The jury was still deliberating Kyle Rittenhouse’s fate as the Wisconsin courthouse was closed. On Tuesday, protestors gathered outside to protest the entry of Second Amendment advocates and BLM activists.
Now, the jury is deliberating on whether to convict Rittenhouse, the teenager gunman whose case has caused division in the country. Rittenhouse was just 17 years old when he killed two BLM activists in Kenosha (Wisconsin) last August. He also injured another.
According to his lawyers, he was just a young boy who acted in self defense and wanted to defend the town from an angry mob. The prosecution tried to portray him in a negative light as he was portrayed by the authorities as a vigilante with bloodlust and as an example of systemic racism which his victims had been protesting.
After a two-week long trial, the jury started discussions today. Protesters gathered at the courthouse to protest their silence.
The group included one armed and riot-gear wearing security guard. was told by the guard that he was an armed security guard who was being used to protect journalists recently threatened.
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Protesters assemble outside Kenosha County Courthouse on Tuesday, November 16, 2021, in Kenosha (Wis.), during the Kyle Rittenhouse Murder Trial. Rittenhouse faces charges of murdering two and injuring the third, respectively, during last year’s protest against brutal police tactics in Kenosha.
Kyle Rittenhouse’s supporter (L), argues with Black Lives Matter supporters in front Kenosha County Courthouse as the Jury deliberates on the Rittenhouse case. It took place November 16, 2021, in Kenosha.
While the Kenosha County Courthouse houses the Rittenhouse jury, Kyle Rittenhouse supporters stand before the courthouse. The Rittenhouse trial will be held on November 16, 2021 in Kenosha.
A riot-gear-clad security guard was one of the outsiders. was told by the guard that he was being hired to protect journalists recently threatened by terrorists.
While the Kenosha County Courthouse houses the Rittenhouse jury, Kyle Rittenhouse supporters stand before the courthouse. The Rittenhouse trial will be held on November 16, 2021 in Kenosha.
Kyle Rittenhouse draws jurors from a tumbler in his trial at Kenosha County Courthouse, Kenosha (Wis.), on Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Protesters sang in the faces of each other in front Jacob Blake, the uncle of Jacob Blake. Rittenhouse and Kenosha were attracted by the protests on August 20, when Blake was killed in a police shooting.
This statement was issued by the sheriff’s office on Tuesday, acknowledging the “anxiety” surrounding the trial
Patricia McCloskey and Mark McCloskey of Missouri were again there to show Rittenhouse support.
Police and sheriff’s departments issued statements to calm fears in town. They stated that while there are no immediate plans for road closures, curfews, restrictions or any other type of restriction, safety remains their top priority.
500 National Guardsmen, who are always on-hand near Kenosha to help if needed, remain available.
‘The Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department and Kenosha Police Department understand and recognize the anxiety surrounding the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.
“There are many questions that our community and media outlets ask.
Over the past year, our departments worked in concert to enhance response capability to large-scale events.
As the jury considers Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial, protestors gather in front of the Kenosha County Courthouse. This is in Kenosha (Wisconsin)
During the Kyle Rittenhouse murder trial, protesters hold signs in front of the Kenosha County Courthouse on Tuesday, November 16, 2021. Rittenhouse was accused of murdering two and injuring the third, during last year’s protest against brutal police tactics in Kenosha.
While the Kenosha County Courthouse is being used as a venue for the Rittenhouse trial, a Black Lives Matter Supporter (L) and a Kyle Rittenhouse supporter argue in front of it.
Emily Cahill held signs at the Kenosha County Courthouse Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2021, in Kenosha (Wis.) during the Kyle Rittenhouse Murder Trial. Rittenhouse faces charges of murdering two and wounding the third in a demonstration against police brutality last year.
Protestors clash at the Kenosha County Courthouse Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2021. This is during the Kyle Rittenhouse murder case. Rittenhouse was accused of murdering two and injuring the third, during last year’s protest against brutal police tactics in Kenosha.
BLM supporters, media representatives, and protestors gathered outside Kenosha County Courthouse to hear the closing arguments of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. It took place in Kenosha County, Wisconsin on November 16, 2021.
Rittenhouse supporters included Patricia McCloskey and Mark McCloskey. Justin Jacob Blake, Jacob Blake’s uncle was one of those who supported BLM Tuesday
As the jury considers Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial in Kenosha (Wisconsin), USA on 16 November 2021, businesses in Uptown are still boarded up a year after the unrest.
As the jury considers Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial in Kenosha (Wisconsin, USA), 16 November 2021, businesses in Uptown still remain closed. Rittenhouse will be tried in the shooting deaths of Anthony Huber and Joseph Rosenbaun. Gaige Grosskreutz was also wounded during civil unrest following the shooting by Jacob Blake.
