Two teenage girls found the body of a father of one in the woods after they noticed their toes sticking out from the ground while eating a picnic. The hands of both of them were severed at the wrist, according to a murder trial.

Tomasz Dembler’s remains, aged 39, were found in Normanby on April 12, 2013.

Teesside Crown Court is currently investigating five Polish citizens, four men and one women. They are accused of the murder of Mr. Dembler.

Zbigniew Pavlowski, 41 of Newport, Middlesbrough. Rafal Chomielewski 37 of Grangetown. Tomasz Rczycki 37 of Grove Hill. Middlesbrough. Adam Czerwinski 45 of North Ormesby. Monika Solerska 37 of Grangetown. All deny murder.

The body of father-of-one Tomasz Dembler (above), which was found in woodland by two teenage girls who spotted toes sticking out of the ground as they ate a picnic, had both hands severed at the wrist, a murder trial has heard

Tomasz Dembler’s body (above), was discovered in woods by two teenager girls, who noticed toes protruding from the ground during a picnic. Both hands were then severed, according to a murder trial.

The remains of Mr Dembler, 39, were found near Flatts Lane Country Park in Normanby, North Yorkshire, on April 12 last year. (Above, police at the scene)

Last April, the remains of Mr Dembler (39), were discovered in Normanby’s Flatts Lane Country Park. (Above: police on the spot)

Peter Makepeace, QC, the prosecutor, described the horrifying discovery in detail as he opened this morning’s case.

He said two teenage girls were playing on woodland that borders the country park when they chanced upon Mr Dembler’s dead body.

The girls were enjoying a picnic in the woods and noticed their toes poke through the ground. They called the police around 3:25 PM.

According to Mr Makepeace, the body had lost both arms and each hand was ripped off the wrist with a sharp tool.

The body was further examined and found to have been repeatedly subjected blunt force trauma.

According to the court, Mr Dembler was a father of one and had been living in the UK for several years. He had also been reported missing by family and friends.

M. Makepeace stated that Mr. Dembler made the move to Darlington in 2019. He then moved to Middlesbrough. His lifestyle was deteriorating in the months preceding his death.

Pictured, police at the country park. Five fellow Polish nationals - four men and one woman - are on trial at Teesside Crown Court accused of Mr Dembler's murder. Zbigniew Pawlowski, 41, of Newport, Middlesbrough; Rafal Chmielewski, 37, of Grangetown; Tomasz Reczycki, 37, of Grove Hill, Middlesbrough; Adam Czerwinski, 45, of North Ormesby; and Monika Solerska, 37, of Grangetown, all deny murder

Photographed: Police officers at the country park. Teesside Crown Court is currently investigating five Polish nationals, four men and one women. They are accused of killing Mr. Dembler. Zbigniew Pavlowski, 41; Rafal Chomielewski 37; Tomasz Rezicki 37; Adam Czerwinski 45; Monika Solerska 37; all are accused of murder.

He was accused of having taken illicit drugs and drinking excessively, according to the court.

According to the prosecution on March 14, 2013, Mr. Dembler moved to the home of Mr. Czerwinski on Edward Street, North Ormesby.

The prosecution claims that Mr. Dembler was found at this address and died shortly after moving into.

According to the court, even though he was separated from his family members, Dembler used social media sites.

Although their relationship was difficult, he maintained contact with his Polish mother several times per week.

His final message to his family, which he sent just hours prior to his last movements on March 20, at 3.18 am, read: “Leave me alone.”

Mister Makepeace said that Mr. Dembler used drink and drug abuse and was “sofa surfing” at the time of Mr. Makepeace’s death. The court was told that he had not been given a permanent address or employment.

He was said to have been friends with Mr Chmielewski, and that he became close with other defendants.

Also, the jury saw CCTV footage showing Mr Dembler’s most recent movements in North Ormesby on Monday 21 March at approximately 9.30pm.

The trial is continuing. 

The court heard Mr Dembler, a father-of-one, had lived in the UK for some years and had been reported as missing by friends and relatives. (Police at the park in April last year)

According to the court, Mr Dembler was a father of one and had lived in Britain for several years. He had also been reported missing by family and friends. Police at the park last April.