Zelensky, the Ukrainian president’s wife, has asked media to tell the horrendous truth that Putin’s troops kill children “consciously and cynically”.

Olena Zelenska posted on Instagram that Russians were killing Ukrainian children ever since Putin invaded Ukraine in February 24.

To’save her children’, she asked Nato to establish a no fly zone above Ukraine.

“The Russian occupiers are murdering Ukrainian children,” she said. Conscientiously, cynically.

Olena Zelenska (pictured) took to Instagram to say Russians had been killing Ukrainian children since Putin's forces invaded on February 24

Olena Zelenska (pictured), took to Instagram to claim that Russians were killing Ukrainian children ever since Putin invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2017.

An 18-month-old boy named Kirill (pictured being carried by his father) was fatally wounded in the the southern city of Mariupol after Russian forces shelled Ukraine's second city just minutes into an agreed ceasefire on Saturday

Kirill (18 months old) died in Mariupol, after Russian forces attacked Ukraine’s second capital just minutes before an agreed ceasefire.

She wrote: 'When people in Russia say that their troops are not hurting the civilian population, show them these pictures!'

She stated that if Russians say their troops do not harm civilians, they should show these photographs!

“I must tell you about it. Ukraine already has 38 child deaths. 

This could be because of the recent shellings in our peaceful cities.

“Show them these images when Russian soldiers claim they don’t harm the civilian population.”

Devastating images show the father of an 18-month-old boy named Kirill running into a hospital in Ukraine with his dying son

In devastationing images, Kirill’s father runs with his dead son to the hospital in Ukraine.

The grieving parents embraced their son's lifeless body laid out on a stretcher in the besieged city after the region came under shelling from Russian forces

Following the Russian bombardment of the city, his body was left on a stretcher and the grieving parents took their son to heart.

Images have laid bare the barbarity and horror of Russia's invasion of Ukraine as the parents of 18-month-old Kirill were seen grieving for their son after the toddler was killed by Russian shelling

Pictures have revealed the horror of Russia’s invasion in Ukraine. Kirill, the 18-month old boy’s mother, was seen grieving for her son following the death of their toddler by Russian shelling. 

An 18-month-old boy named Kirill was fatally wounded in the the southern city of Mariupol after Russian forces shelled Ukraine’s second city just minutes into an agreed ceasefire on Saturday. 

Later, Kirill’s mother Marina Yatsko was seen with her devastated boyfriend Fedor as she embraced the body of their son on a stretcher outside the city.  

The bodies of all those who were killed in the mortar attack could be seen lying on the road, yesterday in one of the most heartbreaking scenes of war.

There were also suitcases, which they packed in anticipation of their journey to safety. Even a pet carrier was included in the luggage.

A mother and two children were killed and the father was wounded by a mortar shell in Irpin near Kyiv on Sunday as hundreds of civilians sought safety

Mother and her two young children were both killed by the mortar shell fired in Irpin on Sunday. This happened as thousands of civilians tried to flee danger.

A person who was trying to flee with his family, lies on the ground after the shelling of the Russian army at the evacuation point of Irpin

After the bombardment of the Russian army at Irpin, a person trying to flee his family lies down on the ground. 

Vladimir Putin’s forces attacked Irpin 12 miles west of Kyiv and killed three family members.

The horror-inducing images show the horrendous experience that mothers and their children had as they fled from Russian artillery fire.

The 11th day was a terrible day for men, women, and children. Their neighbourhoods were destroyed and they were targeted.

The Red Cross brokered ceasefires in Ukraine and closed humanitarian corridors. According to the UK government, Russia targeted ‘populated areas’ in order to crush the resistance of the Ukrainian population.

This heinous tactic was undisputed last night, despite Putin’s deniations and disinformation emanating from Moscow.

Mrs Zelenska added: ‘Show them the faces of these children who weren’t even given a chance to grow up. To convince Russian soldiers to cease firing and open humanitarian corridors, how many children would need to be killed?

On the 11th day of the conflict, men, women and children were needlessly targeted and their neighbourhoods reduced to ruins. Pictured: The Zelensky family

The 11th day was a bloody one. Children, women, and men were all targeted. Photo: The Zelensky family

“We have to build corridors in some of the most crowded cities in Ukraine. There are hundreds of children who die in these basements, without any food or medical attention.

Russian soldiers gun down families trying to escape the buildings. They also shoot volunteers trying to aid.

“I appeal for all impartial media worldwide!

“Tell this horrifying truth: Russian invaders are killing Ukrainian children.

Tell Russian mother’s what your sons do in Ukraine.

“Show these pictures to Russian women! Your husbands, brothers and compatriots are murdering Ukrainian children!”

“Let them know they are responsible personally for every Ukrainian child’s death because they tacitly consented to such crimes.

To NATO countries, close the skies over Ukraine It will save our children tomorrow, so please spare them!

Just days ago a captured Russian soldier begged his family not to believe Moscow ‘propaganda’ as he claimed Putin’s troops are killing children in the Ukraine.

A soldier, who has been captured by Ukrainian forces, urged people not to trust what they hear on Russian television as he claimed that the Kremlin are 'brainwashing' people

In a video, which was shared to Facebook by the Security Service of Ukraine, the soldier claims that Russian troops are killing civilians and babies in the Ukraine

Ukrainian forces captured a soldier and he advised the people not to believe what they heard on Russian television. The Kremlin were allegedly brainwashing them.

Ukrainian forces have captured the soldier. The man, who was reportedly a Russian citizen, advised people to not trust anything they saw on Russian television.

In a video, which was shared to Facebook by the Security Service of Ukraine, the soldier claims that Russian troops are killing civilians and babies in the Ukraine.

“What’s happening here?” he says. [in the Ukraine]Russia is at fault. It is not Ukraine, nor any other country. They [Russian troops]Killing civilians. Children are being killed. 

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