“We have also strengthened existing relationships with State- and Federal resources. There is no need to encourage road closures, curfews, and ask communities for changes in their daily lives.
“Lastly, and most important, we are and will continue being engaged with community leaders.”
Yesterday, Judge Bruce Schroeder ruled Rittenhouse could carry the gun legally. According to him, the law’s wording is confusing and unclear for professionals as well as ordinary citizens.
A jury was asked to review five cases: two murder counts, one attempted murder charge and two recklessly endangering the public safety.
Judge Bruce Schroeder vacated Monday the charge of possession under 18 of firearms. Rittenhouse’s legal team successfully pointed out that this loophole makes it illegal for anyone to possess long-barreled weapons.
The prosecution was stunned by the technicality, as they thought that the gun charge was the only one.
Rittenhouse’s legal team claims that Rittenhouse was acting in self defence and was responding to a gunshot heard behind him.
Wendy his mother stated publicly that her son would not have been alive if he had pulled the trigger on his own, and was being chased down by a mob.
Rittenhouse wept on the witness stand as he said that the day’s events had traumatized him.
Jen Psaki, White House Press Secretary, commented on the matter Monday night and condemned Rittenhouse for being a vigilante’.
Sixteen of the 18 jurors that have heard the case are being substituted Tuesday morning. They must stay in courthouse as the rest deliberate, in case the 12 remaining should be called again.
Mark Richards, defense attorney for Thomas Binger, began closing arguments Monday afternoon. He claimed Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger had ‘lied to jurors’
She also refused to explain on Monday why Joe Biden called Kyle Rittenhouse a ‘white supremacist’ immediately after the 17-year-old shot three white people during riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin last year.
Jen Psaki White House Press Secretary, refused to speak on Monday regarding Joe Biden’s call last year of Kyle Rittenhouse as a white supremacist.
“What I don’t want to talk about right now is any aspect of an ongoing trial, nor the president’s past comments,” she stated, even though the president had made remarks on the issue before it was litigated.
But Psaki then made her feelings clear, saying, ‘What I can reiterate for you is the president’s view that we shouldn’t have, broadly speaking, vigilantes patrolling our communities with assault weapons.
‘We shouldn’t have opportunists corrupting peaceful protests by rioting and burning down the communities they claim to represent – anywhere in the country.
Biden criticized Trump’s refusal to call those who oppose the Black Lives Matter Riots ‘white extremists’ two months before he was elected President.
Rittenhouse was then 17, at the time the tweet was sent.
Biden’s September 2020 Tweet stated that ‘There’s only one way to say it: President Trump refused to disavow white extremists on last night’
Psaki told Fox News’ Peter Doocy when talking about the case Monday: ‘As you know, closing arguments in this particular case, which I’m not speaking to, I’m just making broad comments about his own view – there’s an ongoing trial, we’re awaiting a verdict, beyond that, I’m not going to speak to any individual or this case.’
Doocy responded, “But it has been spoken to already.”
Rittenhouse killed Joseph Rosenbaum, 36. Rittenhouse, 26, shot and killed Anthony Huber, 26 (right), as he was speeding down the street. He had been following Rosenbaum across a parking lot.
Biden’s top spokesperson claimed that “I have nothing else to say to an ongoing matter,”
Republican Rep. Dan Bishop said that Tuesday, in light of Biden’s comments: ‘President Biden should hold accountable for wrongly calling a 17-year old kid a ‘white supremacist.’ Biden and the White House didn’t seem to care much about the facts. Neither did Congress Democrats. While they want to punish someone for acting in self-defense, the Democrats seem not to be concerned about last year’s riots.
Before speaking to the 12 remaining jurors, Judge Bruce Schroeder stated Tuesday that it was up to you determine whether the defendant is guilty.
“You have to make an assessment on every count.” [and your]A verdict on one count does not have to affect the outcome of any other.
In closing arguments, Thomas Binger, assistant district attorney said that Rittenhouse ran off looking like a Western star when shooting stopped.
Rittenhouse’s lawyer said that Rittenhouse started shooting after Rittenhouse had been ambushed that night by an ‘unsane person’ and that he feared his gun might be stolen and used to murder him.
Tony Evers (the governor of Wisconsin) has summoned 500 members the Wisconsin National Guard to respond to expected protests.
Evers added that he and his local partners are in constant contact to make sure the state has the resources and support needed to protect the Kenosha and wider area.
Evers stated that the Kenosha community was strong and resilient and had gotten through some very difficult times in recent years. This healing process is ongoing.
‘I appeal to people from other areas to consider their plans for travel and I encourage others who might wish to meet up and use their First Amendment rights in a peaceful and safe manner.
The Kenosha Police Department, and Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department stated that they monitor the trial and work with federal and local authorities to ensure the safety of their communities.