Winter is on the horizon and can trigger blues.
Many people end up ignoring their feelings, allowing dust to settle on old gym membership cards. Then, they wrap themselves up in the most comfortable jumpers and wait for it to be time outside.
Although it is normal to feel sad at the end of the summer, sometimes winter can have a serious impact on our mood.
According to UK-based Expert in Mindfulness and Psychology, Hope Bastine, this can be anything from a slightly low feeling to a more serious sadness, including a decreased lack of motivation or enjoyment, and trouble sleeping (or sleeping too much).
FEMAIL and Hope are my only words who is resident expert for sleep technology firm Simba, has revealed some of the simple steps to keep your winter spirits topped up – from embracing good sleep hygiene and clearing the clutter to parking up to drink in an ‘inspiring view.
Hope,Simba is the resident expert in sleep technology.Some of the simple steps to keep your winter spirits topped up. Stock image
“First, let’s be clear that winter blues are not the same as seasonal affective disorder (also known as SAD)” she said.Seasonal affective disorder, also known as winter depression, is a form of depression that manifests in seasonal patterns.
“It is usually activated in the winter, and it improves during summer. However, some people feel it differently.
«However, the “winterblues” are an overall dip in energy and mood that is noticeable but not dangerous. The winter blues can be experienced by many people on occasion.
SAD can be severe and requires professional treatment. However, if your mood is shaky, these are some tips to keep you feeling happy.
1. Adopt good sleeping habits
Hope says that winding down is as important as getting ready for the next day.
Research has found that winters are darker and have a greater impact on our circadian rhythm (our 24-hour clock).’ She elaborated. “The disruption of our circadian rhythm, or 24-hour body clock can cause us to feel tired and irritable. This could lead to an increase in the craving for comfort food and blue.
“Before going to sleep, be sure to go through the checklist below to ensure you are prepared for the next day.
Then she suggests covering your blinking chargers to keep them from being disturbed by light. She also recommends setting up your bedside tables with all the things you may need throughout the night, including water, books, and earplugs.
Continued she says, “Find a place to store your phone such as in a drawer.” You don’t necessarily have to put it far from your eyes, but you should make sure that it is out of reach. You might also consider purchasing an inexpensive analog phone if you use your phone as your alarm clock so that it’s not tempting to go online while in bed.
The leading psychologist also notes the importance of arming yourself with a healthy sleep routine by establishing sleep and wake times that allow you to get all the rest you need.
2. Walking your way to Wellness
Hope goes on explaining how endorphins can be the “feel-good” hormone and are essential for us all as we change seasons and weather conditions.
According to her, exercise can be a good way to boost this. If you don’t like the idea of walking to work or going to the gym, walk a portion of it.
‘Not only will your body be zipping with endorphins but you’ll also be giving yourself some time to decompress – which is essential if you live a busy life.’
Expert says that parents who are rushing home to take care of their children should do simple exercises on the floor and stretch after putting them down.
She notes that you also need to have time for yourself.
3. Look for sunlight and natural beauty
Hope says that exposing your skin to sunlight early in the morning stimulates the body and brain and promotes the zest for life feeling of alertness, wakefulness and energy.
No matter if you are working at home or in the office, you should make use of your lunch hour to enjoy natural sunlight. You get credit for trying if it is raining.
She suggests, however, that you try to be active on weekends if your weekdays are difficult.
Hope recommends that city dwellers go on a lighter-hearted adventure to nearby parks or countryside and get lost in the natural world.
She says, “There is nothing better than breathing fresh air in your lungs to lift your mood.”
3.Park Up
Hope also suggests you consider a specific vista in your area that inspires you. Hope says you can usually find a seat on a park bench.
She says, “I have a special favourite in Greenwich. South London.” Wrap up and take in the sights.
“You might want to pop on the headphones, blast some happy music or listen to an audiobook.
4. L-tryptophan will give you energy
Hope suggests that eating a healthy diet can help you beat winter blues.
She claims that L-tryptophan is one of the mood altering ingredients you will not find in the package.
L-tryptophan, an essential amino acid, is what your body uses to make niacin. This vitamin is vital for your skin, nerves, digestion, and mood stabiliser.
Continued she: “L-tryptophan, aside from its positive effects on mood, is essential for your sleep-wake cycle.”
You can get a great night’s sleep, and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to face the day.
5. Get rid of the junk and change up your decor to ‘think Pink’.
According to the sleep specialist, a good night of sleep begins in your bedroom.
According to her, ‘It should feel like a sanctuary of peace where you are happy and relaxed. Make sure your bedroom is tidy. You will feel more at ease if your bedroom is clean.
Then she says that even though we spend more time in our homes, it’s worth trying to make your place feel livelier and more inspiring.
Hope suggests that you start by shifting your furniture to get a new perspective. A set of furniture handles or paint could save thousands if your kitchen looks tired.
“A bold headboard and bed frame can instantly change the feel and look of your bedroom.
“Simba” has been redefining the bed base. It has created a responsive suspension at each end of every slat. This intelligently cushioned your weight, relieves pressure on your back and provides support to your shoulders and lower back.
Elle adds that slats should be wider in the spine, where you are more heavy and narrower at the shoulders. This will help balance your frame.
Hope goes on to say that if you want to go a step further, think about a pink hued headboard.
“Colours within the red spectrum have been shown to increase happiness hormones. This will allow you to be satisfied with your day, and then go into sleep.
“It is also important to remember that an average room temperature of 20 degrees is the norm. However, keeping your bedroom at 18 degrees or less will simulate the body’s hibernation stage and maintain calmer thoughts.
5. Self-kindness is a virtue
This mindfulness expert points out that the next months do not represent a time for you to be resentful of yourself for missing your gym appointment or eating comfort food.
She states that it is vital for people to be healthy. However, there are no excuses for being unwell. “Keep your energy up and be happy. Make sure to take some time for you.
“Whilst most people feel the winter blues to some extent, Seasonal Affective Disorder(SAD) may be more severe. It can lead to longer, darker nights.
She added: “SAD is fully recognized by health professionals. If you’re experiencing problems with your mental or physical well-being during the winter months, we recommend that you visit your doctor to receive any assistance you might need.”