Experts say procrastinating at night even though you’re tired is usually a sign of a lack of’me-time’.
After a study that found that people deliberately delayed their bedtime, the phenomenon known as revenge sleeptime procrastination (or sleep procrastination) was created in 2014.
The study revealed that people struggle to find the time to read a book or watch Netflix, even if they have other responsibilities.
Experts say that procrastinating before bed even if you’re tired is a sign that you lack’me time’ throughout the day.
The Sleep Foundation warns that sleep deprivation can be caused by late nights, early mornings, and high-stress days. This is especially true for long-term health.
They said that cutting down on sleep can have negative effects on mental, emotional, and physical health with both short- and long-term consequences.
Despite it being tempting at the moment, there are many reasons not to procrastinate about sleeping.
Experts say that being up late does not automatically make you a sleep procrastinator.
According to the Sleep Foundation, there are three things you need to think about before you can be called a sleep procrastinator.
You should not delay going to bed on time, even though it may reduce your overall sleep time.
There should be no reason to delay your sleep. You should also be aware of the potential negative consequences of staying up too late.
The idea behind the common problem is that people want to take revenge for daylight hours – when they don’t have free time.
Australian company Bed Threads recently researched revenge sleep procrastination and found the 2014 study from The Netherlands revealed the more people continue to think about work-related issues and be involved in work activities during their off-job hours, the less likely they will be able to restore their energies.
This means that to mentally unwind after a hectic day, we need to make time for leisure. This often means that we sacrifice our precious sleep time.
The Bed Threads team shared tips on how to integrate leisure time into your day, so you don’t feel like you have to sacrifice sleep.
They recommend that you limit yourself to one episode of your favorite television show, and that you meditate before going to bed to unwind.
While studies on sleep procrastination may still be in their infancy, data suggests that it is more common among students and women.
People who procrastinate throughout their day are more likely than others to fall into the “revenge sleep cycle”.