According to the White House, a Russian invasion could occur in Ukraine. This was warned by its European allies on Thursday.
America is worried that Russia could take provocative action in the face of tensions on the Belarusian/Polish border, and an ever more uncertain situation for Europe’s natural-gas supply.
Fears of a possible military operation were partially sparked by a buildup of Russian firepower at its border with Ukraine, Bloomberg first reported.
The US has briefed European officials, but the assessment was also informed by insights that they hadn’t shared yet with EU partners. People close to the matter told the outlet that the source had access to these sources.
Until all the information has been shared, a coordinated response would not be possible.
Russia denies the allegations, but it expressed its anger at American warships operating in the Black Sea which it said were too close to Russian territory.
According to reports, a Kremlin source said that Russia doesn’t want to go to war with Ukraine. However, it indicated it is ready to do so if needed.
Officials from the Kremlin noted that a Russian overt attack could cause outrage among Ukrainian and global citizens. However, they stated that they have an action plan in place to deal with the ‘provocations from’ smaller countries.
According to Bloomberg’s analysis, Russia moved its artillery and tanks towards the Ukraine border in recent weeks.

According to reports, the Biden administration has warned European allies about the possible attack of Russia on Ukraine. Russia denies the allegations.

Yamal Europe is one of three important Russian pipelines that connect to Europe. It accounts for around 20% of Russia’s overall supplying capacity. Russia imports approximately 50% of all the EU’s natural gasoline. The UK does not depend on Russia to supply its natural gas supplies, unlike many other European countries. The majority of Britain’s gas comes from Russia, but less than 5% is imported from Russia. Gazprom ships through the BBL Pipeline, which runs from the Netherlands. The majority of gas Britain imports is from Norway.
Bill Burns, the Director of CIA, flew to Moscow in order to have a one-on-1 meeting with Vladimir Putin.
There he shared the US’s ‘serious’ concerns over the military buildup, sources told CNN. reached out to the State Department for comment but was referred to comments made on Wednesday by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, when he echoed similar concerns in a press conference with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba.
‘We’re concerned by reports of unusual Russian military activity near Ukraine. We’re monitoring the region very closely, as we always do, we’ll continue to consult closely as well with allies and partners on this issue,’ Blinken told reporters.
‘And as we’ve made clear, any escalatory or aggressive actions would be of great concern to the United States. We support diplomatic solutions to conflict in eastern Ukraine and de-escalation of the situation in that region.
This report is coming as the fighting between Russian-backed forces and Ukrainian troops heats up. After Russia illegally annexed Crimea, the rebels overthrew Ukraine’s president and became a powerful mouthpiece for Putin.

Satellite photos taken November 1 by satellite show large deployments of ground troops and armored equipment near Russia’s border.

Volodymyr Zelesky, President of Ukraine accused Putin instigating the European gas crisis
Ukraine’s Joint Forces Operation (a militarized force formed in 2018 to defend Ukraine in the Donbas conflict) accused Russia of breaking the ceasefire five times within a 24-hour span on Monday.
A Facebook post by the JFO accuses Russia of ‘armed aggression’, though the Kremlin denies ever being involved in the conflict.
Europe has been experiencing tensions due to a lack of gas. Gazprom, Russia’s biggest energy supplier, reduced its daily output in October to help meet Putin’s demand for domestic replenishment.
Volodymyr Zelesky, President of Ukraine accused Putin in a deliberate engineering of the gas crisis. Zelensky urged Europe to quickly punish Putin.
Gazprom however increased its production to Europe this week as Russia’s stockpile was declared full.
However, the growing refugee crisis along the border with Russia’s Belarusian neighbor is likely to complicate matters further. This could make things even worse going into winter.
Belarus and Poland account for a large part of Russia’s European oil supplies.
In the week that has just passed, western democracies accused Alexander Lukashenko (Belarus dictator) of “weaponizing” migrants from Iraq and other Middle East countries by making it possible for them to fly to Belarus to seek entry into the EU.
The region has seen desperate migrants being brutally treated by both soldiers and civilians. Many even died in this harsh climate of Eastern Europe.
Lukaschenko responded to threat of increased sanctions by threatening to cut off oil imports from Russia to Europe.

At the border of Belarus and Poland on November 11, migrants gathered to receive humanitarian aid from the Belarusian military. Belarus’s dictator threatens to cut off Europe’s Russian gas supplies if the West does not fulfill its promises of sanctions in response to the refugee crisis.

Russia is also being accused of orchestrating the crisis that the West calls a hybrid attack.
He stated, “I would suggest the leadership of Poland, Lithuanians, and other empty-headed persons to think before talking,”
NATO member states and EU members are among those threatening sanctions in response to the conflict.
Russia has also been accused of escalating the crisis, and the EU is reportedly in talks to target national airline Aeroflot as part of a new sanctions package.
On Thursday, the Kremlin stated that Russia was not involved in the migrants crisis at the Belarus-Poland border. It also rejected this suggestion as being ‘crazy’
Instead, it blamed the EU for trying to “strangle” Belarus.
Two supersonic Tu-22M3 bombers carrying nuclear weapons were observed performing “tasks of combat alarm for air defense” in support of Belarus’ leader. This was in reaction to rising tensions at the border.
Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister, said at a news conference that he hopes responsible Europeans will ‘not let themselves be drawn into an spiral that’s quite dangerous’.