Alan Carr’s husband Paul Drayton, 50, has revealed he needs a life saving operation before Christmas due to having a chronic subdural hematoma.

Paul explained that he has been married since 2008 to Alan (45), a funnyman. He would remain offline for some time after learning that he needed emergency surgery.

The shocking revelation comes after his court case last month which saw him plead guilty at Brighton Magistrates to a drink-driving charge. 

'Broken': Alan Carr's husband Paul Drayton revealed that he needs life saving surgery just weeks after pleading guilty to a drink-driving charge

Paul Drayton, Alan Carr’s wife, revealed to him that he needed lifesaving surgery after his plea guilty to the drink-driving offense. 

Paul took to social media and explained that he has a chronic subdural hemoma. They [surgeons]You will have to make two holes in order to drain it. We expect to have it drained within the next couple of days.

He said: ‘I won’t be on here for a while but will read all your messages as it gives me comfort and peace’ before thanking his followers for their ‘messages and love’.

An SDH (subdural hematoma chronic) is a blood clot on the brain’s skin, below the outer layer. 

It often forms several days or even weeks after the bleeding stops. Most often, bleeding is caused by a head injury. 

Paul booked an appointment after he fell from a horse. His head felt numb. 

Paul posted a series on Instagram Thursday to address his followers. He said, “I feel very sorry for me but also very guilty because I know that a lot you are going through so much.” 

Diagnosis: The husband of the Chatty Man said: 'I have a chronic subdural hematoma. 'They [surgeons] have to drill two small holes to drain it. Hopefully in the next few days' (Paul and Alan pictured in 2019)

Diagnosis: The husband of the Chatty Man said: ‘I have a chronic subdural hematoma. ‘They [surgeons]To drain the water, you will need to drill two holes. It should be done in the next few hours.

Opening up: He added: 'I'm feeling very sorry for myself but also feeling very guilty as I know a lot of you are going through a lot'

Opening up: He added: ‘I’m feeling very sorry for myself but also feeling very guilty as I know a lot of you are going through a lot’

He added: ‘I’m feeling broken and I am trying not to cry whilst recording these messages. But, I hope you’re all well and that we can look forward to a better 2022.’ 

The upcoming procedure comes after he pleaded guilty at Brighton Magistrates’ Court in November for a charge of drink-driving.

A judge warned him that he would be sent to jail for admitting to drinking-driving charges. He told him that it was an amazing miracle no one died when he took the wheel of a car four times more than the legal limit.

Paul was accused of drink-driving after he reversed into a police car, narrowly missing a mother pushing a pram, while in his Mitsubishi 4×4 in West Sussex, just three miles from the £2.7 million home he shares with Alan.

Charge: Paul was accused of drink-driving in November and admitted his guilt after initially denying the charge at Brighton Magistrates' Court

Charge: Paul was accused of drink-driving in November and admitted his guilt after initially denying the charge at Brighton Magistrates’ Court

He initially denied the charges but at Brighton Magistrates Court he admitted guilt. This case is now being sentencing.

Paul was accused of driving under the influence of 153mcg in 100ml. He was well over the limit for 35mcg, but initially claimed that his breathalyser wasn’t working correctly. 

Amanda Kelly, District Judge of the United States told Paul: “The start point for this offense is a twelve week sentence in prison and that was for somebody who had less alcohol than him and didn’t drive a police car.”

“I will request a pre-sentence investigation, but it is very likely that you will end up in prison.”

Troubled: Paul was accused of drink-driving after he reversed into a police car, narrowly missing a mother pushing a pram while four times over the limit

Paul, who was arrested for drink driving following a rear-end collision with a police car. Paul narrowly missed the mother pushing a pram and she was only four times over the limit.

Judge continued, “You are putting the public at risk by operating in this state.” It’s a miracle that you haven’t killed or injured another person.  

You are disqualified now from driving starting today. You should be as truthful and transparent as possible with probation, although custody is probable.

Paul- who has been married to comedian Alan since 2018 – has a history of alcoholism and went into rehab that year.

The comedian admitted that lockdown had made his husband reintroduce to drinking last August.        

History: Paul- who has been married to comedian Alan since 2018 - has a history of alcoholism and went into rehab that year

History: Paul, who is married to Alan the comedian since 2018, has a history with alcoholism. He entered rehab in that year.

Alan stated that he wanted to help his husband after he began drinking again.

The comedian spoke out in August about how his spouse ‘fell off’ the wagon while Alan was filming in Wales. But that he was still working with Paul in order to support him.

Chat show host stated that Paul had fallen off his wagon, and started to drink again while he was filming in location.

“Paul had bruises and cuts from an alcohol binge upon his return from Wales.

“We’re now working together in order to provide the support he requires to improve his health, and that is our first priority.” 

Help: In August, Alan said he was trying to get his husband the 'help he needs' after he started drinking again

Help: Alan stated that he wanted to help his husband after he had started drinking again in August.