After sorting out her clutter, a busy mom-of-4 was overcome by how much it had accumulated in her home. She was left crying.

Stacey Dooley visited Cherelle, a stay-at home mother, and Tony, a courier, to see their two daughters, Cherelle, three-years-old, and twins, one year old. 

The couple has only been in the home for 3 years. However, they were already full of stuff and couldn’t figure out where to begin when clearing out.  

Cherelle stated, “There’s no order and there’s no structure.” Everything is all around. There are clothes in my kitchen, and birth certificates in my laundry room.

Stacey Dooley and her team visited stay-at-home mother Cherelle and courier Tony, who live in a two-up, two-down rental property in Manchester with their daughters aged four and three, and one-year-old twins. The house, including the living room, above, was covered in clutter

Stacey Dooley visited Cherelle, a stay-at home mother, and Tony, a courier, to see their two daughters, Cherelle, three-years-old, and twins, one year old. Above, you can see the clutter in the house including the living area.

By the end of the week, the couple had cleared out hundreds of items and re-organised their remaining possessions to create clear, adult-only spaces, like the living room above

The couple cleared hundreds of their possessions and organized them to make clear spaces for adults. 

The front room of the house, pictured, was used as a makeshift bedroom with no real purpose and became a dumping down for the family. It was put to better use with the help of the crew

The family used the front room as a bedroom, but it had no purpose. The crew helped to make it more functional. 

The space was put to better use as a space for the parents to relax together, with a desk put in for Cherelle for when she wants to return to teaching. The bed became a day bed (pictured)

This space was used to allow the parents to unwind together. Cherelle also had a desk installed for her return to teaching. Pictured: The day bed converted into a bed.

Cherelle and courier Tony with their children, aged four, three, and one, and Stacey Dooley

Cherelle, courier Tony, with their three children (ages four, three and one) and Stacey Dooley

“We have only been together for 2 1/2 years, and now I’ve lost our engagement ring.” Is it possible to lose your engagement ring in a house so chaotic?

Cherelle explained to Tony that Cherelle was upset about the mess, which made it seem like Cherelle was failing in her role as mother. 

The toys have gotten out of control. “The toys are getting out of control,” she stated. ‘I look at dream homes in social media, and I believe that my children deserve it. Why are you struggling?

After seeing the empty house, she was overcome with emotion and stated that it was good to be able to give her children space. 

The couple were open-mouthed when they saw their possessions laid out in a warehouse, including 113 pairs of children’s shoes, 105 bibs, 203 girls’ dresses, 51 newborn baby caps, eight prams, 987 greetings cards and over 1,000 children’s toys.

The garage was used as a laundry room, extra clothes storage and a board games graveyard. The lack of organisation upstairs meant they resorted to putting clothes wherever they could

Garage was also used for extra clothing storage, a game room and as a graveyard. Because they couldn’t organize upstairs, they had to resort to just putting their clothes anywhere they could.

Better storage upstairs meant the garage could be used as a proper utility room, with bespoke storage. The team made sure to put in little touches like a fold away ironing board (just seen)

The garage can be converted to a utility room with custom storage because it has more storage upstairs. It was little things like an ironing board that could be folded away (as you can see)

The couple previously used the biggest room of the house as their bedroom. Like many other spaces, it was filled with storage that didn't work for them and their family

The bedroom was previously the couple’s master bedroom. It was like many spaces in the house, filled with useless storage.

The room became the children's bedroom, with clever back-to-back bunkbeds giving everyone a space to sleep. They were also built up against the wall to maximise the space

This room was transformed into the bedroom for children, complete with back-to-back bunkbeds that gave everyone space to rest. The bunkbeds were placed against the wall in order to maximize space. 

The children's bedroom was cramped and difficult to navigate, with two sets of bunkbeds and cribs to accommodate the four children under the age of four

Two sets of bunkbeds, and cribs were provided for the children below the age of 4. 

The space was painted a soft pink and given a romantic makeover for Cherelle and Tony

Cherelle and Tony gave the space a romantic makeover by painting it a soft pink.

Cherelle was overcome with emotion when she saw photos of her father. She said he was very organized and neat.  

They threw out festival tickets and barbecue tickets as well as dozens of baby clothes, bibs, and other items. 

Cherelle said that Stacey’s statement about having to reduce 50 percent of the population shocked her. “But it’s been done. Tony said that Tony was “so proud” of his wife.  

The garage that was left unfinished was converted into a utility area. Tony and Cherelle moved in to their room. Their children’s bedroom became Tony and Cherelle’s, and the front room, which was previously used as a dump ground or extra bedroom, was made an adult-only room. 

The couple have only lived in the house, pictured, for three years but they had already filled every inch of space - and were struggling to know where to start when it came to clearing out

Although they have lived in this house for only three years, the couple had filled up every inch.

Tony and Cherelle, pictured, were thrilled with the results and said it's transformed their lives

Tony and Cherelle (pictured above) were delighted with the results. They said that it has transformed their lives.

Cherelle stated, “I didn’t expect this,” after seeing the room. “This is incredible.

This mother of four was especially impressed by the bedroom for her children.

She cried, but said it was beautiful. This is my favorite room. It’s like a dream bedroom for a child. This will be their favorite place to sleep. They will love it.

“All the space they have to play. This is our old and messy, old room. 

Tony revealed Cherelle’s engagement ring at the end of the show and then proposed again to her. 

“It has really exceeded all my expectations,” she said. It has reduced the arguments that we had about clutter. This has helped every child.   

Tony said, “We’ve found the perfect venue to hold our wedding.” This is our next major milestone.