Shh! Anti-agers are something that everyone needs to know about: How can I cover my new vitiligo skin spots at 77?

  • An anonymous reader requested advice to cover large areas caused by vitiligo.
  • Inge van Lotringen spoke to Dr Selena Langdon about the choices of treatment 
  • Dr Langdon suggests steroid creams, oral steroids and UV-phototherapy 

Q I’ve developed vitiligo at age 77; I’m not sure what’s triggered it. What would you do to cover the large white patches of skin it leaves?

A Dr Selena Langdon ( warns that late-onset vitiligo — a melanin disorder that can appear all over the body and face — can be set off by underlying autoimmune conditions such as thyroid disease, so do please get a check-up with your GP.

Winnie Harlow, a high-profile celebrity, is helping to normalize the condition. However, for those who wish to treat it there are options available. These include topical steroid creams and oral steroids. Dr Langdon also suggests UV-phototherapy. But they can come with major side effects, especially if you’re of advanced age.

Inge van Lotringen was asked by a reader for advice about covering large areas of vitiligo (file photo)

So make sure you do this under the guidance of a professional you’ve been referred to by your GP; most vitiligo treatment is available on the NHS. For short-term protection, skin camouflage products can be purchased through organisations like Changing Faces (BASC) and The British Association of Skin Camouflages (BASC).

‘They are waterproof and can be applied anywhere on the body; brands include Dermacolor (, Keromask and Covermark.’ Costs for a tube are around £20.

Vitiligo can expose you to severe sun damage and skin cancer. Make sure you always use high-factor sunscreen. Heliocare 360*MD AK Fluid SPF100+, (£32.99, is the kind of protection you need.

Inge van Lotringen (pictured) shared advice from Dr Selena Langdon who suggests steroid creams, oral steroids and UV-phototherapy

Inge van Lotringen (pictured) shared advice from Dr Selena Langdon who suggests steroid creams, oral steroids and UV-phototherapy

Email your questions to Ingeborg van L otringen, Author of Great Skin,
