Woman, 59, hit with £120 of parking fines in a DAY for turning her car around to leave the Yorkshire street where she lives

  • Dianna Bakolis (59), was fined after she turned around at the station car parking entrance at the end her narrow cul de-sac.
  • Cameras register her number plate, and she is considered a user of the parking lot who has not purchased a ticket.
  • Ms Bakolis stated that there is no need for the camera to point up Station Road.
  • APCOA Parking who manages the carpark, said they are working on the problem. 

A mother was fined for using a parking lot entrance to turn her vehicle around to leave the narrow street she lives on. 

Dianne Bakolis, 59, was hit with £120 worth of fines after performing the manoeuvre outside the Station Road car park which serves Brough railway station, in east Yorkshire. 

Ms Bakolis claimed that she uses the station car park entrance to make a U-turn because of congestion in her narrow culde-sac. 

However, as she turns her vehicle around, APCOA’s parking enforcement camera, which is angled down Station Road registers her number plate. They consider her a user of the station parking lot who has not paid any tickets.  

The car park is located at Station Road’s end. It is a dead-end as it leads to Brough railway station. 

Dianne Bakolis, 59, was hit with £120 worth of fines after turning her car around at the entrance to the Station Road car park at Brough railway station. The picture shows the entrance taken from inside the car park looking back out onto Station Road where Ms Bakolis lives

Dianne Bakolis, 59, was hit with £120 worth of fines after turning her car around at the entrance to the Station Road car park at Brough railway station. The image shows the entrance from the car park, looking back onto Station Road, where Ms Bakolis lives.

A picture showing the area entrance to the car park where Ms Bakolis turns her vehicle around. She said she drives to this section as it is wider than the rest of Station Road

A photograph showing the entrance to the parking lot where Ms Bakolis turns around her car. She claimed that she drives to this area because it is larger than the rest of Station Road.

A picture showing Station Road from just outside the entrance to the car park. Ms Bakolis says she opts to turn her car around in the car park as Station Road is too narrow and often congested

A view of Station Road taken from the entrance to the parking lot. Ms Bakolis claims she chooses to park in the carpark and turn her car around because Station Road is too narrow.

Other motorists, including those picking up takeaways at a nearby Chinese restaurant and dropping off at the station, claimed that they were also hit with fines.

Ms Bakolis, who previously won appeals against APCOA said to Hull Daily Mail: “Sometimes it’s really difficult turning around on Station Road which is a deadend, so I sweep around in the carpark to make a turn.

‘The camera is angled down Station Road but it doesn’t have to be. There are no station parking bays.

“It seems that it’s purely to catch people out who aren’t even using the parking lot, they’re either dropping off and getting a Chinese.

“I appealed first one and won. I am now appealing the three I received in one-day.”

Station Road is located at the end of Station Road and is a dead-end as the far end of the car park is the entrance to Brough railway station

Station Road is located at Station Road’s end. This is a dead end as the entrance to Brough railway station is at the far end.

APCOA Parking, who run the car park, said they are aware of a 'current issue' at the site and are 'working to resolve it as quickly as possible'

APCOA Parking who manages the car parking said they are aware that there is a ‘current problem’ at the site, and are ‘working hard to resolve it as fast as possible’

Penny Coates, a resident, claimed that she received two fines in one morning and another the next day.

She said that she would turn her car around in the car park, and pulled into a space for parking. After waiting a few seconds, she was able pull her car out of the space. 

She stated, “I have been issued four tickets for this.”

“The last one I turned my back at the Chinese take-out.

“I am just waiting to hear about the outcome of my appeal.”

A spokesperson for APCOA Parking stated: “APCOA and Our Client are aware of an issue at this site, and are working to resolve that as quickly as possible.

“In the meantime, we encourage anyone who feels they have been wrongly served with a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN), to follow the appeals procedure so that we can respond to their particular case.”
