Two-vaginal births were feared by a woman with a medical problem. She later shared her happiness after she gave birth to naturally.

Stephanie Haxton (29 years old) from Alaska and Ben Luedtke (31), welcomed Stella in August after an ‘unbalanced’ pregnancy. 

The baby she gave birth to was only in her left uterus.

Following unusual vaginal pains, she visited a gynaecologist at the age of 23 to be diagnosed with uterus Didelphys. 

Uterus Didelphys refers to a condition in which a woman has two uteruses. Rare conditions can cause patients to have an additional cervix or vagina. This was Ms Haxton’s case.

The condition — which affects as many as one in 5,000 — puts women at greater risk of a miscarriage or premature birth because the uteruses are smaller than normal, but most have a successful pregnancy.

Stephanie Haxton, 29, from Alaska, US, and partner Ben Luedtke, 31, welcomed their baby girl, Stella, last August

Stephanie Haxton, 29, a native of Alaska, US and Ben Luedtke (31), welcomed Stella to their family last August.

However, it can be difficult to have a baby because the tissue layer covering the inner walls of the uterus may not be fully developed, or the shape of the womb might make it more challenging. 

C-sections are usually performed for women with this condition. This makes Ms Haxton’s birth extra special.

What is  uterus didelphys?

Uterus Didelphys is also called a double-uterus condition. It is when a woman has two uterus and two separate cervixes. Sometimes, there are two vaginas.

Because the female foetus’ uterus is made up of two tiny tubes, it causes this phenomenon.

As the foetus develops, the tubes normally join to create one larger, hollow organ — the uterus.

The tubes sometimes don’t connect completely, and one of them becomes a hollow organ. This is why the woman may be born with two wombs.

This condition is often not apparent until puberty. It can be diagnosed by a physical examination or ultrasound scan.

The two wombs have a slightly different anatomy. However, they are still able to be just as large as the ‘normal’ one.

This allows you to become pregnant two times simultaneously – one with each baby.

Sometimes, a woman is born with both sexes and menstruation.

Ms. Haxton suffered from heavy periods since childhood, although she had never thought much of them before being diagnosed. 

Only later did she realize that the heavy flow was due to bleeding from her two uteruses.

Dr. She discovered that she was carrying two uteruses. Her vaginal and cervix s were separated by a small piece of skin known as a septum.

Because the septum didn’t extend to the end of her opening, she wasn’t aware that there were two vaginas during periods.

Her doctors told her that there were chances she may not get pregnant naturally. She also feared she might never have children. 

Ms Haxton said that she was first told about her pregnancy at a very young age. She didn’t believe I could have children and so never placed much hope on it.

“Just thought, if it happens, it will happen. It was said that if I wanted to have a baby, I would need to go through some very harsh testing.

“So I simply put it down and moved on. “I started my own business when time allowed.

After becoming pregnant at 27, she had an unplanned miscarriage.

Ms. Haxton fell in love again and became pregnant shortly thereafter.

She said: ‘It was one day when I realised, I had missed my period so I decided to do a pregnancy test and that’s when I found out I was pregnant.

“It was a high-risk pregnancies so every week I had an ultrasound. 

“I was also advised that carrying the baby to term would prove difficult because of the small uterus she was already in.

Stella’s lack of space in the womb was believed to have caused her difficulty developing or made it more likely that Stella would fall over with growing.

Ms Haxton stated that Stella was found in her left cervix. This meant that she grew only on my left stomach. I felt really lopsided during my pregnancy.

Uterus didelphys is a rare condition in which a woman is born with two uteruses. These can have their own cervixes or, rarely — as was the case with Stephanie — vaginas as well

A rare condition where a woman has two uteruses, uterus didelphys. These can have their own cervixes or, rarely — as was the case with Stephanie — vaginas as well 

Stella was born nine days late at 41 weeks a healthy baby with 'no real issues' despite concerns she would be premature

Stella was delivered nine days early at 41 weeks. Stella is a healthy baby, with no real health issues, despite being concerned she may be premature.

Despite concerns she would be born prematurely, Stella was born nine days late at 41 weeks.

Drs insisted on her labor, and she gave birth naturally.

Ms Haxton shared that she was a healthy child, with no serious issues. She did however need to have her septum removed so she could overcome it.

“The septum, which is the small amount of tissue between the two cervixes that are seperated, is what separates them. While they believed I’d need an emergency C/section, all the necessary equipment was there for me. I managed to get her with no complications.

“Roughly one in five women has this condition. I was first admitted to hospital because I had it.

“Now that I look back at it, I feel so fortunate. The team was so supportive. They were professional and mellow, even though not everyone understood the situation.

“She was perfectly fine, and she ended up being late.” It is a wonderful baby and I am grateful.