After suffering a severe infection, an Australian woman learned the hard truth that you shouldn’t DIY remove pimples.
Tyla Brimblecombe described how her chin got so swollen that she said it looked like Buzz Lightyear after she squeezed a year and a half of old skin.
A viral TikTok video shows the social media strategist claiming that her doctor told her the mystery cyst was not caused by a cyst, and suggested she squeeze it. This could have led to an infection which required antibiotics.
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Tyla Brimblecombe, (pictured), has revealed to millions how you shouldn’t squeeze pimples when a spot on your face becomes infected.

The woman claimed that for the past year, there was a tiny spot under her chin. After trying to squeeze it numerous times, it became very infected.
Tyla warns viewers to not pop pimples when they aren’t certain if they’re pimples.
After trying to remove a pimple she believed had appeared 18 months ago, she said that she is in excruciating pain and has been for the past 24 hours.
“I noticed a small pimple on my chin. It never had a head. I felt it was a bit deeper than my skin. So, every time it happened, I thought, ‘Oh it will go away.’ Or ‘I’ll pop the pimple when it’s ready.
“It didn’t become ready. It just stayed the way it was. To be truthful, I ignored it.

Tyla revealed her chin to the camera. It had suffered a minor but serious injury and had doubled in size. She was also red and solid.
Tyla said that around the time Tyla noticed the “pimple”, she’d had chin fillers, and it seemed like the spot was in the exact same area where the needle would have been.
She said, “Come on two nights ago I decided, that I am going to give this poor boy a bit more squeeze. He went in with his knuckles, and he went in very hard.”
The little dot was no longer a whitehead, but was yellow.
Tyla tried to squeeze it even harder that night and ended up with big bruises and swelling.

Tyla replied to viewers’ requests for information in a follow up video. She said she had visited the doctor, and that the spot was getting better after receiving antibiotics.
“And now I embrace it, it gives Buzz Lightyear inchinity, and beyond, but this got worse… puffier and puffier,” she laughed.
She also enjoyed ‘a good crack’ with her boyfriend at the squeeze the spot using cotton buds.
Tyla showed her chin on the video. The small, but severe wound had been ‘doubled’ and was now reddish brown.
The video received more than 2 million views, shocking many people in comments. Others said the same thing.
“No, but this happened to me and I got a face abscess.
“You must see your doctor!” You may have an infection/cyst.

Tyla noticed that Tyla’s chin had returned to normal a few days later. She said it looked like nothing ever happened.
“It was an abscess after I had MRSA, also called golden staph. “I would have it tested,” wrote another.
Tyla, after receiving many questions from viewers asking for updates on the situation, stated that Tyla had gone to the doctor. The spot is improving and she was given antibiotics.
“I asked him if it was cyst. He said no, and it has been down a lot lately,” she stated as she pointed to her chin, which had still suffered from a wound, but it was less severe.
“It was simply me aggravating what wasn’t needed to be attacked, attacking it and then it got swelling. I finally added my touch to make it worse.”
Tyla reported that her chin looked normal again a few days later.