heard than seen, is reported to make a distinct ‘kooouw sound that is louder than the calls of other owls.

Only grainy images of the bird from Belgium’s Antwerp Zoo in 1975 are known to be certain.

Meanwhile, some have claimed a 2005 photograph taken in the Congo shows a more recent specimen — but the image is said to be too pixelated to be sure.

Given its scarcity — with an estimated population of only a few thousand individuals — the Shelley’s Eagle Owl is considered to be vulnerable to extinction.

A giant owl that hasn't been sighted in the wild in 150 years has been spotted in a rainforest in Ghana — raising hopes for the vulnerable species' survival. Pictured: the Shelley's eagle-owl

A giant owl that hasn’t been sighted in the wild in 150 years has been spotted in a rainforest in Ghana — raising hopes for the vulnerable species’ survival. Pictured: Shelley’s eagle-owl


Formal name Bubo shelleyi

Locality: Central & Western Africa 

Size of the body: 21–24 inches

Wing chord (length). 16.5–19.4 inches

Weight:Over 2.7 lbs 

The researchers — who are in Ghana studying the biological impacts of agricultural development in Africa as part of a UK Government-funded project — spotted the owl when they accidentally disturbed the bird from its daytime roost.

Dr Tobias stated, “It was so big, we initially thought it was an Eagle.” 

“Fortunately it perched on a low tree branch, and when we lifted out our binoculars, our jaws dropped.” There is no other owl in Africa’s rainforests that big.’ 

While the owl only perched still for 10–15 seconds before flying away, the pair succeeded in take photographs from which the species could be confirmed.

They can be sure that the bird was indeed Shelley’s eagle-owl thanks to its distinguishing combination of distinctive black eyes, yellow bill, large size and barred patterning.

‘This is a sensational discovery,’ said biodiversity expert Nathaniel Annorbah of Ghana’s University of Environment and Sustainable Development.

“We have been looking for this mysterious bird for many years in the western lowlands. It’s a surprise to find it in the Eastern Region’s ridgetop forests.

The Shelley’s eagle-owl was first described in 1872 by noted British ornithologist Richard Bowdler Sharpe — curator of the Natural History Museum in London’s bird collection — after acquiring a specimen from a local hunter in Ghana.

The Shelley's eagle-owl was first described in 1872 by noted British ornithologist Richard Bowdler Sharpe — curator of the Natural History Museum in London's bird collection — after acquiring a specimen from a hunter in Ghana. Pictured: an illustration of the owl from 1875

The Shelley’s eagle-owl was first described in 1872 by noted British ornithologist Richard Bowdler Sharpe — curator of the Natural History Museum in London’s bird collection — after acquiring a specimen from a hunter in Ghana. Pictured: A picture of the owl, taken in 1875

Environmental groups such as the Friends of Atewa have requested that the forest be designated a National Park to ensure its protection. 

Atewa is threatened by both illegal logging and mining for bauxite — used in the production of aluminium — although areas at higher elevations presently still support large areas of evergreen forest.

‘We hope this sighting draws attention to Atewa forest and its importance for conserving local biodiversity,’ said Dr Williams.

He concluded, “I hope that the discovery of such rare and magnificent owls will help these efforts to save one last wild forest in Ghana.”

The Shelley's eagle-owl was photographed in Ghana's Atewa forest by Imperial College London biologist Joseph Tobias and freelance ecologist Robert Williams

The Shelley’s eagle owl was photographed by Robert Williams, a freelance ecologist and Joseph Tobias, an Imperial College London biologist.


While the RSPB advises against interfering with fledglings in any way, the charity says there are instances when Britons should reach out to birds for help.

Immediate danger

The RSPB recommends that baby birds be picked up from busy roads and paths so they can be moved to a safer place, such as a dense shrubbery.

This must be within hearing distance from where it was found. UK birds have a poor sense for smell and won’t abandon their babies if they are touched.

If you see a dog or cat looking for a fledgling, it is best to keep your domestic pet indoors.


Report any injured fledgling to the RSPB. You can contact them at 03001234 999.

Swifts found on the ground need help

Swifts need help to be found on the ground


If a baby bird is found on the ground with no feathers or fluff, it is likely that it has fallen from its nest.

You can sometimes put these youngsters back in their nests. But the RSPB advises that this should only be attempted if you are certain that it has found its home and is safe.

It is important to remember that adult birds can sometimes eject their chicks when they feel they have an underlying health problem or are dying.

Grounded swifts

A shoebox should be used to keep a swift from being disturbed by noises and other noises. You can give it water if you wrap a moist cotton bud around its beak.

These animals can be difficult to care for so the RSPB recommends that you contact a quick carer. These animals are listed here. 

Baby barn owns should be returned to their nests if they are found on the ground

If baby barn owners are found on the ground they should be returned back to their nests

Chicks from the barn owl

Some people might also be able to see barn owl chicks. These birds usually leave nests before being able fly.

According to the RSPB, this is a case where Owlets need help. Parents will ignore those on the ground. They suggest gently returning it to the nest.

Owls don’t have a good sense of smell so they won’t reject a baby if it was handled by humans. This website can help you verify if the baby is healthy. 
