Brooklyn’s man was caught on camera going on an aggressive antisemitic rant while a woman walked down street.
Ring surveillance footage recorded the unidentified man in the Flatbush neighborhood of Brooklyn yelling hateful profanities at a woman: ‘Jewish b***h, the f**k outta here, the f**k outta here, you f**king Jewish b***h.’
He continued, “That’s why Hitler was still here, kill your children, you, and your husband.”
The camera is mounted above two doors semi-enclosed behind stairs. The man is seen standing on a sidewalk in broad daylight.

Unidentified man went on a disturbing anti-Semitic rant at Flatbush, Brooklyn.

‘You f**king Jewish b***h. That’s why I wish Hitler was still here, murder your children, you and your husband,’ he yelled as a woman walked down the street

The shocking incident was captured by ring surveillance cameras and posted to Twitter
The family, who is not on camera seems to catch his attention as he turns and begins to berate them.
Another person can be seen sitting on the steps, not reacting to the man’s threatening rant.
NY Scanner posted the disturbing video and it was tweeted by them. They post crowd-sourced videos of crime scenes from New York City.
The number of hate crimes committed in New York City has exploded in the last year. In 2020, NYPD reported 209 hate crimes through September. This year the police department recorded 424 hate crimes in the same time period equating to an increase of 103%.
Hate crimes against the Jewish community in New York City have increased by 50%. Last year, NYPD recorded 98 hate crimes against Jewish people through September while they reported 147 hate crimes against Jews in 2021 for the same time period.
In September 2021, New York City’s overall crime rose by 2.6% compared to September 2020. However, crime year-to date has decreased by 0.2% in comparison to 2020.

New York City has seen a dramatic increase in crime. Although rates are fairly stable with last year’s, they have more that doubled in some cases since 2019, including shooting victims.
Officials continue to point out a decline of violent crime in the city, noting that murder and other robbery incidents are continuing to fall compared with last.
Police Commissioner Dermot Shea commented about the supposed decline of ‘violence’. He said that the ‘continuing, downward trend of violence reflects the hard work and sometimes dangerous work of the NYPD men and women.
“And while I admire their courage and tenacity,” he said. “The police cannot do this alone. Public safety must be a shared mission.
“It requires intelligence based policing but it also requires an efficient court system and meaningful penalties that send a clear message for those who would pull the trigger: expect to get caught and be held responsible.”
However, New York City’s overall crime has continued to rise.
The FBI has released new data that shows that the number of hate crimes in the United States in 2020 was the highest since 2001, the year of the September 11 attacks.
After hate crimes involving race, which made up most of the cases, 20 per cent involved sexual orientation bias, 13.3 per cent were biases relating to religion, 2.7percent involved gender identity bias (which is attacks against transgender people), 1.4percent involved disability bias, and 0.7% involved gender bias.
Out of 7,750 hate crime offenses that were classified as crimes Against Persons in 2020, 53.1 % were for intimidation, 27.9 % were for simple attack, and 17.9 % were for aggravated assault. Hate crimes were reported for 22 murders, 21 rapes, and 27 other offenses. The remaining 32 hate crime offences were reported in the category other.