Two days after the death of their mother, a brother or sister and a friend were killed at a sleepover were buried in an intimate funeral.

John Paul Bennett, 13, was found dead with his sister Lacey, 11; their mother Terri Harris (35), and Lacey’s friend Connie Gent (11), at a sleepover last month.

Police officers were called to report concerns about a man’s safety in Killamarsh (Delawareshire) on Sunday, September 19. 

John Paul Bennett, 13, and his sister Lacey, 11, from Killamarsh, Derbyshire, were laid to rest in a private ceremony this week, just two days after the funeral of their mother Terri Harris, 35

John Paul Bennett, 13, and his sister Lacey, 11, from Killamarsh, Derbyshire, were laid to rest in a private ceremony this week, just two days after the funeral of their mother Terri Harris, 35

Damien Bendall is Ms Harris’ boyfriend and has been charged with all four murders. He has been remanded into custody. The trial for the 31-year-old will begin in March.

Two days after the tragic deaths of their mother, mourners lined up to say farewell on Saturday to their sister and brother at a private ceremony.

Jason Bennett, their father who was devastated by their loss, had asked the mourners to learn and sing along at the service to The Greatest Showman’s Never Enough.

Tragic siblings John, 13 and Lacey, 11, were found dead alongside their mother Terri Harris and Lacey's friend Connie Gent, 11, during a sleepover on Sunday, September 19

Tragic siblings John, 13 and Lacey, 11, were found dead alongside their mother Terri Harris and Lacey’s friend Connie Gent, 11, during a sleepover on Sunday, September 19

He stated that he would sing the Hugh Jackman song with his “beautiful children” while driving in his car, and it held special memories.

At Mr Bennett’s request, the funeral details of his children were kept private. Only close friends and family attended.

He posted previously on Facebook: “A message to all those attending my baby’s funeral. All are welcome. I have a request for anyone who can help me during the day. 

Connie Gent, 11, was at a sleepover where she was found dead alongside friend Lacey, John and their mother Terri Harris

Connie Gent, 11 years old, was at a sleepover when she was found dead with her friend Lacey, John, and their mother Terri Harris

“Me and my children used to sing a certain song together in our car, and belt it out like no other.

“I’m trying not to lose my strength and I’m trying to keep my babies safe. I’m trying to hold them both on my shoulders so I can belt out the song as loud as possible.

“Sing along, if you want, and give me strength and hope. Celebrate my beautiful happy children. My love to everyone. 

The children’s funeral took place just days after well-wishers lined streets outside St Giles Church in Killamarsh (on the outskirts Sheffield) for Terri Harris’ funeral.

Two horses pulled a white carriage carrying the coffin of West Ham fan. It was pulled by a white carriage. 

Flowers were placed on top of the casket and on top of it, while flowers were placed outside the chapel.

Mourners bowed as the procession progressed, and many were sobbing.

One card said: “My dear friend Terri, I will treasure our memories together.” May you and your children rest in perfect peace. The service ended with the release of two doves, as well as blue and pink balloons.

Only close friends and family were able to attend the service. However, it was transmitted on loudspeakers that could be heard inside the church grounds.

Following the service, Ms. Harris was cremated privately in Chesterfield. Ms Harris, a caregiver, was born in London’s east and lived there until she was 17. She then moved to Sheffield with her mother.

The children's heartbroken father Jason Bennett had previously asked mourners to learn and sing along to The Greatest Showman's Never Enough at their funeral which was held this week

Jason Bennett, the father of the children and a heartbroken son to them, had previously asked mourners for help singing along to The Greatest Showman’s Never Enough at their recent funeral.

Her family said that she would travel to Essex often to spend time with her dad.

In the wake of the tragic deaths on 19 September, the devastated father collapsed in tears as he laid flowers near the home where they were killed.

Bennett stayed on-site for over half an-hour and said that he was heartbroken; million pieces broken; shattered.

Two days before the children's funeral, mourners watched on in tears as a horse and carriage carried the coffin of Terri Harris to St Giles Church in Killamarsh, on the outskirts of Sheffield

Two days before the funeral, mourners watched in shock as Terri Harris’ coffin was carried by horse and carriage to St Giles Church in Killamarsh.

Well wishers lined the streets and paid their respects for the funeral of Terri Harris

Terri Harris’ funeral was attended by many well-wishers who lined the streets to pay their respects.

Ms Harris' coffin is carried into the church off the carriage after it passed through the crowds

After it has passed through the crowds, Ms Harris’ coffin was lifted off the carriage and taken to the church.

He said in a statement that his life would never be the same. The tragic loss of John Lacey, Terri, and Connie has left families devastated.

‘I’ve been left broken. I’m devastated. John and Lacey brought so much love and joy into our lives. They will be missed by me and their big sister. We will forever cherish and remember them.

“We also want to thank everyone’s loving support. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by the tragic loss four precious lives.

The 35-year-old was found dead with her children John Paul Bennett, 13, Lacey Bennett, 11, and Lacey's friend Connie Gent, 11, at a house in Killamarsh, Derbyshire, on Sunday, September 19

The 35-year-old was found dead with her children John Paul Bennett, 13, Lacey Bennett, 11, and Lacey’s friend Connie Gent, 11, at a house in Killamarsh, Derbyshire, on Sunday, September 19

Charles Gent, Connie’s father, said that the pain was indescribable. It’s a horrible nightmare. But it’s not. Every morning I wake up hoping it was a nightmare. It’s the unimaginable reality that my little girl has left.

‘Connie was a true superstar in every way. She had a gift that made anyone feel better.

“She lit up every room and meant something to everyone she met, even in difficult times. Connie was a great person who could keep everyone smiling.

“This by far is my most difficult experience; it still doesn’t feel real.

One card read: 'My lovely friend Terri, I will treasure the memories we made. May you and your babies rest in perfect peace'

One card read: “My dear friend Terri. I will treasure the memories that we made. May you and your children rest in perfect peace.

“Fly safe, my angel. They came for you, and they left me behind. I couldn’t say goodbye so I’ll see your soon. I love you more that you can imagine, forever and ever.

Angela Smith, Lawrence Harris and Ms. Harris issued a joint statement through police.

They said, “Our Terri, our daughter. Our world, our everything.” She was our princess from the day she was born and she remained that way until her cruel death.

“She was an amazing mom; her babies were her universe. Terri would go out of her way to help her family and friends, as well as anyone else who needed her assistance.

Pictured: Flowers left at the scene following news of the tragic deaths on 19 September

Pictured: Flowers left on the spot following the tragic news of the 19 September deaths 

They added that “She loved her job as an aid worker and would do everything for the people she helped.”

“She will be missed more that any words can ever convey, not only by her family, but by everyone who had the honor to have been a part of her life.”

Pictured: Damien Bendall is next due to appear at Nottingham Crown Court on November 26

Pictured: Damien Bendall will next appear at Nottingham Crown Court, November 26

An inquest into the deaths heard that a coroner was still waiting for post-mortem reports. However, he said that they died from a violent attack.

Chesterfield Coroner’s Court heard that Bendall’s relative called Dorset Police to report that the defendant had suffered a self-inflicted stabbing wound.

Peter Nieto, the area coroner, was informed that Bendall met cops at the address and they entered the house to find the bodies. 

Bendall is scheduled to plead guilty at Nottingham Crown Court on November 26,