A council that has been banned from culling seagulls plans to record distressed birds to scare them from the area.
Officials in Worcester planned to become the first English city to cull seagulls after 40 years. But they soon discovered that such an illegal action was against the law. The Wildlife and Countryside act protects seagulls.
Instead, officers from the council want to record seagulls in distress so they can be discouraged. They have been known to dive bomb pedestrians and steal food.
Since then, the council revealed they would be investing £60,000 of taxpayers’ cash, likely to rise to £74,500 in 2022, exploring other options.
These ideas included investing in a cherry picker and lasers to help seagull nests be destroyed on tall buildings.
Now, the authority is looking at a number new ideas. This includes the playing of recordings of distress calls from gulls in an attempt to scare them away.
Andy Stafford, Worcester City Council’s chairman of the environment committee, stated that “there are only a handful of gulls left” at this time of the year.
“But, everyone in the city knows that they become a pest when they return in spring for nesting season. In some cases, they pose a threat to public safety and health.

Officials in Worcester are looking to take action against the rogue seagull flocks that have been attacking members and guests of the public

The town is home to large numbers of gulls and is located more than 30 miles from the River Severn’s tidal sections.

Officials are trying to find innovative ways of decreasing the number of gulls within the area, but are not allowed to cull them under wildlife laws.

Seagulls are increasingly finding their way to urban areas far from the nearest ocean. They have become a more successful species, thriving and living in cities that are miles away from the nearest sea.

It is believed that the seagulls continued their hunt for food up the River Severn before they settled in Worcester.
‘Earlier this year we doubled the budget to tackle the problems they cause to £60,000 and now is the time when we have to start planning for their return, so that we make sure there are fewer breeding pairs in 2022.’
Local residents consider the idea of playing the sounds of seagulls in the city’s landlocked city ‘bizarre and impractical’.
Felicity Shaw, 41-year-old mother-of-one, lives near the city center and said that the birds have been causing misery in the lives of residents for years.
She stated that she was able to see the problems these birds can cause, and suggested that distress calls be used. This is the strangest thing I’ve ever heard.
“Surely it’s going a hassle and impractical to emit these terrible squawking sounds off our rooftops.
“How in the world would that work?” Are we going have music festival speakers mounted on top the cathedral that blast out bird sounds at high volume?
It just sounds weird.
Brian Toye (55-year-old supermarket worker) said: “I didn’t think that this council could come upwith many more birdbrained ideas, but this one is the best.
“Something has to be done but I’m glad they’re at least exploring options.

Officials are looking into whether it is possible to prevent seagulls from returning to the area by playing distress audio.

Seagulls have been a source of concern for many people across the country.
“I would love to hear how they propose to play sounds seagulls – I’m sick of hearing fake birds over the real ones.”
The new action plan also proposes three experimental gull nest exclusion zones within the city center.
With a range of measures taken to achieve this goal, the plan is to ensure that there are no nesting birds in these areas.
This includes installing spikes and netting at popular nesting locations, as well a variety of activities that can disturb birds, such as tapping roofs or shining light.
Councillors may also consider subsidizing property owners to make their homes gull-proof, and campaigning to change national rules.
Adrian Gregson is a Labour Councillor representing Rainbow Hill ward. He said that he doesn’t know what Conservatives will do these days.
“It has been a continuing problem, and this issue of the gulls does get heated on both side of the argument.
“But to call to play distressed gull sounds is clearly resorting in desperate measures.
“I haven’t heard of this method before, and it doesn’t sound very pleasant to me.”
Mike Johnson, a Conservative Councillor representing St. Peter’s, stated that there is clearly a problem with the gulls of Worcester.
“It’s not something I am very close to. But whether playing distress gull sound is the answer, who know’s.
Rainbow Hill Labour Councillor Tom Collins said that the problem isn’t going away. We need to work smarter, and not harder.
“I believe that the distressed gull sound is a new technology in which the council was offered a free trial. It’s unclear what more will come of this.
“I don’t think that this idea of playing distressedgull sounds, will be cost-effective – it seems it is a push with no clear strategy.
“But, we must look at many options – distressed sounds of gulls being one of them.
“The gulls don’t think stupid, but we must work smart to manage their effect on people.
“I will be watching with interest to hear if the distressed sounding gulls go ahead or not.”
“Obviously, if you play the exact same sounds over and again, the gulls will realize it is just a sound, and nothing to be concerned about.
“I believe that many businesses are trying different initiatives to support city centers like ours.
“You wouldn’t want distressed gulls sounds where you live,” so we need make sure they are placed in a safe place for following it.
“But, we can try new things.
Worcester City Council spokesperson said that distressed gull sounds should be heard in industrial areas, not residential.
“The purpose of this report is to suggest what actions could be taken next fiscal year. The committee will then decide whether they proceed during a meeting next week.
Different principles will apply to different areas.
“The Lower Wick industrial site is where the playing and distress calls of gulls would be done, along with the flashing of lights. Residents will not be disturbed by this.
“This is about trying new approaches. We have done a lot of research to see what other places do.
“It’s all about combining that information and seeing how we can accomplish it.
“We have had some success in installing gull-proof cages on the roofs at residential properties.
“For example, Britannia Square has seen a variety of actions, including the installation of steel mesh on top of buildings and regular flying of hawks. There are no nesting birds on Britannia Square.
“These tend to work but it is a combination if you do a few things.”

These gulls were photographed in Worcester. They are more than 30 minutes from the nearest stretch tidalwater on the Bristol Channel.

When seagulls dive from the sky to steal food, they can cause illness and injury.