Tragic Star Hobson’s grieving grandfather died of a drug overdose on her mother’s 20th birthday just months after she let her female lover murder the innocent child.

Andrew Smith, 50 years old, succumbed to depression and addiction. He was rushed to Bradford Royal Infirmary in Bradford on June 16, last year. An inquest hearing today.

After Star, a 16-month old girl who was murdered by Savannah Brockhill in September 2020, Mr Smith had fallen into a funk and had to relapse. 

Frankie was jailed for eight years last month for allowing Star’s death, while Brockhill got a minimum of 25 years for committing the brutal murder.

Bradford Coroner’s Court was told Mr Smith had been found at his flat having suffered a cardiac arrest and was rushed to hospital but could not be saved.

He died five days following his discharge from the hospital after suffering a severe respiratory attack due to a drug overdose. 

Andrew Smith, 50, struggled to cope after Star Hobson's tragic murder in September, 2020

Andrew Smith, 50 years old, was unable to deal with Star Hobson’s death in September 2020.

Star was murdered by Savannah Brockhill, under the watch of her own neglectful mother

Savannah Brockhill killed Star under the surveillance of Star’s mother, a neglectful woman.

Savannah Brockhill

Frankie Smith

Star: Savannah Brockhill (28), and Frankie Smith (20) were found guilty of being partners in death.

After his death, his body was examined by Bradford Coroners Court. It revealed that he had toxic levels in methadone (a heroin replacement) which was found in his blood.

Assistant Coroner Angela Brocklehurst read out a statement by Jade Smith, one of Jade Smith’s daughters during the hearing.

Her father, she said, was from Frizinghall Primary. Hanson School is where he studied before he began bricklaying. She met her first partner at 16 and they had two kids together. 

Police released a harrowing picture of one of the bruises on Star's face that sparked calls to social services from family

Star was severely bruised by Star, and police released an awful photo of Star that attracted the attention of family members who called social services.

Star Hobson (pictured with Brockhill) suffered a cardiac arrest and died in hospital from appalling injuries inflicted on her

Star Hobson, pictured with Brockhill, suffered cardiac arrest and succumbed to the terrible injuries she sustained.

Timeline of failings: Police and social services failed to prevent the abuse of tragic Star

February 23, 2020  A referral from Smith’s friend and sometimes babysitter Hollie Jones went to social services. 

Police visited Smith three days later, but no suspicions were raised. Smith wasn’t home when the social services visited her January 28.

The family was contacted and there were no issues. So the case closed on February 27, 2007.

May 5, 2020 – Star’s great-grandmother Anita Smith contacted social services over concerns over how the baby was being treated.

Both the mother and baby did not get any bruises when they visited.

June 21, 2020 –  Jordan Hobson, Star’s father, referred Smith and Brockhill to social services after seeing pictures the couple had shared of his daughter’s bruised face.

The police again went to their house and found the marks on the head of the baby.

Smith claimed that Star had struck her head on the handle a coffee-table table’s top.

Two bruises were found on her cheek, and four on her back. 

June 23, 2020 – Social services were again contacted by Rachel Whiteley, a close friend of Smith’s mother Yvonne Spendley.

Star was being picked up by Smith, and she had worried about her treatment.

Ms Whiteley stated at that time, “I thought it was disgusting giving her barbecue food and the way she treated her.”

In July, the case was finally closed by social services.

September 2, 2020 –  Frank Smith – Star’s paternal great-grandfather – alerted social services to a video of Star with bruises on her face. 

Star became so unstable on her feet that she was able to walk into a couch while they were still there.

Brockhill also noted bruises on Brockhill’s cheeks and right shins, but she said that Brockhill had told her she fell down the steps.

Later, the murderer revealed to police what the social worker said. She added: “Social services came and saw Star. She checked Star’s body. Her bedroom. We chatted about Star. She said that the report was malicious.

The case was closed by social services on September 15. They concluded that the referral had been malicious.

Star was killed a week later.

They split after nine years of marriage. Mr Smith met Yvonne Spendley and had five children together until 2020, when he moved into a Frizinghall flat.

Miss Smith said that her father was very funny, sociable and kind, but in the last few years he had been lonely and unhappy.

He suffered with depression and anxiety for many years.

She said that he tried so hard to overcome his addiction, and had long periods of sobriety before succumbing.

She said that he tried to get away from them all the time, but drugs kept him in. He was able to flee when it got difficult.

He said that he was told to stop using the drug, but it proved futile. “He would have lived his life differently if he had the chance to turn back time.

He was described as a loving and caring father who kept in touch with his grandchildren and children.

Frank Smith, the father of Mr Smith, said that he was a good son but the drug had ‘changed’ him.

Before his sad passing, Smith had been discharged from hospital just five days earlier.

According to a toxicologist, there was significant methadone found in the blood of the victim. This is far more than what would be expected for chronic drug users.

In addition, the court heard that he was in ongoing drug treatment and had long-term contacts with services for drug misuse.

The 2021-year-old was clean of drugs, however he had been drinking ‘a few whisky bottles per week’. He was then alerted about the dangers and received help.

In May 2021, traces were found in the urine of a man who claimed to have used heroin, cocaine and cannabis.

He was taken to Bradford Royal Infirmary on June 10, 2021 with respiratory failure due to secondary drug abuse. The patient was kept there overnight, and he was discharged the next morning, against all medical advice.

After suffering a heart attack, he was found in his own home and died at BRI at 9.40pm on June 16.

Assistant Coroner Mrs Brocklehurst stated that the death was methadone-related.

“I believe that methadone toxicemia was the cause of my death. I conclude this to be a drug-related death.

Jade painted the picture of Mr Smith, a man who was loved by and supported his family and tried to get out from addiction. Unfortunately, that wasn’t possible, and it led to his tragic death.

“It was a tragedy and I’m sorry.