AUGUST 29, 2020 – Fares Abounader, a Comanchero bikie was shot dead in a drive-by attack as his wife and young child were inside their Panania house.
OCT 4, 2020: Shaylin Zaika, an Alameddines associate, is punched with a steel bar during a Strathfield street fight
18 OCTOBER 2020 – Rafat alameddine’s old home is filmed in drive-by shooting
19 OCTOBER 2020: Mejid Hamzy shot to death in Condell park
JANUARY 30, 20,21 – Mustafa Naaman, a suspect in a mistaken identity attack against Ibrahem Hamze is killed in Hurstville.
JANUARY 30, 20,21 – Mejed Diebas is gunned down in Smithfield
FEBRUARY 15, 2021, Bilal Hamze’s mother Maha Hamze faces gunfire in another drive by shooting at her Auburn home.
MARC 12, 2021 — A Guildford-based home that is linked to Alameddine’s family is taken up
AUGUST 6, 2021: Shady Kanj, an Alameddine associate at low level is gunned down in Chester Hill. He was found dead by the police in Guildford.
14.08.2021 – Ibrahem Haze was arrested by police for being part of a gangland plot to attack him. Police spotted a Mercedes that had been stolen in North Sydney.
SALIM and TOUFIK HAZZE are killed outside their Guildford home on OCTOBER 20, 2021
NOVEMBER 10, 2020 – Drive-by at Guildford Home of Alameddine Associate. Nobody is injured
Ghassan, the brother of Bassam Hamzy is murdered at 35 in an act of brutal daylight execution. He was sitting in a BMW on the sidewalk outside an apartment complex in Western Sydney.
APRIL 4, 2022: Mahmoud Brownie Ahmad, aka “Mr Big”, is shot to death in a hail bullet attack after police warned him that he was subject to a $1 million bounty for his involvement in the Greenacre shooting.
MAY 10, 2022 – Comanchero bikies with links to the Alameddine clan, Tarek Zahed and his brother Omar were shot at while training at a gym in Auburn. Omar was killed at the sight, while Tarek survived miraculously after being shot 10 more times, including in his face.
MAY 14: Rami Iskander, 23, was shot in the torso in front of his pregnant wife and two-year-old child at his home on Knox Street at Belmore just before 4am on Saturday. Brownie Ahmad’s nephew.
MAY 15, 2015: Strikeforce Erebus is launched by NSW Police. It aims to address the increasing problem of gang-related violence.
JUNE 28: Yusuf Nazlioglu (former Lone Wolf bikie) dies in hospital after he was hit by 10 bullets inside a Rhodes underground garage.