It’s a miserable Christmas Funny meltdown by woman at “faulty” light up decoration. Not realising that her friend was pranking.

  • A female friend played prank on her while she was setting up her Christmas decorations
  • He kept switching off the electricity to the Santa Bear’s illuminated lights. 
  • Filmed in Sachseln (Obwalden), Switzerland, on December 15,

The moment she set out to illuminate a Christmas bear for her family outside of Switzerland was when a prankster broke in. 

Unidentified woman made her way through snow deep to install the lights in her garden. 

However, she did not realize her friend was constantly pulling out the plug to shut off the bear lamp and recording her reaction.  

The woman was putting out an illuminated Christmas bear in the snow outside her home in Switzerland

She was lighting up a Christmas bear outside her Switzerland home.

Every time the woman placed the bear on the ground the lights went out - prompting an angry outburst

When the bear was placed on the ground by the woman, the lights turned off. This prompted an angry outburst.

The woman got increasingly frustrated by the 'fault' inside her festive yuletime decoration

She became more frustrated with the “fault” in her festive yuletime decoration.

Unbeknownst to the woman, her friend was unplugging the electricity supply

The woman’s friend unplugged the power supply, unbeknownst. 

The woman was clearly feeling cold and walked off. Her friend then pulled the plug. However, the girl picked up her ornament to restore power. 

She became increasingly upset with the lighting, and then she picked up the ornament to continue her frustration. 

The prankster can still be heard laughing at her responses. 

She shouts at the decorations for about 30 seconds, and then furiously waves her arms in fury.  

It was shot in Sachseln (Obwalden), Switzerland, on December 15. 

In the US festive prankster Rich Ferguson could not resist winding up his neighbours by hanging a mannequin off his porch roof to make it look like someone was about to fall after knocking over their stepladder while putting up the decorations.

Ferguson, 51, then set up hidden cameras to record how his neighbours in Colorado reacted when they saw what they thought was a person in need of urgent help.

The footage showed one woman running over to assist the dummy on the stepladder before realising that she was being pranked.
