Shocking moment: A man punches an e-scooter after knocking over a pensioner who was crossing the road in north London.

  • The eScooter rider tries escape before a passerby hits him with an umbrella
  • Before he rushes off, he punches a pedestrian in the face. He knocks him down.
  • Footage shows an elderly woman in her 60s lying face down on the road.
  • Pedestrians rushed to her aid when she ‘bled from her mouth’

In shocking footage captured by a pedestrian, a man riding an e-scooter allegedly knocked off an elderly lady at a pedestrian crossing.

Police claim they have footage of the man on an e-scooter punching another man after knocking the pensioner down at the crossing.

According to reports, the rider had allegedly ridden into the woman, who was believed to be in her 60s. The incident occurred at a crossing on Hampstead Road in Camden at 5pm on Friday 29 Oct.  

The video shows the aftermath, with the woman facing down on the road.

To stop the e-scooter rider from fleeing, a passerby attempted to hit him with his umbrella. As he raised his arm, the rider threw his arm back at him.

The footage shows the rider punching the man who tried intervening in the face. He sends him straight to the ground.

He falls and hits the wall, before he scrambles to get up again.

The camera temporarily looks at the old woman, who is conscious of people coming to her aid. 

Believed to be in her 60s, the elderly woman can be seen laying face down on the pedestrian crossing after being knocked over by a man on an e-scooter

After being knocked down by an escooter driver, the elderly woman is seen lying face down at the pedestrian crossing.

Passers-by came to her aid as a fight broke out after being knocked over on Hampstead Road in Camden, north London on Friday at 5pm

Passers-by helped her after she was knocked to the ground on Hampstead Road, Camden, north London, on Friday at 5pm.

The rider can also be seen getting back on to the escooter and speeding off before being challenged by another passerby.

He makes a run for it as the pedestrians around him watch. 

Police confirmed that they are aware of the phone video, but did not say if any victims have come forward to report it.

Witnesses told the Evening Standard that the scooter driver knocked the elderly lady down as she crossed the pedestrian crossing.

The e-scooter rider punches the pedestrian in the face after he tried to stop him leaving the scene where he hit an elderly woman at a crossing

After he tried to stop the e-scooter rider from leaving the scene, he punched the pedestrian in his face.

“She was in shock and couldn’t speak.

“She was bleeding from the mouth, and had tarmac rush on her skin.”

A Met spokesperson said that they were aware of the video and are currently assessing its contents.

“We ask anyone who was a victim to call 101 ref 6121/29oct, or tweet @MetCC with any information.
