A top classical music festival has banned men from enrolling on its conductors course, saying they will only accept candidates ‘who identify as women’.

Dartington Trust’s Dartington Hall is near Totnes in Devon. They claim the ban is intended to address the gender disparity in the profession.

But the move has divided opinion in the normally sedate world of classical music, with one critic saying that it is proof the festival has been hijacked by ‘agenda- setting ideologues’.

Dartington Music Festival and Summer school has been in operation since 1953. It offers workshops and courses that are both open to professional and amateur musicians.

This year’s course on conducting will be taught by Sian Edwards, head of conducting at the Royal Academy of Music, and Alice Farnham, artistic director of women conductors with the Royal Philharmonic Society (RPS).

A top classical music festival has banned men from enrolling on its conductors course, saying they will only accept candidates ¿who identify as women¿. The Dartington Trust, based at Dartington Hall, near Totnes in Devon, says the ban is designed to rectify the gender imbalance in the profession

A top classical music festival has banned men from enrolling on its conductors course, saying they will only accept candidates ‘who identify as women’. Dartington Trust, located near Totnes in Devon says that the ban is intended to address the gender imbalance within the profession.

There will be six students in this two-week course, which has previously launched successful careers. In a statement, Ms Farnham said: ‘The conducting world has changed a great deal and there is much to celebrate, but there is still work to be done.

‘The gender ratio in the profession is still well under ten per cent, and this is a wonderful opportunity to help tip that balance.’

The RPS previously released figures showing that 22 out of 371 British agent conductors were women.

Only 5.5 percent of this profession is attributable to them.

Norman Lebrecht (pictured), who runs the Slipped Disc classical music blog, called the move ¿a total perversion of values¿

Norman Lebrecht (pictured), who runs the Slipped Disc classical music blog, called the move ‘a total perversion of values’

But, not everyone has welcomed the Dartington ban that bars male candidates. Norman Lebrecht, who runs the Slipped Disc classical music blog, called it ‘a total perversion of values’.

He added: ‘In the name of inclusivity, which Dartington is supposed to represent, they are excluding men from the opportunity of learning how to conduct. 

“Dartington” was once the most joyful of all summer festivals. It was open to everyone, regardless of their origin or ability and all music ideas. 

‘As someone who once taught a course in musical irony at the festival, I am distraught to see it taken over by agenda-setting ideologues.’

But Professor Debbie Wiseman, one of Britain’s most celebrated composers and conductors, welcomed the Trust’s actions, saying that too many women were still intimidated by the idea of taking up a leadership position within the industry.

She said: ‘We have had some very silly comments over the years that women on the podium make the minds of men in the orchestra drift to other things. You would never say something similar about a man on the podium.’

She added: ‘I think a course like this will help talented budding conductors who happen to be a woman but feel they are still very much in a minority, with role models hard to find.’

Last night, Sara Mohr-Pietsch, the artistic director of the Dartington Music School & Festival, told The Mail on Sunday that the organisation was ¿delighted¿ to be taking part in ¿an international, industry-wide commitment to address the significant, long-standing gender imbalance in the conducting profession'

Last night, Sara Mohr-Pietsch, the artistic director of the Dartington Music School & Festival, told The Mail on Sunday that the organisation was ‘delighted’ to be taking part in ‘an international, industry-wide commitment to address the significant, long-standing gender imbalance in the conducting profession’

Last night, Sara Mohr-Pietsch, the artistic director of the Dartington Music School & Festival, told The Mail on Sunday that the organisation was ‘delighted’ to be taking part in ‘an international, industry-wide commitment to address the significant, long-standing gender imbalance in the conducting profession.’

According to her, more than 90% of opportunities for professional conductors were granted to men and only 25% of Dartington’s applicants were women.

She added: ‘As incoming artistic director, I was keen to do my part in encouraging more women to have the confidence to put themselves forward for this unique opportunity.’