The sister-in law of a receptionist at a riding school was spared prison for repeatedly punching her instructor in the stable block.
Kirstie Whitington, 39 was convicted for assaulting Hayley Dixon by hitting her in the head, jaw and eye on May 21st this year.
Ms. Dickens’ mother, Gillian’s Riding School, is located in Enfield in north London. She was admitted to hospital.
Whittington (Enfield) was sentenced to a 12-month community ordeal and nightly curfew of 9.30pm to 6am for one month. For a year, she is prohibited from speaking to Ms Dickens.
Whittington, mother-of-two Whittington claimed she had self-defenced after Dickens had attacked her.
The defendant told Highbury Corner Magistrates’s Court that Ms Dickens had allegedly ‘gone off on a tirade’, saying she needed to ‘get off my a*** and do my job properly’.

Kirstie Whittington, left was found guilty of attacking Hayley Dickens’ sister-in law by hitting her in the jaw, eye, and ears on May 21, 2018.
Ms. Dickens stated that there was some confusion on the day about which horses would be allocated to clients. This caused disruption in her lessons.
It was unprofessional, she felt and complained about Whittington.
Ms. Dickens explained that she confronted the horse’s owner and found her very unhappy.
“She said that if she ever has anything I would like to tell her, I should say it face-to-face. At this point, she was gesturing with her hands towards me, and pointing abruptly at my face.
“Don’t ever repeat this.” After that, I said to her, “Well, if you’re unhappy about anything at work I’m going and report it.
‘She then said somethings I think to insult me – ”you’re embarrassing”, ”you’re a joke” – she was quite nasty.

Ms. Dickens’s mother runs Gillian’s Riding School, Enfield, north London (pictured).
“She then pulled up her fists and hit me with both hands repeatedly on the head. She was pushing me back and I held my hands high. I was hit three times with my right eye. She also hit me on the right side of my head, hitting me right over my right ear. Then she struck my left ear and jaw. I think she struck me about five to six times.
Lily Roberts -Phelps, the defending asked Ms Dickens if she didn’t like Kirstie.
Ms. Dickens responded, “I am not her greatest fan.” She is not my best friend.
Ms Roberts-Phelps asked, “You don’t really like your brother, do you?”
Ms. Dickens admitted that “we don’t have a great relationship.”
Ms Roberts -Phelps said that Whittington’s story was false and part of a plot to make him pay for his’vengeance.
Whittington said she had never had as close a relationship with Ms Dickens, like some sister-in-law.
Whittington denied the accusation, but was found guilty of inflicting bodily injury on them.