A man who has 24 felines in his house has proven that a cat flap won’t get in the way of breakfast.
Antonio Bosco, 57 years old, lives in Caltanissetta, Sicily, Italy with his mother and 24 cats. They have all mastered the art and skill of seamlessly pouncing through a cat flap.
After hilarious footage of his cats running through a cat flap to get food, the software engineer has gone viral. The footage was taken November 2, 2009 at 9:41 AM.
Antonio Bosco, 57 years old, lives in Caltanissetta, Sicily, Italy with his mother and 24 cats. They have demonstrated how they can effortlessly leap through a cat flap together.
Mr. Bosco, a software engineer who took the footage and posted it to TikTok, became a viral sensation
The hilarious footage shows all the cats running to the front door from their sunny garden. You can see them all jumping through the cat flap in search of their breakfast.
Mr Bosco said he initially installed the cat flap because every time he kept the door open, the local neighbourhood dogs would run in and eat all the cat’s food.
He has two kitchens, one for himself and one for his cats. The heater is for the colder months and there are 14 pillows so they can all snuggle together.
Although there were 24 cats, the oldest being 24, “most” were born at Mr Bosco’s house. Very few were stray cats and are now domesticated.
The video, which has been viewed more than 2.9million times on TikTok shows how the cute felines leap over each other in order to enter the house.
One user commented, “That’s my retirement plan right there.” A herb garden, and a million cats.
Another wrote: “Recess!” Single file children, single file!’
One more wrote: “Is it heaven, cause that’s actually how my life as an older lady is!”
Mr Bosco explained that he first installed the cat flap as the local dogs would run in to the door and eat all the cat food.
In response, Mr Bosco wrote: ‘It just puts a smile on your face – even in the hard times.’
One concerned person asked: “Are those strays? Or domestic cats?” I hope that you are able spay and neuter. It’s amazing to take care of all of them.
Thank you for being so kind.
To a fan of his video, Mr Bosco said, “All cats are domesticated and neutered.” [have]Monthly antiparasite spray and lots of food
Speaking about his beloved felines, Mr Bosco said: They all are my pets. They spend most of their day outside, but they also sleep inside where they have a heater in winter.
“In addition, they are allowed in occasionally, but they prefer to stay outside as we are usually outdoors doing some kind of thing in the garden.
“Wherever you go, they always follow you.”