More than 70 teenager girls were manipulated by a paedophile online to perform humiliating sexual acts. One even got her name inscribed on her breast.

Elliot Nicklin was 22 years old and lived in Merseyside’s Wirral. He used chat rooms to create online characters that lured victims into his abuse.

He ordered his victims to choke on camera and told one girl to place her head in water from her toilet bowl while another instructed her to go to school to use the toilets.

Detectives believe Nicklin abused more than 70 teenage girls and have so far traced more than 20 – with many left psychologically scarred and in some cases suicidal.

After he had a panic attack, and then complained of chest pains, his sentencing at Liverpool Crown Court was delayed.

However, Nicklin was later declared fit and allowed to proceed with the proceedings after being assessed at the court compound. He was then sentenced for ten year last Friday.

Elliot Nicklin, 22, who lived on the Wirral in Merseyside, used online personas in chat groups to lure victims into performing for him as he abused them over the internet

Elliot Nicklin (22), a Merseyside resident, created online personalities in chat groups in order to lure his victims into performing as he abuses them via the internet.

Between 2014 and May 21, 2020, Nicklin was charged with 27 offenses. This includes the possession of hundreds indecent images of minor children.

85 of them were classified as Category A. This is the worst category, and can contain images of child abuse. Eight videos and photos of his victims were also sent to him by other contacts.

Further charges of child pornography and blackmail, sexual communication, inciting or encouraging a child to perform sexual activity, incitement, and inciting were added to his guilty plea.

Prosecutor Nicola Daley stated that the arrest was made due to two referrals from the United States of America.

According to police, a variety of smartphones and iPhones were seized by the authorities after that arrest.

“When these devices were examined, it was found that the defendant had communicated with at least 70 victims from 2014 to date.”

Nicklin was jailed for ten years at Liverpool Crown Court, but sentencing was initially delayed after paramedics were called when he suffered a panic attack and complained of chest pains

Nicklin was sentenced to ten years in Liverpool Crown Court. However, sentencing was delayed initially after paramedics called him when Nicklin suffered from a panic attack as well as chest pains.

Nicklin’s devices contained over 1,500 images of child molesters. Ms Daley claimed that the device seized by Nicklin had more than 1500 of these images.

She also said, “In terms of their scale and nature, they were particularly humiliating and degrading.”

Merseyside Police conducted a twelve-month investigation into Nicklin’s activities. They found out that he had been enticing vulnerable children online and encouraged them to work for him.

Some cases involved multiple false personas that he created with victims. He then demanded they either self harm themselves or submit to his demands.

Another case was that he requested additional footage after receiving sexual videos and images from the victim.

Nicklin thus created a vicious circle around his victims. Many felt they couldn’t stop their personal images being published if they caved to his increasingly sadistic demands.

Ms Daley claimed that one of the photographs retrieved from Merseyside Police’s Operation Greenband was a photograph of the victim performing the act while crying to the camera.

Nicklin used several personas to pretend to be a woman while sending images online.

In one instance, he sent his sister a picture of a victim from her waist down, but with her breasts exposed, along with the comments: ‘Go to talk to your sis and see what’s up.

Personal statements of victims revealed that Nicklin’s abuse caused pain, suffering, and long-lasting consequences. It began as a teenager, but continued to adulthood.

One of his victims gave a statement to court saying: “It was six year of hell…you spun a story about abuse and sick threats of killing yourself, and released your photos to my family for sympathy. This worked. I fell in love with you.

Judge David Aubrey QC simply said to Nicklin, in reference to comments that the victim made during his sentencing remarks: ‘You broken her.

John Weate, the defender, began his mitigation by stressing his inability to reduce the severe impact Nicklin’s crimes had on the victims.

His client did not have any prior convictions. Most of the offences occurred between 16-20 years. After his arrest, he said he cooperated with police.

Weate stated that Nicklin was suffering from severe bullying, depression and anxiety. He had also agreed to his bail conditions.

He said, “He was a young person who, with all the issues associated with him and the lack of maturity necessary to handle aspects his life properly.”

According to Mr Weate, a long sentence in prison and the conditions for his release could allow the defendant to “mature”.

Judge Aubrey agreed that Nicklin indicated guilty pleas at an early stage, and some of his offending occurred while he was still a teenager.

He emphasized the many victims, offences and psychological damage caused by the crime and concluded that Nicklin was dangerous and should receive additional sentence conditions.

Nicklin was alleged to have ‘left behind a trail of psychological destruction’ on the girls.

“In consideration of several of the girls, you became their knight-in-shining armour. At most one fell for you, perhaps more.

“But, you would coerce them and encourage them to do sexual acts on themselves and many more.

“The coercion included threats of many kinds and they would have their entire persona posted online if they didn’t comply.

He stated, “They could not stand up to yours and they chose to humiliate and degrade you rather than suffer public humiliation.”

Nicklin was today detained by Judge Aubrey for ten years.

This sentence includes a 12-month sentence for possession of indecent imagery. He will also be sentenced to nine years for any other charges. This nine-year term also includes a five year extended license.

Nicklin is therefore not eligible for parole until she has completed two thirds or more of the sentence.

He will remain under strict supervision until his release, plus another five years.

Nicklin was also subject to a sexual harm prevention ordeal and required to sign the register of sex offenders.

Judge Aubrey concluded by stating about Nicklin’s crimes that: “In your judge=ment it became a obsession to you, but an obsession which had devastating consequences for so many of the victims.