Police say they are ‘very concerned’ as mother, 35, vanishes from her Derbyshire home with her 10-month-old son

  • Janice Hughes, age 35, was last seen with her son, at 1.30am, at Belper, Derbyshire.
  • Originarily from Surrey, described as white and slim with blue eyes. 
  • If you have any information, please contact Derbyshire police at reference 40 of December 14,

Police said they were’very concerned” when a 35-year old mother disappeared from her Derbyshire house with her 10-month son.

Janice Hughes was 35 when she last saw her at Belper in Derbyshire. She had been there at 1.30am.  

Derbyshire Police Officers are concerned about mother and child safety after the disappearance. 

Ms Hughes describes herself as slim, white, and blue-eyed and was originally from Surrey.

A heart tattoo is also on the mother’s neck.

Janice Hughes, 35, (pictured) was last seen at home with her 10-month-old son in Belper, Derbyshire, at 1.30am

Janice Hughes (35), was last seen with her 10-month old son, Belper, Derbyshire at 1.30am.

Police are urging anyone who may have seen or suspected them to get in touch with police.   

Spokesman for Derbyshire Police said that they were concerned about Janice Hughes, her son and baby who have disappeared from Belper.

Janice (35), who was originally from Surrey, was reported missing in Becksitch Lane at 1.30 am this morning.

“It is believed that Janice has her 10-month-old boy with her. We are eager to track them down to make sure they are safe.

Derbyshire Police should be contacted if you have any information.

You should mention reference 40 from December 14.

You can anonymously send information to Crimestoppers by dialing 0800555111
