After finances were devastated by the Covid-19 pandemic, a women’s team of rugby players stripped off for a naked calendar in order to raise money.
The Carlisle Cougars took a risque series of photos and did a topless huddle, a lineout, and drills in their socks.
Vice captain Hannah Farrell, 26, said the experiencing was ‘nerve-wracking’ but once they got going the players were happier without their kit.

After their finances were devastated by the Covid-19 pandemic, a women’s team of rugby took off to create a naked calendar. The Carlisle Cougars are pictured

The Carlisle Cougars took risque photos and posed for a topless, bottomless lineout.
“To be completely honest, we joked about making a naked calendar for years, but we never got around to it.
“We always thought it would make a great laugh, and a great method to raise money for club, promote women’s rugby, celebrate our strong bodies,” she said.
“After Covid, the club was closed for a long period of time. So we thought now was the right time to raise money for the club, encourage women to try rugby, and do it.
“We all get along well in the changing rooms each week, but when it comes to the photo shoot, we were all a little nervous!”

Hannah Farrell, 26, vice captain, said that the experience was ‘nerve-wracking’. However, once they got started the players were happier with their kit. The tram performs drills

Enjoy the naked bottom! The women’s rugby team has swapped drop goals for dropped shorts, stripping off for a scrum-ptious calendar to promote the sport

You’re ready to show it all! The team stated that they were happy to wear their best and had a lot more fun photographing the calendar.
“But, after the first picture was taken, we quickly relaxed.
“We also had some prosecco flowing to give us a little Dutch courage! You couldn’t get your clothes off us by the end of the shoot! We all felt so empowered, strong, confident.
14 local businesses were able to play a supporting part in funding a photographer and printing. Hannah will receive a bonus point for the money she generates from the calendar.
She stated that her goal was to show women that everyone can play rugby, regardless of their size, experience, or shape.

High five! As they pose for the naked calendar, the team gives high fives while they don’t wear bottoms.

Up and away! The team swapped drop goals for dropped shorts as posed up a storm today
“There is always a place for you on a rugby side, regardless of your ability to run five or 500m. No matter your rugby experience, we accept and welcome all players.
“Our players range from 18-40 years old, some of them are mothers, siblings, wives, aunties, and cousins.
“We have players from students and shift workers, and are understanding and open to all circumstances.
“Women have a lot of things on their plates – family, work, and friends – so rugby can be a space to have your own space and let go of any tensions while still getting fit!